11. Kidnapped!

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Siddharth whisper - Umm...you are looking smoking hot 😉.

I blush and whisper back- "Thanks".

Arishfa - Guys let's go.
All - Okay!

Then we sits in car and reached club. We enters inside and all boys started drooling over me which was notticed by siddharth. God! I hope he will not create a scene here.

Siddharth keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. God! He is hella possesive.

Avneet whisper in his ears - Sid stop being possesive".

He whisper back - If you will look this much hot then I have to be possesive".

God! I hate his possessiveness.

Siddharth - Beautiful wanna dance? 😉

Avneet blush and said - "Sure".

We goes to dance floor. Then a romantic song start. Siddharth keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. He interwine our 1 hand together. I keep my 1 hand on his shoulder. The other one was interwined with his one hand.

We were dancing and looking into each other's eyes. His gaze was unkowningly making me blush.

Why I am blushing so much? His hazel brown eyes, pink lips...I wanna taste those pink lips...Am I falling for him?...No, I am not falling for him.

After a minute song came to end.
We leave each other and goes towards bar section.

Siddharth - 2 whiskey please.

He ordered the drink, bar tender makes it and serves us. We drinks it. We were talking then I whisper in siddharth's ear - "I am going to washroom".

Siddharth whisper back - "Okay!".

Then I goes towards washroom. I was on the way then someone hold me from behind and drag me in an empty room. God I am scared. Is it sid? No, he can't be sid. Sid can't be this harsh on me. If its not sid then who it is?

My minds was filled with bad thoughts then the person who was holding me made me smell something then I started feeling dizzy then I fell unconscious.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

That person made avneet smell chlorophom and avneet became unconscious. He pick avneet in bridal style and take her out of the club. He made her sit in car and took her to an old factory.

At siddharth's side

Siddharth's P.O.V

It's been 10 minutes avu went to washroom. She isn't back yet. I should go and check. I goes there and sees no one. God! Where is she?

Then my eyes fell on a random girl. I took my phone and asked to that girl - "Hey did you saw this girl?". I asked her showing avneet's pic.

Girl - Yes! I saw her, someone was holding her from behind and made her smell something and she fell unconscious and that guy took him.
Siddharth - Uh..ok thanks.

Then that girl goes from there. Someone took avu from me?!...I swear I am gonna kill him. First I have to find out who took her.

I goes towards my group.

Siddharth - Guys avu is missing.
Vaishnavi - What?
Siddharth - Yes! She said she is going to washroom, 10 minutes passed but she didn't came back so I went to check on her, there a girl told me that someone took avu.
Arishfa - Who took avu?
Siddharth - I don't know. We have to find out.
Abhishek - It must be him, sid.
Siddharth - I think you are right.
Lucky - If it is him then you will surely get a call from him.
Siddharth - Yes but first we have to go and find her.
Abhishek - Yes!

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