14. strange

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You wake up, with your head pounding. The bright lights and the smell of disinfectant and bleach certainly did not help your aching body. You open your eyes against the blinding light to see you were in a hospital gown. The room you were in was white tiled and there was a monitor beeping near your left arm. It showed your pulse and pressure on the screen. Pulling away any wires that were on your head and arms, you slowly get up. The doors burst open and a woman wearing a white suit came in, Steve, Loki and Vision right behind her.

"She's awake." She says as she proceeds to examine you.

"What happened?" You ask in a groggy voice.

"After being in contact with the mind stone, you collapsed, and then when we got you to the infirmary, you had developed burns from nowhere. So we took you to doctor Helen Cho." Vision informs you.

The woman lifts her flashlight and shines it into your eyes. Your pupil contracts as she examines your iris.

"How long was I here?" You ask as she checks your pressure.

"16ish hours." Loki answers.

You tried to recall what you had seen. The purple giant would not leave your mind. Loki's face turns pale. You did not notice but Steve surely did.

"Loki, is everything alright?" Steve asks.

"Y/n, why did you touch the mind stone?" Loki asks you, ignoring his question.

"I don't know. It was like, it was calling me."

"Okay, but can you tell me what you saw when you touched it?" He leans closer to you as Doctor Cho leaves.

"Well, I saw a light, then 6 glowy stones, and then the red stone became liquidy, and the orange was in the hands of some skeleton. The yellow was in some sort of sceptre and the green was in some eye like an amulet. The blue one was in a cube shape thing and the purple one was in some round rock. Then I saw this purple alien thing." You didn't tell him what you saw after that. It was too risky, letting down your guard.

"Can you describe that purple alien?" Steve asked softly.

"Well, he was enormous, almost 8 feet tall. And um, he was wearing this armour of metal and leather and gold, and um his chin looked like a nutsack." The last part made Loki laugh, which made you smile.

Suddenly there are orange sparks next to Vision. The sparks circled, creating a portal. Everyone looked vigilant towards the figure who had stepped through. Cap raised his fists as vision started to float off the ground. Loki summoned his dagger and you grabbed a scalpel off the table.

"I am Doctor Stephen Stange, master of the mystic arts, and I am not here to cause harm." The figure who now has entered into the room, speaks. It was a man, and he was dressed like one of the wizards you had seen. You see his pendant looked exactly like the one with the green stone.

"Where did you get that pendant?" You ask him questioningly.

"This is the eye of Agamoto, but I need to ask you some questions." He holds up the trinket as he speaks. "You see I was just doing my daily foreseeing today and then I saw you, Y/n L/n, in every single version of them."

"What do you mean them? What are you talking about?" You ask.

"The future, darling. Did you have a vision of some sort? You know seeing my amulet?"

This was getting weird. "Yea but why?"

"ahh, then you know the infinity stones."

"The what?" Steve interrupts.

"Dear God." Strange mutters. He creates an illusion, of the universe.

"From the beginning of the universe, there was nothing. Nada. Empty. Then, tada! The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurdling across the universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence." He shows the 6 stones. Each of which you saw. "Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. In your head," he points to vision, "And Time." He does some finger thing which opens his amulet and shows a glowy green stone.

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