4. dinner

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"So...", Steve starts. "Y/n, tell us about yourself."

"Yea we don't wanna learn everything about you from papers." Tony continues. he can be bitchy sometimes but his sarcasm is always on point.

"okay. yea. sure." You mumble. "So um, My name is Y/n and I was attending (so and so) University to get my teaching degree on Zoology and Mutation, that is until you guys kidnapped me." Every one stares, how lovely. "So now I have no idea why I'm here but I can't move back to my apartment as my stuff has already moved here and Wanda is the nicest person here."

"Okie dokie, that was boring. How about we watch a movie after dinner?" Tony remarks, with a snug grin.

" Yea sure."


"I'm down."

A bunch of statements from the table are passed, agreeing to Tony's proposal. They all eat quickly, except you. The pasta isn't cooked enough. Do these people even know how to cook? Gosh, even you can cook pasta, you just have to boil it it's not even that hard. Wanda has already finished her meal when you look towards her. She's relaxing back and has her eyes shut. We all finish and you excuse yourself of the rest of the meal, saying as you eat very little and it was very filling. Loki does the same, maybe for the same reason as you.

"The pasta was great but I'm afraid I'm a bit full. Thank you Steve." You thank him as he places the dishes in the washer and wipes his hands with a dish cloth.

You head on over to the couch, where every one else is squished. There's almost no space. They throw a few cushions down and you sit on the ground with Natasha, Loki and Wanda. The cushions are really soft, like pillows. Tony plays The Maze Runner. God, Dylan is hot. I'm starting to think Tony has a fruity side. Nats subtly, but noticeably checking out Teresa. Okay okay you need to stop.

You all we're having good time and Tony remarks at every instance and Steve just glares at him. Bruce is on the couch and I catch him staring at Nat. Thor has fallen asleep. When the movie is over we all head upstairs but Steve and Natasha tell you to stay back, to discuss your schedule while living here.

"Okay so every day we all wake up at 7am and go for a run and then do our daily training and head for breakfast. We then have the rest of the day to ourselves unless called by authorities to interrogate or inoculate an area. You can continue with your university course if you wish but you can't attend your classes in (country of University). We have provided a list of other universities that offer the same advances which you can go to." Steve lists everything you have to remember.

Nat adds," Also we're going shopping tomorrow so you can come with us to go pick some groceries. We alternate cooks daily, your turn is on Wednesday, mine's Tomorrow ugh."

"Okay sure thanks guys." Yes you are trying to open up to them. You're not good at that but you need to try. There's like millions of other mutants that they could have chosen, but they chose you. With that on your mind, you go to bed.


You wake up to your tummy grumbling. Gosh aren't you hungry. Obviously this happens alot, snacking at 3am just hits different. You head down to the kitchen to go check out the cupboards. When you reach there you see a figure in the dark. Alarmed, you hit the switches and the lights blind the figure who you can see as.... Loki?


"Yes, ha, that's me."

"God you scared me."

"Oh I was just hungry. Steven's pasta was not very appetizing.", adding a soft chuckle at the end.

You flash him a small smile and head over to the cupboards where he was. There's instant noodles in there. You wonder why Steve couldn't cook that. You take out 2 cups and search for the cupboard where the pots are. Loki helps you and pulls out a pan on the stove and you pour water in it to boil. You share a conversation about how instant noodles work. He was suprised at this concept, thinking of it as very useful.

Pouring the water into the cups, you both sit in silence as the noodles get ready. You drain out the extra water and then mix in the contents of the sauce packets.

You give him a cup and sit on the kitchen island in the dark, eating ramen at 3am. You have done this many times before with your roommate but this one was much more hilarious since it was Loki's first time eating ramen.

"AGGHH! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? THIS IS EXTREMELY SPICY." He whisper-yells and you just laugh as he chugs down some water.

"Oh please! This is delicious, even if it's a bit spicy. Trust me you're gonna love it in a few seconds." You laugh as he sends you a playful glare.

He pauses, licking his lips, "This is in a way, delicious." You both eat in slurps and soft chuckles until Wanda enters.

"What are you guys doing?" Wanda exclaims, startled to see you two together.

"We were hungry Wanda. Do you want some?" You say, pointing to your ramen with your fork.

"No thanks Y/n, I just came down for chocolate. You know?" She heads to the fridge and grabs a huge bar with a smirk.

You three sit and eat quietly, until your food had been devoured. Together, you went up to your rooms. Finally, sleep with a full belly.

sorry for not updating in 4 days 💀 and thank you all for 79 reads honestly it's amazing

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sorry for not updating in 4 days 💀 and thank you all for 79 reads honestly it's amazing. I wanted y/n to have a ramen addiction and had to add wanda so we wouldn't be really weird with Loki. I'm also thinking of making this a friends to enemies to lovers so pls send help ✌🏼 I'm out

Mutant | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now