31. family

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The taxi ride to the compound was better than expected, since you were actually in Queens and not Afghanistan or something as you had thought. You had actually landed in the Indian corner of Queens. The driver, Harim, was the most enjoyable company you've had since high school. He knew who you were and they were the sweetest. He talked about a lot of things, explaining how you inspired his daughter to become an engineer, that they could be just like you. You were an inspiration. Holy shit.

"And you know, since we're in Queens' Indian corner, we can grab a masala dosa. Oh, you'd love masala dosa!" He laughed, looking behind from time to time to make sure you were comfortable. Though you were sleep-deprived, Harim made you feel better.

"There you go," he handed you the wrapped food and continued driving. "thank you, Mr Harim, I really appreciate this." you thanked him. Biting into the dosa, you hummed a sound of approval, to which Harim responded with a smile in the mirror.

"This is really good! It's called masala dosa, right?" you asked, something new to add to your palette of food at home.

"Yes Beta, would you like me to give you the recipe? My wife makes the most delicious masala dosa," He commented on his wife's cooking. He explained since she worked at some restaurant in upper Manhattan, she was home quite late most nights, cooking in the morning with the remaining meals to be heated up in a microwave.

When you reached the compound, you invited Harim in. He kept saying he didn't need to bit you bribed him a bit saying you'd autograph something for his daughter. In the lounge was seated Peter and Nat, who was on a tablet, scrolling through something and tapping buttons. The ball Peter was playing with dropped to the ground when you entered.

"What the fuck? Y/n?" Peter cursed, while Nat stood wide-eyed.

"Hi Peter, this is Harim, he's very cool," you smiled as you gave him a light kiss on the cheek, "Now if you'll excuse me, I want to go sleep."

"Uhh, ok." Peter just nodded, processing the situation, and then finally acknowledging Harim's presence with a handshake.

Entering your room, you scribbled on a piece of paper and then taped it to your door, crushing the knob knowing someone probably would barge in.

I am sleeping, don't fucking wake me up unless I die in my sleep, and if such events were to happen, just place the flowers outside the door.

Finally, soft bed.


After a good rest, you woke.

Now all you needed to do is find food, start watching a new show, and sleep again. Maybe throw in a bit of socializing? Nah, no one who reads Wattpad knows how to socialize. Anyway, you head down to the kitchen, the smell of ramen flooding your nostrils. Loki.

A bowl just sat there. Waiting for you. Weird. Taking the bowl, you stand in the lounge and grab the remote to turn on the huge plasma TV. But it wouldn't turn on.

"Get out."

A voice startled you from nowhere. Turning around you met the eyes of Loki, cold and heartless.

"Get out," he spoke. You tried asking why but words would not leave your mouth. "Get out of this home, for you do not belong here. You are not worthy of our generosity nor kindness. You are a failure and a fool. Why do you think we could ever accept you? You useless pathetic creature."

Words laced with venom continued pouring from his mouth, the avengers, suited, piled up behind him, waiting to attack. "You're weak, sentimental and utterly insignificant to me." Loki continued while your mind begged for you to say something, "And to see you fall in love with me? Norns, you're weaker than I thought."

His hand found your neck and smashed you into the TV, no witty comment entering your brain, just pain and hurt.

"I will never love you."

Jerking out of bed, you roll to the ground, with harsh breaths and a rapid heartbeat. Way to go subconscious. As usual, all metal was floating, your head aching from the horrible nightmare. You dragged your body across the room to the door, finally gathering the strength to stand. What took more energy was the will to see them again.

Making your way towards the kitchen, the Avengers —excluding Thor, Tony and Loki— anxiously waited at the table, for a response from you. They were hesitant to say a word, from your less than welcoming note at your door.

"what?" you questioned, tired of stares and glances. They all looked at each other, not expecting you to talk. Finally, Steve spoke.

"Are you ok?" Taking a deep breath, you tried to come up with some sort of answer. "Did you guys even look for me?"

"Of course, we did. Why wouldn't we?" Pietro asked.

"Maybe because I'm useless? Because I'm not worthy? I have no purpose other than being your own personal telepath. I'm not someone special. I'm not a super-soldier or an assassin or a genius who could solve global warming in one day, I'm not skilled at any of this until my training, and yet I'm not the best either. I'm not a good person anymore. I just killed at least five people, just to come home and lie in bed for a good rest, but the nightmares won't stop. If I wasn't a mutant, would you still want me?"

The room fell silent, most of the people stunned by your hostile outburst. But not Natasha.

"Yes, Y/n, even if you weren't a mutant, we'd still want you, I'd still want you. I'd want you because you have determination, the will to do better. You remind me a lot of my sister. We both had no family, and it destroyed her more than me. I'm sure you know about it since when you first came to the tower you read my mind about my past. But I see a lot of my sister in you, even if I haven't met her in years. Both of you are strong women, built for leading. You may feel you are unworthy of our love and home, but let me tell you, you are wrong. We're not your parents. We're not going to kick you out just because you're different or feel you don't do enough. Well shit, you just saved the universe from half of life getting wiped out snd then arranged a whole ass wedding with me in less than a month and then came home unharmed from a kidnapping. And if that's not enough, then I don't know what is. You're part of our family now, and you can't leave."

Approval from your best friend, more of a sister.  Tears filled your eyes as she hugged you. They love you. She's your family. The Avengers are your family. Everyone joined in the hug. Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, Vision. The only people missing were Thor, Tony and Loki. Where was Loki? Maybe he was avoiding you. Maybe your nightmare was right, why would he ever love you? You didn't need his love.

 Maybe your nightmare was right, why would he ever love you? You didn't need his love

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In this house, we worship Natasha fuckinh Romanoff.

- nino :)

Mutant | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now