27. flight

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After relaxing on eachother for a little while longer, you both went to shower, but not in the way you think. It was a lovely shower with actual washing. He'd returned to his Asgardian form, feeling a bit more comfortable about himself as a Jotun.

Now you both were at the terminal of the New York airport. Tony said you could fly buisness class, but he wouldn't give you guys his private jets. You read a magazine with home furniture, pointing out to Loki how cool they were, and he'd just nod, being extremely tired. After getting through security you walked across the plane, finding your seats accompanied with bedding.

The team's seats were spread out across business class, as you all wanted some space. Loki and you together, Steve and Bucky together, Nat and Bruce together, Wanda and vision together, Peitro and Eric together, and Maura by herself. She wasn't really a people person, but she learnt to have fun around peitro you and Loki.

As it turns out Eric was gay and ace. Maura on the other hand didn't tell you anything. She was more of a closeted person for whatever reason. Placing your carry-on luggage in the overhead cabinets, the plane's pilot instructed you all to be seated and wear your seat belts.

After the take off, it was a bit quiet. Well, having a flight to Dublin at 2am in the morning is not the ideal time to be lovely, but you could stay awake all the same. Loki was exhausted, both emotionally and physically, laying his head oh your shoulder, breathing steady and eyes sealed shut as to appear in a dream like trance. Gently prying his head off your shoulder, you leaned him against the handrest, rolling up your jacket to imitate a small pillow.

Walking to the washroom, you see peitro wandering around the door, not going inside, even though it wasn't occupied.

"What are you doing?" you ask him.

Jerking to face you, he sighs a breath of relief, " it's just you, thank gosh."

"Why are you walking around like a mental patient?" you raise your brow.

"I don't know, I'm getting nervous around Eric and he wants to hold my hand and watch a movie together. What am i supposed to do?" he asks frantically.

"Seems you like him," you smile.

"Like him? what?"

"You have a thing for him," your smile turns into a smirk.

"What am I supposed to do?" he asks then, hands holding his face dramatically.

"Hold his hand too and flirt," you suggest.

"ok, thanks N/n," he smiles awkwardly as he leaves and you enter the washroom. After leaving, you requested one of the stewardess' to hand you a cup of ramen.

Going back to your seat you catch a sight of everyone asleep, only Maura awake, earphones stuck in her ears. while waiting for the instant noodles to get ready, you scroll across your phone, reading the latest news. There it was.

Honestly, earning the title of an Avenger earned you something like celebrity fame

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Honestly, earning the title of an Avenger earned you something like celebrity fame. Checking the replies out of curiosity, you came across two ones that got on your nerves.

 Checking the replies out of curiosity, you came across two ones that got on your nerves

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Ofcourse it was a bad idea to check anything on Twitter. Maybe this Karen woman was right, why were you selected as the telepathic recruit? They could have chosen anyone else. Maybe they were going to, you never knew.

Loki's head now was upright, eyes blinking, then turning to the ramen container, licking his lips in delight. Turning to face you, he saw you staring at your phone.

"N/n? what's wrong?" he asked, taking away your phone to see for himself. Pulling your towards him, wrapping your in his arms, armrest between you both. Letting you go -earning a whine from you, he pushed the thing up, to wrap you closer in his arms.

"You're irreplaceable to me," he hums, lightly stroking your hair. The lights of the plane dimmed, making it more suitable to sleep. Grabbing the blanket, he curls you up against him, feeding you ramen as he eats his share. He smelt nice, like tangerines and tea. Snuggling closer, you wrapped your arms around him.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" they whisper. Nodding your head gently, they pull out the laptop. Reclining the seats to make a bed, they lean back and gesture to their chest for you to lean your head on. Playing the movie, they watched you try to keep awake.

Eyes droopy, limbs relaxed, you could hardly keep your eyes open. Finally giving into sleep, you let yourself rest, listening to Loki's heartbeat.

Loki's POV:

I watched her fall asleep on me. I have no idea how, but I ended up with a huge grin on my face when I looked away. She gives me all these feelings. She's so accepting of me. Anything I do, She's ok with it. I haven't known anyone like this. Most people would be annoyed by all my self hatred or sleeping habits or literally just myself. But she's so different. What is this feeling? It's so foreign. It's confusing.

When I'm with her, I feel I can be myself. When she laughs, the room is brighter. Her smile makes me smile. I get it, I like her. But I've liked alot of other people before. But not like how I like her. Maybe I should talk to someone. Maybe Thor will understand. Maybe not, he might make fun of me. Maybe I'll ask Peter, he's always really sweet, even if he is a bit inappropriate at times.

I don't get it. She keeps crying. She thinks that she'll be kicked out by the Avengers. I have no idea why. When I first met her, she had similar thoughts, but now her thoughts are becoming worse. She feels as if she is useless to the team without her powers. She's so much more than that. She's loving, accepting, caring, funny, charming, beautiful, sweet, smart, idiotic at times but she's a good idiot. My idiot.

I remember when she almost got herself killed trying to defeat Thanos, and then ended up in a hospital bed for almost 3 days. She always stood up for me, even when I first came to the compound, she'd defended me against Tony. I don't know what to do.

I wish my mother were here to meet her. I'm sure she'd love Y/n. After all, everyone she meets loves her. Maybe I love her? Do I? What is love? How do I know? Ugh, I should really go to sleep. It's quite late and if I have eyebags for Tony's wedding he's bound to kill me.

Well, good night fellow readers, I'll see you in the next chapter.

Well, good night fellow readers, I'll see you in the next chapter

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whoever made this is going places worse than hell

nino :)

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