21. Misunderstanding leads

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Avneet - You know what, jannat, siddharth is mine, only mine. No one can take him away from me, not even you.
Jannat - We will see it.

After saying this jannat goes from there. Avneet also goes to attend her lecture.

Skips to next day
In afternoon

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I am alone at home, sitting in hall using my phone then door bell rings, who it must be?

I keep my phone aside and goes to open the door. I opened the door and sees siddharth standing.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.

He enters inside, she close the door and follow him.

Avneet - What do you want?
Siddharth - Why are you talking to me like this? And why are you not talking to me since yesterday?
Avneet - I was not in mood.
Siddharth - Whatever.

He keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer and capture her lips with his, they started smooching each other's lips. She keep her 1 hand around his neck and with the other one she start caressing his hairs. He pick her up, she wrap her legs around his torso. He takes her inside her bedroom.

He placed her on bed, they breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. She started opening button of his shirt and throw it away. She capture his lips with her. They started kissing again. His hands went inside her top and he started touching her back.

They breaks the kiss after a minute and he pull her top and throw it away. He again capture her lips with his. They kissed each other for a minute then breaks the kiss.

He move towards her neck and started sucking her soft spot. His hands were touching her waist. She was moaning his name. He started placing wet kisses on her jawline to her cleavage. She moaned loudly. Whole house is filled with her moans. She pushed him on bed and sits on his stomach.

She started kissing and biting his abs. He moaned in pleasure. She move towards his neck and started licking and sucking his soft spot. He change the position now she was under him. He kissed her again, his hands reached at the hook of her bra.


He opened it and throws it away.

He takes her right nipple in his mouth and started sucking it while massaging the other one. She was moaning loudly. After few minutes he left her right nipple and takes the other one in his mouth and started sucking it.

He left her breast after few minutes and moves down. He kissed her on her stomach.  He pull her panty down and throw it away. He remove his pants and boxers. Then he entered inside her and started thrusting inside her. She was moaning his name. They continued till tiredness could seen in their eyes.


Then he laid down on bed beside her. He.covered them with duvet. She keep her head on his chest, he wrap his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

Then they slept in each others arms.

2 hours later

Avneet's P.O.V

I wake up but didn't found siddharth sleeping beside me. I look at the wall clock, it is 4 in the evening. Shit! Did he went to meet her? I am naked right now, I wrap the duvet around me and quickly steps out of the bed.

I enter in hall and sees siddharth. Thank god he is here! He is fully dressed, I think he is going to meet her but I won't let him go anywhere. I goes and back hugs him.

Siddharth - You woke up!
Avneet - Yes!

I goes and stands in front of him.

He kissed my forehead.

Siddharth - Stay here, I will be back soon.
Avneet - But we were spending today together, right?
Siddharth - But avu I told you na that I have some work to do.
Avneet - But you came here so I thought we are spending today together.
Siddharth - Love, right now I have to go, I will be back in 1 hour.
Avneet - But sid...

Siddharth cuts her in between - Pls avu.

Avneet - Where are you going?
Siddharth - I have some work.
Avneet - I wanna know what's that important work you have.
Siddharth - Why are you asking this?
Avneet - Why? Is there any problem? Oh, I got it, that important work you have is private. It's fine, go.

I turn to go but he hold my wrist and pull me closer.

Siddharth - It's nothing like that, love...But try to understand, I need to go.
Avneet - Fine, bye.
Siddharth - Bye.

He peck my lips and goes from there. There was a choice for him to stay with me here or to go out to meet her and he choose her.

A tear fall from my eyes.

But I need to know what they are going to do.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

At siddharth's side

He reach at cafe and sees jannat sitting there. He walk towards her.

Siddharth - Hey.
Jannat - Hi.

She hugs him, he also hugs her back, they breaks the hug and sits.

Siddharth - So what do you wanna talk about?
Jannat - Sid, whatever I am going to tell, listen it very carefully.
Siddharth - Ya, say.
Jannat - Sid, I don't think avneet is a right girl for you.
Siddharth - What?
Jannat - Yes!

Avneet also enters in that cafe, she goes and sits near a table where siddharth and jannat were sitting. She overheard their conversation.

Siddharth - What do you mean? Why are you saying all this?
Jannat - Just to be clear, I still love you.

A tear fall from avneet's eyes after hearing this.

Siddharth - What?
Jannat - Yes!
Siddharth - What the hell are you saying?
Jannat - Did you tell her about us?

Avneet's P.O.V

What does she mean by "us"?

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - What do you mean by about ''us?".
Jannat - Our past...Did you tell her that we were in a relationship.
Siddharth - Why are you bringing this topic.
Jannat - Becoz I still love you!

Avneet's whole world stop that time.

Siddharth - What the hell are you saying?
Jannat - Sid, I know I made a mistake in past and I am so sorry about that. I want you back.
Siddharth - Jannat stop this nonsense.
Jannat - I know I left you becoz of your possessiveness and I am so sorry for that.

Avneet's P.O.V

I was right, something is going on between them. I can't hear this anymore.

P.O.V ends.

She quickly gets up from there and goes back her home.

Meanwhile at siddharth's side

Siddharth - Jannat I love avu.
Jannat - Sid, she is not a right girl for you.
Siddharth - Come on, jannat, avu is the right girl for me...She is my girlfriend and I love her so much.

Siddharth gets up from there.

Jannat - Sid, please try to understand.
Siddharth - Jannat, you try to understand, I love her not you.
Jannat - But sid...

Siddharth cuts her in between - Enough, jannat! I don't want to talk about this pls.

After saying this he goes from there.

Meanwhile at avneet's side

She reach her home, she close the door and enters inside. Tears started rolling from her eyes. She started crying.


To be continued.

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