22. call of duty

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You and Loki both turned around to see Maura with a blank expression.

"Making babies and leaving no room for Jesus," she says picking up a glass and pouring water into it. That made you remember what you were supposed to be doing. So you got to work as she left the kitchen, Loki a bit flushed and embarrassed evident from the blush on his cheeks.

Getting out the bowl, you pulled out your phone to search for a cookie recipe. Finding a few, you showed Loki who helped in finding and adding the ingredients.


"You're doing it wrong!" Loki yelled.

"No I'm not!" you retaliated back.

"Yes, you are! It says to pour in the butter while mixing."

"No! You pour in the butter after mixing!"

This is why cooking instructions should be grammatically checked and corrected. Both of you were now fighting over whether to pour the butter while mixing or after mixing. Unable to decide from the weird sentence, you proposed the idea of pouring half the butter while mixing and half of it after mixing.

To this Loki agreed, but he had a trick up his sleeve. While you were pouring the butter, he disappeared around a column, turning himself into a cat. You thought he went to the bathroom, but when you saw a cat enter the kitchen, you couldn't help but smirk at the idea of Loki thinking you would fall for his trickery.

Putting the cookies in the oven, you finally bent down to acknowledge the feline. "Hello, Kitty!"

Its purr was delightful. Of course, you knew it was Loki, who loved cats. Bending down, you gently picked up the pussy. To your surprise, it curled around your arm, snaking its tail around your palm to help you pick it up. Putting on a timer, you sat on the couch, petting the little animal.

"You're so soft!" You spoke as you stroked it. Purring in response, you rested it on your lap. "You remind me of a special someone. He's really handsome just like you." You paused, checking the cat for any name tags. "Oh, dear! You don't have a name." Thinking for a while you decide on the name, "Lokitty?"

Loki growled in delight, shifting his head to rub it against your tummy. After a while of petting it, you decided to play a little trick of your own.

"I bet you would love Loki. He's not only handsome but extremely smart and when he walks I just want to..." you make an impression of breaking your neck," and he's a god! A GOD! Oh, and his hair is so gorgeous and don't even get me started on his eyes." That was the breaking point. Loki had turned back into his human form, now seated in your lap.

"So darling, tell me more about myself." He smirked while wrapping his arms around your neck.

"And he also has a praise kink," you smirk back. He leans in to kiss you again, but alas, the alarm did not wish the same as you. Putting it away, you threw Loki to the floor, who pouted as you ran into the kitchen, hurriedly taking out the cookies before they burn.

The rest of the team piles in. It's always at that very moment when you take out something edible that they always arrive in the kitchen within, at most, 2 minutes. Whether they're sleeping or training, they always come.

The tradition also stood by the new recruits, for they had even entered,  gobbling up the cookies. You smiled at the idea of the Avengers renaming themselves as the Devourers. Biting into your cookie, finally, you could put something in that tummy of yours. Of course, it was heavenly. Your cooking always was. You took the remains of the cookies and grabbed Loki before he could escape, pulling him towards your room.

"Did you know about the rookies?" You asked as he walked.

"Well, they did arrive yesterday night." He shrugged. "After the battle, we were cleaning up a bit, and we found those children begging us to take them in. They came from some containment centre, though I'm not really sure."

Mutant | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now