3. rooms

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You all landed and arrived back at the compound. You must admit it was a bit dull on the outside, but when you stepped inside the building, god, it was gorgeous. Something you'd expect to see at posh Asian houses. Ofcourse Stark was rich but this was extravagantly stunning, especially since it could be destroyed so easily.

You were told you were going be introduced to the team and given a tour around the compound and then taken to your room to freshen up for dinner. You all get into the elevator and everyone is stinking except for Natasha. Maybe along with her ovaries, they removed her sudoriferous glands as well. The elevator stops at level 2 above ground. The compound had three above-ground floors and three basement floors, bottom two reserved for training, the one above that for reasearch and the others weaponry and living. Everyone steps out of the elevator and are greeted by Stark in a gorgeous living room.

"Finally! back home!", He exclaimed. "I was wondering-", He suddenly stops when he sees Loki.

"What the crackerfuck is he doing here?" Tony confoundedly says. Clint comes up, raising his arms into a boxing stance.

"WOAH WOah woah! easy. Thor said Asgard was destroyed and so he and Loki are to live here with us. Fury authorised under our supervision." Steve reasons with Tony.

'he's probably the one that destroyed Asgard.' tony thinks to himself.

"Excuse me but why the fuck do you think that Loki would destroy Asgard if he ruled it for almost 4 years?" You speak up, without even thinking.

"Did you just read my mind? Oh Yes! You're the telepath we recruited! Y/n, right? Yea, um, don't read my mind, I don't wike it." Tony seemed embarrassed.

"Yes, lady Y/n here speaks the truth, in fact Loki helped save the people of Asgard. Asgard was destroyed by this fire monster thingy called Surtur. Stark, I think you owe him an apology." Thor looks to Tony with a stern face and then to Loki with an apologetic gaze.

"okay okay, sorry reindeer games." Tony apologized and Loki gave him a smile that looked a bit like how a child would when they broke something.

"I suppose you know who we all are right?" Steve asks you while you nod. "Okay so your room is right next to Wanda's, she can show you I suppose. Your belongings have already been moved from your apartment back in (wherever you went to university) here. Loki, Thor, we'll go about your living arrangements, just give us some time." Suddenly, a red headed woman, around your age, took you by the arm and grinned, dragging you away from the team.


"Oh yes! it's lovely to meet you too! I'm Y/n and actually my telekinesis is only limited to metal and magnetic objects." You try to sound as enthusiastic but it's literally 3pm and you only had one espresso today morning.

"You should rest for a bit! I can show you around the compound after tea!" She opens a door in the corridor revealing a room, "Tada!"

The room infront of you is gorgeous, much like your room in my 'old' apartment. It's all black with lining of purple and gold. There's a bed at the edge of one wall and a desk beside it. You step inside and there's another door which opens up to show a bathroom. The bathroom, like the rest of the room is stunning. It has a gold and green interior with yellow lighting. You spot a bunch of boxes which had most of your stuff, except for your undergarments and clothing. You find your phone on the table an pick it up. Finally, you didn't want to lose this phone.

"Ok, you can nap for a bit, flights are kinda terrible, but the view from up there is stunning. Take some rest and tata!" she gave you a flying kiss and left. You flop down on the bed. It's really soft and comfy. You'll be staying here. Gosh. But you still have to complete your course back at Uni.

They all seem really nice and all, but- What would your parents say after you don't go back to (home land) for holidays? They did say you could stay, you mean the only person from your family that actually cared about you was your Grandma. You guess you could call her? Now was not the best time. You should sleep like Wanda said. She seems nice. A little excited but you couldn't blame her, You'd be that excited to meet yourself too. You also need to go shopping for clothes. Where would you go? and why couldn't they ship your clothes here? ehh, you don't have much of cash in hand either and you don't wanna use your bank money from my tutor classes. You drown in sleep as your thoughts consume you.

You wake up from your nap to banging from the door. Wanda. You laugh and tell her to come in.

"Ahh! you're awake! quick! Steve made some scrumplicious pasta! they'll be over if you don't hurry!", she exclaims and then runs out the door.

You wake up and check your watch. It's 8:30pm. gosh you slept for quite a bit. You walk out and see Loki coming out of the room to your left. He glances at you and you give him a confused look.

"oh, that's my room" he gives you a small smile and you walk together, Wanda skipping towards vision and hugs him.

"thank you", he tells you just before you reach the elevator.

"for what?" You give him a confused look again, trying to read his mind, but he's blocking you.

"For standing up for me, when Stark said that I was probably the one who..... no one has ever done something like that for me except Thor and my mother, so I thank you." He looks like a puppy while he enters the elevator with you.

"It was nothing and Stark shouldn't say such things anyway." You take his hand while you are in the elevator, he tenses up a bit so you try to retract your hand but he holds it gently. You guess he's just not that used to physical touch. The elevator rings. The doors open and he, reluctantly, drops my hand. First you're a bit confused but then you didn't really know him that well and the Avengers would freak out if they saw you two holding hands, as some of them still saw him posing as a threat.

The dinner table was beautiful and the pasta smells amazing. You sit down between Loki and Wanda, as the conversation starts.

- sorry for the late update baha I could have made this go soo many different ways but y'all get this, I'm working on the next chapter rn so byee!

- sorry for the late update baha I could have made this go soo many different ways but y'all get this, I'm working on the next chapter rn so byee!

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