30. cardboard

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Waking up in the morning was more exhausting than you thought. You had spent most of the night debating whether what you said was ok or not, and if he knew you meant it or not. Nat had dragged you out of bed first thing in the morning. You still couldn't take your mind off Loki.

"what's wrong?" she asked. You told her, she nodded and hummed in response. Maybe you had overshared? Maybe not, but she was family, an elder sister. The rest of the evening, you took your mind off Loki to think about random stuff like how beautiful Tony's and Pepper's vows were.

'You keep me rooted, and without you, I would drift off. You make my life brighter, took care of me, even when things went bad. My Pepper Potts, I love you and promise you cherish you forever.'

Of  course, it reminded you of Loki. Almost everything did. By the time the reception started, you were exhausted. Grabbing a huge glass of wine, you seated yourself at a table with Wanda, Vision, Strange and Wong. They were talking about magic and some more nonsense. Taking off your heels, Nat suddenly appears behind you to rub your shoulders.

You sigh, giving her a smile as you look to the dance floor and see Peter with his date. You gaze around, trying to spot Loki, not knowing he was setting candles up in the right turret of the castle to confess to you. Getting up you walk barefoot towards the castle when your shoulder is grabbed again, this time not by Nat but a bald man with horribly framed glasses.

"Y/n, ma'am, Director Fury needs to talk to you," he said, his eyes tracing your figure, landing on your shoes before looking up to your face again. "umm.... ok," you internally questioned about what as you walk with him on your left. He had a funny looking octopus logo on his left sleeve, which you saw Maura point out to as you passed her table, giving her and Eric a small wave.

Just as you had reached the car, something pierced your neck, sending you to the ground fainting. It was a syringe, filled with something familiar to that when you were taken to the compound. As you hit the ground you hear faint syllables,

hail hydra.


Waking up again, you expected to see Steve and Nat, smirking about how this was all a prank, but this wasn't the case. You had woken up on a bed, chains made of something nonmetallic but just as strong as metal held you back. The walls of the tiny room were made of the same material. Two openings were present, the door and small grates for ventilation at a corner. Looking down, you noticed your outfit was also replaced by a white night gown.

The chains were long enough to let you sit upright. A loud and screechy 'eeeeee' echoed around the room as someone outside tested the microphone.

"Y/n L/n. How lovely to finally meet you." the voice greeted.

"Who are you and where am I?" you questioned, looking around for any cameras.

"I am none of your concern, but you, my dear, are a magnificent being. So powerful, yet so small minded."

"What are you talking about? Answer me!" you started raising your voice, heart racing, and not in the way you'd like.

"Ahh Y/n L/n, you have held the infinity stones and saved planet Earth from the destruction that could have been caused by Thanos, but you were so powerful, with all your magnetokinesis and telepathy, but you never thought of using your powers to get to the top."

The doors of the room opened, revealing a tall, skinny figure in a lab coat. A woman. Her left arm replaced by a prosthetic, much like her face, which held a light looking piece of plastic covering burng skin under. Her eyes were small, pupils wide and lashes full. A smirk played at the ends of her thin lips. And then she spoke," I am Irina Volkov, and I-"

"don't care about the rest because i need to go." You interrupted, pulling out the metal pen she held in her hands and implanting it in her chest with your mind.

"But I thought we could be friends," she whispered with a frown. Before she landed on the floor, you walked out, killing everyone in your way with the stupid pen.

"I just want to go home and sleep because that bed felt like cardboard," you kneeled on one knee infront of one of the men lying on the ground, "so don't get in my way."

Grabbing his gun, you went on a shooting rampage, and weirdly, it felt good. It felt powerful. After getting out, you realised you were smack in the middle of a market.

"Where is the airport?" you asked a taxi driver, later instructing them to take you there.

Time to book a flight.

Time to book a flight

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yea I have an Andrew Garfield phase again

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yea I have an Andrew Garfield phase again

nino :)

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