6. Beach Surprise

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Currently avneet's P.O.V is going on.

Avneet - Thank you again sid for saving me today.
Siddharth - It's totally fine, avu. I am always here to protect you.
Avneet - Thank you again.

I kissed his cheek and quickly get out of the car and runs in my apartment. I was blushing. I goes in my room and changed my clothes and make lunch and eat it.

Skips to evening

I was sitting on bed using my phone then door bell rings. I kept my phone aside and goes to open the door and sees riyaz.

What he is doing here? How he knew my address?

Riyaz - Hi.
Avneet - Umm..hi 😅.
Riyaz - Aren't you gonna invite me in?
Avneet - Umm..ya come inside.

We enters inside and sits in hall. I brought a glass of water for him and sit beside him.

Avneet - Umm...how you know my address? Like I never told you my address.
Riyaz - Umm...voh...leave it. Tell me how are you?
Avneet - I am good. How are you?
Riyaz - I am also good.

We talked for an hour. I should must say he is a really nice guy. He is having a good sense of humor. Then door bell rings. I excused myself and goes to open the door.

I opened the door and sees siddharth.

Avneet - Hi.
Siddharth - Hi.
Avneet - What are you doing here?

Siddharth was about to answer but riyaz came from behind and said - "Who is at the door avneet?".

I turned and said - "Sid".

Riyaz and siddharth sees each other and smiled but I can totally see that it is a fake smile. Is they both hate each other? If yes, then why?

My chain of thoughts was broke by riyaz's voice.

Riyaz - Umm...I think I should go.
Avneet - Uh..ok.
Riyaz - Bye.

Riyaz hugs me, I also hugs him back. Then we break the hug and riyaz goes from there.

Avneet - Come inside sid.
Siddharth - Hmm.

We entered inside and goes in my room. A message came on my phone. I took my phone and was seeing the message when siddharth said.

Siddharth - Why riyaz was here?
Avneet - He is my friend that's why he was here.
Siddharth - Whatever leave this and get ready, we are going out.
Avneet - Where?
Siddharth - It's a surprise.
Avneet - But...
Siddharth - Just go and get ready.
Avneet - Ugh..fine

I went in my room, change my clothes and did a little bit make up and comes out of the room.

Avneet - Let's go.
Siddharth - Okay!

We comes out of the home and sit in car.

Avneet - Where are we going?
Siddharth - It's a surprise, avu.

After saying this he blind folded me.

Siddharth started driving the car.

Avneet - Sid where are we going?
Siddharth - It's a surprise, avu.
Avneet - Ugh!..Tell me na.
Siddharth - Shh..keep quiet. It's a surprise, we will reach there soon.
Avneet - Fine 🙄.

After few minutes siddharth stopped the car, probably we have reached there.

Then he gets out of the car and opened door for me. I hold his hand for support and comes out of the car.

Avneet - Sid now tell me what's the surprise.
Siddharth - I will not tell you.
Avneet - Ugh!
Siddharth - Don't be angry. Ok fine I m showing you the surprise.
Avneet - Okay!

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