19. Jealous avneet

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She keep her hands on his chest. She looks at him in a seducive way. Siddharth gulped down his saliva.

Siddharth's P.O.V

God! She is seducing me.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Sid, I am sorry.
Siddharth - Avu stop seducing me.
Avneet - I am not seducing you 😉.
Siddharth - Yes, you are.

She rub her thumb on his lower lip.

Avneet - I am so sorry, sid. I didn't meant to hurt you, love. Please forgive me.
Siddharth - Avu, wear your top and pls go.
Avneet - No, I won't go anywhere until you will forgive me.
Siddharth - Avu please.
Avneet - Sid, please na.

She started opening buttons of his shirt.

Avneet - Sid, I am so sorry.

Avneet move towards his lips and started smooching his lips. But he didn't kissed her back. Siddharth was trying to control himself, she was about to break the kiss but this was the limit.

He keep his hands on her waist and pull her closer and kissed her back. They started smooching each other's lips. He pick her up, she wrap her legs around his torso and he made her sit on table. They breaks the kiss after 5 minutes.

Avneet - So you forgive me?
Siddharth - Yes, love 😉.

She capture his lips with her, they started smooching each other's lips. They breaks the kiss after a minute. He move towards her neck and started sucking her soft spot, she moaned his name.

She is already topless, his hands reached at the hook of her bra, he was about to open it but avneet hold his hand and stopped him.

Avneet - Sid, we are not in bedroom, we are in college.
Siddharth - Fine.

He capture her lips with his, they started smooching each other's eyes. They breaks the kiss after 5 minutes. They rested their foreheads together.

Avneet - I love you.
Siddharth - I love you too.
Avneet - I have lecture, I will see you later.
Siddharth - Okay!

She peck his lips and said - Bye.

Siddharth - Bye.

She gets up from table, wear her top and goes to attend her lecture.

2 hours later

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I goes in canteen and sees everyone sitting there.. There was a girl sitting beside siddharth. They were sitting closely. Who the hell is this girl?!! I quickly walk towards them.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Hey guys.
All - Hi.
Avneet - Who is she?

She said pointing towards that girl.

Siddharth - She is jaan.
Avneet - Jaan?

She said raising my eyebrows.

Siddharth - I mean jannat, her name is jannat.
Avneet - Whatever.
Siddharth - So she is jannat, Jannat Zubair, my childhood best friend.

Swipe right to see her.

Avneet's P.O.V

Oh, so she is his childhood best friend.

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - And jaan, she is avneet, my girlfriend.

Jannat's P.O.V

Siddharth's girlfriend?

P.O.V ends.

Jannat - Hi.

Avneet puts a fake smile on her face and said - Hi.

Vaishnavi - Sit with us.
Avneet - Of course.

Avneet sits with them.

Jannat - Sid, you are getting hotter day by day 😉. (she said with a wink)

Siddharth blush. Avneet notice it and get jealous.

They all talk for few minutes, jannat was continuously flirting with siddharth, avneet was getting jealous.

All goes in their classes except sidneet as they were having free lecture.

Siddharth - Jaan is cute na.
Avneet - Ya, so cute. (she said sarcastically)

Siddharth's P.O.V

Is she jealous?

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - First of all stop calling her jaan.

Siddharth's P.O.V

She is totally jealous.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - And second, stay away from her.
Siddharth - Jealous?

He said with a smirk.

Avneet - I am not jealous.
Siddharth - Come on, avu, you are jealous.
Avneet - So you are also jealous of riyaz that's why you asked me to stay away from him.

Siddharth became silent.

Avneet - Answer me.
Siddharth - Don't worry I will stay away from her.
Avneet - Good.

She kissed his cheek and gets up from there and goes from there.

1 hour passed

At avneet's side

She was passing from library then her eyes fell on siddharth and jannat. They were standing closely. Jannat's hands were on his chest. A tear fall from her eyes.

Jannat - You are so handsome siddharth.
Siddharth - Umm....thanks 😅.

Avneet sees it, she was jealous and hurt both.

Avneet's P.O.V

Siddharth asked me to stay away from riyaz but here he is so close to jannat. If jannat is not siddharth's childhood best friend I would have surely killed her. I should go inside and stop it before they will go so far.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet enters inside library. Siddharth and jannat sees her. Jannat quickly remove her hands from his chest.

Jannat - Avneet you?!!
Avneet - Yes!
Jannat - Umm...I think I should go. Bye siddharth.
Siddharth - Bye jannat.

Jannat hugs him, he also hugs her back. Avneet again feel jealousy.
Jannat goes from there.

Siddharth - Umm...hi.
Avneet - What hi? What was that?
Siddharth - Umm..actually...avu...
Avneet - What avu? Siddharth I asked you to stay away from her, remember?
Siddharth - Avu, I am sorry.

She didn't said anything, she turn and walk away from there.

Siddharth's P.O.V

God! I think she is hurt. I should go and talk to her about this.

P.O.V ends.

He goes behind her. He hold her wrist and pull her closer.

Avneet - What do you want?
Siddharth - Avu, I am sorry.

She didn't said anything, she get her hand out of his hold and turn and started walking. Siddharth goes and stand in front of her.

Siddharth - Avu, if you are angry from me then shout on me, fight with me but pls don't go like this.

She stayed silent for a minute then said - I am not angry.

Siddharth - Avu...

She cuts him in between - I am having lecture, I will see you later. Bye.

After saying this she goes from there.

Siddharth's P.O.V

She is angry, I need to clear this misunderstanding asap. I will talk to her about this after her lecture.

P.O.V ends.

At avneet's side

She goes to attend her lecture..


To be continued.

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