4. His anger issues

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

What the hell is this happening?! I mean why that guy is doing sit ups in front of siddharth.

Siddharth - So now tell will are you gonna complain about me?
Guy - No sir.
Siddharth - Now get lost.

That guy runs from there. His eyes fell on me. He close the two buttons of his shirt and walk towards me.

Siddharth - Hi avu.
Avneet - Hi sid....By the way what you were doing with that guy?
Siddharth - Nothing much that guy just complained about me so I was just teaching him a lesson.

What does he mean by, ''I was teaching him a lesson"!!

Avneet - Sid you should not do this.
Siddharth - Why? What's wrong in it?
Avneet - You should not do this...Fighting and all are bad things. You should not do this.
Siddharth - But avu...
Avneet - I m having lecture I will see you later. Bye.

After saying this I goes from there. I was heading towards my class, I was in a hurry when I got bumped into someone. I saw that person, it was vaishnavi.

Vaishnavi - Hey avu.
Avneet - Hi vaish.
Vaishnavi - Why are you in hurry?
Avneet - Umm..nothing much.
Vaishnavi - Come on avu tell me.
Avneet - Umm..voh..actually...

I told her everything.

Vaishnavi - Oh! So you are worried about his behavior, right?
Avneet - Yes!
Vaishnavi - Avu abhi and I are in relationship from past 3 years, and I know sid from past 3 years. He has anger issues, but his heart is pure. He loves you alot, even you will also start falling for him soon.
Avneet - That is never going to happen.
Vaishnavi - Let's see..I m having a lecture. See you later. Bye.
Avneet - Bye.

After saying this vaish goes from there and I went in my class to attend my lecture.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

After 3 - 4 lectures.
Everyone were in canteen except avneet. Siddharth was looking for her only.

Siddharth's P.O.V

Everyone is in canteen but where is avu?...I am continuously looking at the door, waiting for her but where is she?...I think I should go and check.

Siddharth - Guys I am coming in few minutes.

I excused myself and walks out of the canteen. I started searching her.
I went to her class but didn't found her there also. Avu is a nerd, she must be in library.

I walk towards library and I was right she is here in library, reading book.

I walk towards her and sits beside her.

I kisses her cheek softly and said - Hey avu''.

She look at me and said - "Hi".

Siddharth - Let's go.
Avneet - Where?
Siddharth - In canteen, everyone is waiting for us.
Avneet - But...

Before she could complete the sentence I hold her wrist and drag her out of the library. I take her to the canteen.

We sits there with my gang and talked for few minutes then lunch got over and everyone went back to their respective classes.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Avneet goes in library, no one was there except her. She was standing, reading a book then suddenly someone came and hugs her from behind.

Avneet's P.O.V

After lunch got over I went to library, I was standing there reading a book then suddenly someone came and hugs me from behind.

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