21. awake

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Again you ended up in a hospital. Your entire body was sore. The pain was agonizing as you opened your eyes. The cold air stung as you looked around. Your body was covered in wires, your arm in a cast and your head was bandaged. Spotting a calendar on your left, you realise you've slept for almost 3 days. Not again.

Turning your head to the right you see a Loki, sleeping, hair in a bun and holding a small book of poems. The same person book that he would read to you. A smile formed on your face as butterflies rushed around your tummy. Your body and cheeks ached, but you didn't care. He was ok.

Through the doors came Princess Shuri. Her labcoat swished as she walked with a proud smile. Just behind her was a relatively similar-featured man, who wore a black kurta and sandals.

"See brother! I told you she'd wake up!" She exclaimed. The noise startled Loki as he jerked out of his seat, almost falling face-first to the floor.

"Stop yelling. Let her walk up peacefully." The man, who was her brother, whisper-scolded. Their speech was laced in a beautiful thick African accent.

Shuri walked over to you and checked you to make sure you're alright while Loki just watched in nervousness.

"She's ok!" she cried out with joy as she slipped a chocolate bar into your hand from her lab coat.

"Shuri! You can't feed a patient chocolate!" T'challa scolded.

"Brother, chocolate will help her blood pressure increase. I know what I'm doing." Shuri rolled her eyes.

You giggled as she fed you the chocolate. You snatched a glimpse at Loki, who was now breathing a bit more slowly.

"Loverboy didn't want to leave you," she smirked as she looked to Loki and back to you. Loki's cheeks flushed a deep pink. As he looked at you again, you caught his eye, neither of you breaking contact.

"Hi." You managed to speak.

"Hello." He spoke softly.

"We're going to give you two love birds some privacy," T'challa spoke as he and Shuri left the room.

"You shouldn't have used the stones." Loki's expression turned into a frown. "You could have died."

"But I didn't." You laughed. He deadpanned and mentally wanted to slap you but before he could respond, the rest of the team had piled in, all around you, somehow managing to push Loki to the side. There were also two new faces you couldn't recognise.

"Y/n! You're finally awake!" Wanda jumped with joy.

"Oh, Y/n! I'm so glad you're alive!" Peter came up to hug you while he helped you to your feet. Everyone gave you a warm greeting, while you reciprocated with a smile. Turning to the two newcomers, you blink in confusion.

"Oh! Right! I'm Eric, he/they, and um I just got recruited last week. I'm a mutant. Yea," he nods shyly before picking up a cup by encasing it in some form of an electromagnetic shield. Impressed, you smile a bit. Suddenly he disappears, which made you turn around with raised eyebrows. Something caught on your shoulder, which turned out to be his hand when he reappeared.

"Invisibility and energy manipulation." he shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand. The other recruit just rolled their eyes.

"and what do you do?" you asked a bit passive-aggressively after seeing their gesture.

"Oh, I can shapeshift," they say nonchalantly. Morphing into your form, they introduce themselves. "I'm Maura, she/her."

You nod as the team keeps talking amongst each other. New recruits. Surely they would have told you before they would recruit. Especially since they recruited mutants, they could have asked you for help. They would, wouldn't they?


After further checkups, you were allowed to go to your room. You missed the place. Finally, you could take a nap.

A knock at your door disrupts your thoughts. With a grunt, you tell whoever was there to leave. But they did not do so. Instead, the doorknob turned to reveal Loki.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Napping," you reply blankly.

"You slept for three whole days." Grabbing your feet he pulls you off from the bed. "Make me cookies."

"Loki! Go ask Wanda to make them for you." You grumble as he lifts you by the waist, heading to the kitchen.

The compound was also new. Tony brought some more land and converted that into some sort of exercise field, and the opposite was a mini-mart. A whole mini-mart for the avengers. 'Nice' you thought to yourself. Maybe you could play tennis or ride a bike.

Heading towards the new kitchen was a pleasant trip. Loki held your hand in awaited excitement for a batch of freshly baked cookies. Turning around the counter to grab the flour, you gasped at the sight of Steve and Bucky grinding each other on the floor.

"Woah! Keep it PG!" You avert your eyes from their red faces. "We came here to make cookies, not stream Pornhub's man to man."

Loki snickers at your comment as Steve and Bucky try to come up with some sort of excuse.

"I- We- Um- We were-"

"Go live your best lives, and be fruity!" You endorse them as they scurry out the kitchen. "Guess we weren't the only ones to hook up."

Loki's face dropped as you ducked under the counter to grab what you needed. Was that all he was to you? A hookup? A one-night thing? A fling? Maybe you don't reciprocate in the way he thought you did. He shoved the thoughts away and put on a small smile as your head came back up, arms full of ingredients.

"Now, I shall require something in return for baking these cookies." You smirk, turning to face him. He looks into your eyes, eyebrows raising slightly as you wrap your arms around his neck. Pulling his face closer, his smile grew wider, from forced to genuine, lips parting just enough.

There it was. That electric feeling. The feeling like you're flying. Like fireworks were exploding in your heart. Loki's lips were cool and soft. Yours fitted over his in just the perfect way. Like it was meant to be. His hand slowly reached up to gently cup your face, pulling your face closer and closer. Smiling into the kiss, you involuntarily lifted your legs to wrap his waist. Holding you by your thighs, Loki proceeded to sit you down on the counter.

"I believe you were making cookies not babies."

i still have 7 more papers and math is on monday, so y'all can have this chapter + 2 memes, sorry not sorry for the first one :)

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i still have 7 more papers and math is on monday, so y'all can have this chapter + 2 memes, sorry not sorry for the first one :)

- nino :)

Mutant | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now