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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

We were talking then I felt two arms around my waist and it is siddharth, I recognize the touch. I turn towards him and said - "What do you want?".

Siddharth - We need to talk.
Avneet - I don't want to talk to you.
Siddharth - Avu pls.
Avneet - Ugh..fine.

I turn towards aryan and said - "I will be back in few minutes".

Aryan - Okay!

I goes with siddharth. He takes me to a corner.

Siddharth - What are you doing with that guy?
Avneet - I am talking to him, he is my date for tonight.
Siddharth - Date?!!
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - Come I have to teach him a lesson.
Avneet - Sid if you will even touch him I am not going to talk to you for 1 week.
Siddharth - 1 week?!
Avneet - Yes!
Siddharth - Fine! I am not going to touch him, I am only going to talk to him.

Before I could say anything he hold my hand and takes me to aryan.

Siddharth - Hey.
Aryan - Hi.
Siddharth - I heard you are avneet's date?
Aryan - Yes I am.
Siddharth - Leave right now. Don't dare to talk to her!!

He threatened aryan. God! Why he is doing this?

Avneet - Aryan don't listen to him.
Aryan - Umm...Avneet I have to go, bye.
Avneet - But...

Before I could say anything aryan goes from there. I could tell by his expressions that he is scared.

I turned towards siddharth and said - "Why are you doing this?".

Siddharth - I did nothing.
Avneet - Oh really?
Siddharth - I just asked him to stay away from you and look how scared he became. He isn't a perfect guy for you.
Avneet - Ugh! I hate you.
Siddharth - I love you too.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Siddharth - Well, I have brought something for you.

He said taking out a box from his pocket and open the box, there was a bracelet inside it. It's beautiful, but I don't want to talk to him.

Siddharth - May I?
Avneet - No!
Siddharth - You are really stubborn.

He hold my wrist and made me wear that bracelet forcefully.

Siddharth - It looks beautiful on you.
Avneet - Thanks.
Siddharth - Wanna dance?
Avneet - No!

He hold my wrist and takes me to dance floor forcefully. He keep his hands on my waist and pull me closer. He interwine our 1 hand together. I keep my 1 hand on his shoulder and the other one was interwined with his. We were dancing looking into each other's eyes. He twirled me around, my back hit his chest.

He slides his hands from my arms to my palm. We were lost in the moment. Then he whisper in my ears - "Remember our first dance?...It was in club".

Then I got a flashback of our first dance.

He hold my arm and turn me towards him. We were looking into each other's eyes.

Siddharth - Remember our first kiss?...Your lips are so soft.

I blush, but why he is making me remembering all the moments?

Avneet - Why are you recalling all the moments?
Siddharth - Becoz I am sorry about yesterday night. When you asked me for break up, I agreed to it becoz I was in anger that time, I am sorry, and I want to be with you again.
Avneet - Sid then control your possessiveness.
Siddharth - I will try my best.
Avneet - Good!
Siddharth - So we are good?
Avneet - Umm..I will think about this.

I said removing his hands from my waist and goes to bar section. He follows me.

Siddharth - Come on avu, stop pretending like you don't want me.
Avneet - I am not pretending anything.
Siddharth - Yes, you are and I know you love me.

I moves closer to him, he keep his hands on my waist and pull me more closer. I rested my hands on his chest. We were looking into each other's eyes.

Siddharth - I know you want me.

He said with a smirk.

I started moving towards his lips, he closed his eyes, probably thinking that I am going to kiss him. But I changed my direction and move towards his ear and whisper - "Come on sid, I am not going to melt after seeing your hotness".

Then I step back. I am smirking.

Siddharth - You are really stubborn.
Avneet - That's I am...Well, it's late now, I have to go home. See you later, bye.
Siddharth - Come let me drop you.
Avneet - It's fine, I can manage.

I said walking away from there. I comes out of the club, I was walking then someone hold my wrist and stop me. I turn and sees siddharth.

Siddharth - Avu I will drop you home and that's final.
Avneet - Sid I can manage.
Siddharth - Ugh! You are really stubborn.

Before I could say anything he picked me up and throw me over his shoulder and started walking towards his car.

Like seriously!! Why can't he behave normal?!!

He reached at his car and open the door and made me sit on passenger seat and close the door. He himself sits on driver seat and started driving the car.

Avneet - Siddharth I am not your girlfriend anymore, you can't behave with me like this.
Siddharth - YOU ARE MINE, AVU!!
Avneet - I am not yours.
Siddharth - You used to say this when we met, but then one day by your own mouth you said that you loved me too.
Avneet - That was past.
Siddharth - It doesn't matter. You are mine.
Avneet - Sid I...

Before I could complete my sentence he stopped the car. I looked out of the window, we have reached his home. But why his home? He was supposed to take me to my home.

Avneet - Why I am here?
Siddharth - What do you mean?
Avneet - It's your house.
Siddharth - I know.
Avneet - Sid I...

Before I could say anything siddharth comes out of the car. I also comes out of the car.

Avneet - Sid take me home.
Siddharth - You are going to stay here tonight.
Avneet - No, I am not.
Siddharth - Yes, you are.
Avneet - Sid you can't order me, I am not your girlfriend.
Siddharth - But you have to obey me.
Avneet - But sid...

Before I could complete my sentence he picked me up in his arms in bridal style and started walking inside his home.

Avneet - Sid what is this?
Siddharth - What?

He asked me innocently. Well, he is not innocent at all.

Avneet - Stop acting innocent.
Siddharth - Come on avu I am only taking you home.
Avneet - But you are taking me to your home.
Siddharth - So what? Mine home is yours too.
Avneet - But I want to go back to my home.
Siddharth - You speaks too much, love. Keep quiet.

He takes me in his room and placed me on bed. He started opening button of his shirt.

Avneet - Hey! What are you doing, sid?

He opened his shirt and throw it away. He looks hot without his shirt...What are you thinking, avu? We have broken up. He comes and sits on bed beside me.


To be continued.

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