11. eyeliner

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"Awww! They're so cute!"

"Shut up! You'll wake them up!"

Without opening your eyes, You wake up to whispers and giggles. The team was probably back. You remember falling asleep on the couch last night, on your Barbie binge with Loki. You weren't sure whether Loki had left while you were asleep, but all you knew now is that you were lying on a really warm pillow on the couch, something wrapped around your waist. Almost protectively.

You weren't really sure what time the team said they would come back, but assuming those whispers weren't from bucky, who is usually quieter in the mornings, they would be from the team. You listen closely and can make out one feminine voice and another more masculine. You pay more attention, which is probably going to result in a headache from using too much brainpower right after you wake up, and recognize the voices to be those of Wanda and Thor.

You still can't open your eyes, since it is painfully bright and you feel like a zombie most mornings. The cushion you are lying on was most certainly comfortable. It was warm and soft and you fit perfectly into whatever weird shape it was. Snuggling closer into it, you felt what was wrapped around your waist, pull you closer and instinctively hold you. Confused by what was going on, you jerk awake and see you were lying above Loki. The God below you stirred from you leaving his torso, as your face heated up.

Slowly, he opened his eyes to see you above him. You both turned your heads to see Wanda, Thor and Tony holding a phone. Again using way too much brainpower, you strained your eyes towards the phone, making out a recording of Loki holding you at your waist, both of you in delicate sleep.

You get off Loki, while his face turns a shade of pink, almost unnoticeable to the untrained eye. The Avengers had just got back from their mission, to see you and Loki on the couch. Together.

Bucky was already in the kitchen, frying bacon and eggs. You could smell the toast when you walked in.

"Yea I saw Y/n and Loki on the couch. What's the big deal?" Buckys says.

"Shut up! They're coming!" Natasha hushes them.

You and Loki walk in together. Everyone turns their heads towards the two of you. Everyone mentally grins but don't say anything. They get out some plates, while Wanda tells you how cool the mission was, and how you should join them next time. It wasn't even breakfast as it was 2 in the afternoon but apparently, Bucky did not know how to cook anything other than eggs, bacon and beans. At some point, Tony yells out that he's hosting a celebration for the team and some agents on accomplishing a successful mission. Then Tony surprises everyone saying he already set it at five, and invited guests on the jet. Shocked everyone runs towards their rooms, to try and dress as fast as possible.

Deciding in your mind that you want to wear a suit, you grab a slice of hot buttery toast, pop it into your mouth and run upstairs as the elevator was already occupied by the team. Nat comes up with you, to freshen up and charge her bracelets. As you're looking around for some jewellery to go with your black and pink suit. Tony said you did have to look professional so this was a good chance for you to not get kicked off the team.

You shower yourself and dry the skin around your eyes, getting it prepped for eyeliner and mascara. Your mascara was always amazing, but you weren't as skilled with eyeliner. Just as you finished one eye nicely, there was a knock at your door. Thinking it was Wanda you yell, "come in!"

But instead of a Wanda, a very nice smelling Loki stood at the frame. A towel wrapped around his waist. You just had pants and a bra on. Unwilling to make the situation more awkward, you greet him.

Mutant | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now