2. on earth?

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You wake up in a grey room. it's cold. As you get up on your feet, the room starts blinking red and a large alarm is sounded.

Fury enters along with Mr Rogers and the red-headed woman who stabbed you with the syringe which made me pass out. You read about Steve in your 1st course of University, he seemed pretty decent. 

They introduced themselves. The woman said her name is Natasha Romanoff. 

"Mutants were used in the II world war for the Nazis, we fear others might use mutants for their own needs. Since you are a mutant, we will need you under supervision. Unfortunately S.H.I.E.L.D. can't take you into supervision until the Avengers authority allows us, as they have asked us to find you to be recruited." Fury spoke with a hint of irritation in his voice.

You were confused. You mean you just woke up and this dude decided to speak to you not even a minute after you woke up. You think he said something about you being an Avenger? That's funny, You can hardly run 2 kilometres without breaking down.

"It's your choice Ms L/n. You can either join us or S.H.I.E.L.D." Rogers stated, his words hinting at care.

You were petrified, "What about your family? What would happen to them? You can't just leave them?" It's not like you had much of a family. Your parents were the only people you had, and both of them being lawyers they were hardly around. But they still would worry if you were taken in by some government organisation.

"We have sorted everything out already. Your parents said it's your choice whether you want to move in with the Avengers, as your telepathic abilities might be of use to them, or come to S.H.I.E.L.D. to be recruited under our enhanced individuals' programme. They also told me to give you..... kisses....." Fury spoke, stuttering on the last sentence.

Oh, your family doesn't care much. Not something new but oh well.

"I'd like to see the documents, if I go with S.H.I.E.L.D. or if I go with them", You say pointing to Rogers and Romanoff.

Going through both documents, You see S.H.I.E.L.D. had much more restrictions than the Avengers. 

You sigh and tell them your choice." I choose the Avengers initiative."

"Okay, sign here, here and here and you can go to the facility. You shall be restricted from advancing into missions until Romanoff notifies me you're ready."

"Director Fury, something just entered the upper atmosphere. It looks like a ship and it's headed to Norway?" the woman beside Fury informed him while scrolling through a small tablet that looked like a clipboard.

"All units. I want an APB on a spacecraft heading to Norway." Fury looks pissed. You were hesitant to read his mind as who knows what could be in there and you were already scarred enough from Natasha's mind. You don't even think you went through half of her memories.


"Lady Natasha! Steven! Man with the Eye patch! How lovely it is to see you all again." Thor exclaims while stepping out of the ship. All the soldiers slowly lowered their guns, under Fury's order. 

"what are you doing here? And why the gigantic ship? And where is your eye?" 

"Well, you see Asgard is destroyed so some of our people are to stay on earth, somewhere with not many earthlings, you know?" Thor goes on rambling something.

You are next to Nick and Steve, as he insisted you call him. You tried to enter his mind, as Steve asked you, to see if it was him and if he was telling the truth.

"Loki, stop trying to get in my head." 

"LOKI IS HERE?". Fury is mad. oh shit.

But Loki? The guy who tried to take over Earth in 2012?

"Helloooo! I heard my name, and no Thor that isn't me." Loki comes out of the ship. He scans around and stops at you.

"They are." He says pointing to you.

You wave awkwardly. What the fuck do you say when you're trying to enter someone's head and you get caught.

'o,h foul language' You hear in your head.

'huh?' someone was in your head

'You're not the only telepath, you know?'

'This is gonna be fun' You exclaim in your head sarcastically.

You didn't like this dude going through your head. oh, is this how others feel when You do that? 

"Well anyway, my brother and I shall be required to stay somewhere, preferably with the Avengers. Now I didn't know where the compound was so I figured your people would  come find me."

"Wait, wait, wait. Loki, as in the Loki who tried to take over Earth is to stay here? ON EARTH?" You look through his thoughts and Steve is afraid of what Loki might do.

Loki's lips curve downwards, almost hinting at guilt. He looks at you and you freeze, unsure of what to do.

"My brother has changed, he is a good guy now. He helped save Asgard and your people while we visited our father here. He really has changed and even if he does anything You take full responsibility for him." Thor sounds caring yet desperate. He sure does love his brother.

"Fine, but he must stay under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s supervision at all times. You and your brother can board this jet. It will take you to the new facility." Fury voices uncertainty.

"Come on," Natasha calls, boarding the jet.

Loki, with limiters on, sits beside you while nat sits on your other side and Thor in front.

This flight is gonna be a long one.

Mutant | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now