6. I'm not him

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Bucky helps you up to your feet and opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again. Opens, closes, opens, closes until he finally speaks.

"That's not me. I'm not him. Not anymore."

He says that like he's the assailant. But you've seen it. He was the victim all along.

"Bucky, You were a victim of pain, torture, abuse and you say, you're the assailant? whatever they made you do, you were made to do it against your will. it's okay and I'm really sorry for going through your memories without permission." You rant, he's a good guy. He didn't deserve the resentment.

"Thank you. You're one of the very few people who understand that." You think you are about to make him cry. His eyes well up and you look away awkwardly.

The tears never run down. He continues with putting the groceries away. No one says anything anymore, not until Thor comes in.

"Say, might you have brought some of the earth's most delicious pop tarts?" He asks.

"Yes Thor, we have your pop tarts," Bucky replies, rolling his eyes. He reaches into a bag and hands him his pop tarts.

"Thank you, Bucky." He smiles and runs to the lounge. Nat enters the kitchen.

"Y/n, Buck, you guys can go, I gotta start cooking." she waves you off and you both exit the kitchen.

You didn't know what to do, so you start heading towards your room, wondering if Wanda is awake yet. The elevator door outcomes out comes Stark... with a kid.

"Woahhhh, Mr Stark this place is fabulous!" The kid says.

"Oh! Y/n! This is Peter, he's gonna join us for lunch. Tryna get him to tell his aunt that he's spider kid" Tony unravels your confusion.

"Hey! I'm Y/n, nice to meet you, Peter." You grin.

You shake hands and head over to the couch. Being antisocial could wait a bit.

Stark goes into the kitchen, while Peter and you sit on the couch, awkwardly trying to start a conversation.


"Sooo...... Um... Do you like cake?" Peter asks me.

"Cake is enjoyable." You smile.

"That's nice! Do you like Star Wars?"

"oh, I haven't watched it yet." You reply with a sad smile.

"Awww, But I guess we could watch it together? like maybe the next time I come here? I'm not even sure if I could come, if I tell my Aunt May that I'm spider man, what if she doesn't allow me out of the house? I'm not sure if I should tell her, but I also want to tell her, I don't even know." he ends his rant with his head in his hands.

"You know, I think you should tell your aunt Peter, she can protect you." You explained to him, deep in memory of remembering when you told your parents you were a mutant. It was where they drew a line and stopped keeping in touch. You didn't know if they still cared for you, as they would hardly be around the house which made you decide to go to University.

"Thanks Y/n." He pulls you into a hug and you reciprocate.

"Okay enough mushy mush. Nat says lunch is ready." Tony rolls his eyes coming out of the kitchen, probably annoyed by your and Peter's newly formed bond. "Y/n, go and call everyone upstairs for lunch." He adds.

"Tony, you can use FRIDAY."

"why? too lazy?" he retorts.

"okay okay I'm going." reaching the elevator you call out, "hey Peter, wanna come?"

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