17. Break up!

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Happy Valentine's Day Guys.

Now let's continue the chapter.

Currently siddharth's P.O.V is going on.

I am already in anger and I am controlling my anger only for her but she is testing my patience.

Siddharth - Avu, look, we will surely talk about this tomorrow.
Avneet - But siddharth I want to talk about this right now.
Siddharth - Avu try to understand what I am saying. Pls.
Avneet - Siddharth you fought with a guy today just becoz he proposed me. I can't handle this possessiveness anymore.

God! It is getting hard for me to control my anger. I swear if I will loose my control then we will ended up having a break up.

Siddharth - What do you want?!!

I shouted on her. She looked scared but shouted back.

Avneet - You and I are not good for each other!! You used to fought with people becoz of me!!
Siddharth - So you think we are not good for each other?
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - I agree too...then I think we should end this.
Avneet - It just did...It's over, we are over.

I looked at her, she let out a sigh. We were looking at each other for a minute then I moves towards her and quickly capture her lips with mine. I started smooching her lips, she also kissed me back.

I pick her up and she wrap her legs around my torso. I keep my hands on her waist. She keep her 1 hand around my neck and with the other one she start caressing my hairs.

I takes her in my room, I placed her on bed, we breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. She started opening button of my shirt and throw it away. She capture my lips with her. We started kissing again. My hands went inside her top and I started touching her back. We breaks the kiss after a minute and I pull her top and throw it away. I again capture her lips with mine. We kissed each other for a minute then breaks the kiss.

I move towards her neck and started sucking her soft spot. My hands were touching her waist. She was moaning my name. I started placing wet kisses on her jawline to her cleavage. She moaned loudly. My whole house is filled with her moans. She pushed me on bed and sits on my stomach. She started kissing and biting my abs. I moaned in pleasure.

She move towards my neck and started licking and sucking my soft spot. I change the position now she was under me. I kissed her again, my hands reached at the hook of her bra.


I opened it and throws it away.

I takes her right nipple in my mouth and started sucking it while massaging the other one. She is moaning loudly. After few minutes I left her right nipple and takes the other one in my mouth and started sucking it. I left her breast after few minutes and moves down. I kissed her on her stomach.

I pull down her panty and throw it away. I remove my pants and boxers. Then I entered inside her and started thrusting inside her. She is moaning my name. We continued till tiredness could seen in our eyes.


Then I laid down on bed beside her. I covered us with duvet. She keep her head on my chest, I wrap my arms around her waist and kissed her forehead and said - "Good night".

Then we slept in each others arms.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Skips to next day
In morning

Avneet's P.O.V

I wakes up and found myself sleeping in siddharth's room. He is lying beside me, sleeping peacefully. Then I remember last night and blush...Well, whatever happened last night was just a mistake. We have still broken up...I am naked, I sees my clothes lying on floor. I was about to step out of bed to take clothes and someone hold my wrist and stop me. Of course it is siddharth.

Siddharth - Good morning, sunshine.
Avneet - Umm..good morning.

I wrap the duvet around me and steps out of the bed. I wear my clothes but I couldn't find my top.

Siddharth - Here.

I turned towards siddharth and sees him holding my top. I goes towards him, he keeps his hands on my waist and pull me closer.

Avneet - Siddharth, whatever happened last night was just a mistake. We have still broken up.

I said trying to remove his hands from my waist but he pulls me more closer and said - "Then we should keep making mistakes..Big ones 😉''.

He said with a wink. I blush. I remove his hands from my waist and take my top, wear it and goes back to my home. I takes a shower, get ready and goes to college. I goes in canteen, everyone were there. I goes and sits with them.

Avneet - Hey.
All - Hi.
Vaishnavi - Avu I am throwing a party at my farmhouse so I hope you are in.
Avneet - Umm...
Siddharth - Come on avu, you have to come.
Avneet - Umm..ok fine.

We talked for few minutes then I goes in library. There was no one except me, I was standing reading a book then I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I recognize the touch, it is siddharth.

I remove his hands from my waist and turn towards him and said - "What are you doing?".

He started stepping closer to me, I also step back until I hit the wall.

Siddharth - I want to do romance with you.
Avneet - We have broken up.

He interwine our hands together and pinned my hands above my head and said - "I really don't know what to do or say or think...I just want to rip your clothes off, and kiss each and every part of your body. (he said in a husky voice)

I am getting goosebumps. I am getting weak on my knees.

Siddharth - But that's probably a bad idea, right? (he said biting his lips)

God! It's hard for me to control. He is really seducive. We were looking into each other's eyes. I was getting weak. After gaining lot of courage, I said - Right.

He left me and said - "See you later".

After saying this he goes from there.

2 hours later

I was walking in corridor then my eyes fell on siddharth, he was fighting with a guy. God! Why can't he behave normal? I goes towards him.

Avneet - Siddharth leave him.

He didn't payed attention.

Avneet - Siddharth leave him.

I repeat again but he didn't payed attention. With all my strength I hold his arm and takes him from there. We were walking in corridor, he hold my wrist and pinned me against the wall.

Siddharth - Why you stopped me there?
Avneet - Becoz fighting is not good.
Siddharth - And you wante to listen to you?
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - Why?
Avneet - Becoz I am asking.
Siddharth - You are not my girlfriend anymore, so you can't order me.
Avneet - Ya, right. I am not your girlfriend anymore. I can't order you, sorry.

I pushed him and goes from there.

Skips to night

I get ready and goes to vaish's party. Everyone were there, some were dancing, some were drinking. I goes to bar section and ordered a drink. Bar tender makes it and serves me, I drinks it. Then a guy came and sits beside me.

Guy - Hey.
Avneet - Hi.
Guy - Sitting here alone?
Avneet - Yes!
Guy - Wanna dance?
Avneet - Sure.
Guy - Btw myself Aryan Singhania.
Avneet - Myself Avneet Kaur.

He hold my hand and takes me to dance floor. A romantic song plays. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. He interwine our 1 hand together. I keep my 1 hand on his shoulder and the other one was interwined with his. We were dancing looking into each other's eyes. After a minute song came to end, we left each other and goes to bar section.

We were talking then I felt two arms around my waist and it is siddharth, I recognize the touch. I turn towards him and said - "What do you want?".


To be continued.

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