1. lecture

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You rush into the main lecturing room, other students eager to start today's lesson.

You sit down, trying to keep the attention towards you to the bare minimum.

"We all know about mutation, enhanced individuals, mostly who have become advanced from some lab experimentation. You are not wrong but that is not the only way mutation occurs."

Your professor pauses, glancing around at confused characters in the room, including you.

"Mutation occurs every second, all the time. This mutation is quite unnoticeable to the untrained eye. It occurs in every cell. Though you may not see the difference."

"Evolution is one way to understand why mutation occurs. Evolution. What is that? Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. It is when a cell can better adjust to its already favourable environment. The cell mutates to better fit the already fitting nature of its background. It is when the cell discards away the unused characteristics, to better fit itself."

He turns around and waves his hand to signal to the computer handler to begin the presentation.

"Take an example of 2 brothers. One who is an athlete and the other who is a computer engineer. The athlete runs and trains every day." He says, changing the slide to reveal a slightly plump person. " The computer engineer, however, sits in a chair, tweaking at the hardware. He does not exercise as much."

He turns, scanning the crowd. "If I were to put these two men in a race together, which one would have the upper hand?" He questions us.

"The athlete," the woman to your left responds.

"Yes, the athlete would have the advantage as they already exercise and train every day. Their cells have mutated in such an unnoticed way to keep their stamina high. This is how evolutionary mutation works. It may go unnoticed, but it has a great impact on the world."

"Increased stamina isn't the only after product of evolutionary mutation. Some more common products are enhanced vision, hearing. Others such as telekinesis, telepathy and atomic or energy manipulation."

Suddenly, you see the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. enter your class. He glares at your professor and to his side is Stark.

"Your homework is to find out how a cell can undergo this mutation. Prepare a report and hand it to me tomorrow. Class dismissed." Says your professor, a hint of nervousness in his words.

As everyone leaves, He walks up to the men. the loud chatter of students are getting softer as they get out of the university. You stay back to see what is happening.

"good evening gentlemen, how may I help you?" He says, as the woman besides fury pulls out a thick file from a briefcase.

Fury speaks up, "we need to speak to your student, Miss L/n"

"Yes, I am Miss L/n. what seems to be the problem." You speak up, walking towards the three.

"We need you for a debriefing and if our guess is right, under supervision."

"And for what purpose?" You ask hesitantly. You knew you were a mutant but you didn't show anyone you were one. You were too worried they'd treat you different.

"Your search history is rather..... concerning." Says the black man who you have worked out to be Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. through your telepathy.

Suddenly you were hit by something to my neck. You spin on your heels, just as you feel faint, to see a redhead who you assume to be black widow. You look to her hand which was holding an empty syringe. Everything seems unclear and you feel your knees growing weak.

"what the fuck...." You manage to blurt out, slurring your words before you pass out.

it's all dark now.

Mutant | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now