19. home

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Thanos stood there. He did not know what to say. Was he gonna let children grow up with the possibility of fending for themselves? Was he going to be the cause?

"You were one of those children. You tried to warn the people of your home of what would happen if they didn't control it. They called you a madman." You spoke as you stepped closer, making sure you were getting through to him.

Thanos stood looking at you with unsure thoughts. It was his mission. He could not throw it all away with the words of some child.

You stepped closer, reaching out your hand to calm him.

"They would never understand." He spoke as he grabbed you by your arm, using his other hand to rip the stone from your flesh. You howled as he held you by your arm, your hand and jaw dripping blood.

"You think a mere speech will stop me from completing what had to be done?"

"STOP IT," Loki yelled. "Please." He pleaded.

"Looks like you got yourself a girlfriend." Thanos mocked as he held you up against his arm. "Hand over the tesseract and I'll let her live."

"The tesseract was destroyed on Asgard during Ragnarok." You spoke through the blood.

"You lie." Thanks spoke through gritted teeth.

"Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard... Friggason... The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity." Loki recited as he held out the tesseract. You noticed he had a dagger in his right arm.

Just as Thanos grabbed the Tesseract, Loki swished the knife through his throat, although not cutting it entirely. Thanos dropped to his knees, dropping you as well.

"Undying fidelity, but you see Friggason, I am here." Thanos' voice spoke from behind Loki. As he had the reality stone, he moved behind Gamora, grabbing her and then laser beaming himself up to his ship.

"NOOOO!" Peter cried out.

But he was gone. Loki scrambled over to your limp body, healing your arm with whatever little strength he had himself.

"Loki, no, it's ok." You whispered using the little energy you had left after the stone was ripped out of you.

"Darling, you're injured, please."

Stark, Peter and Strange we're not seen. You got worried and tried to sense for them. Feeling just a weird tingle, you could not sense their entire minds. "Peter?" You called.

"I'm here," Peter called as Strange lifted the illusion he had placed so Thanos would not get the time stone. Peter rushed over to you.

"I'm s-so s-sorry Y/n! I'm s-sorry. I-I wasn't t-there, p-please, don't d-die." Peter cried as he placed himself near you.

"I'm not dying Peter." You laughed. "But I won't be able to use my arm for a bit." You pulled Loki's arm away and wrapped your arm in some cloth. Slowly standing up you looked to Strange, who was sitting in a meditative position, head shaking rapidly.

"Strange?" Tony asked concerned. They approached the wizard with caution, as he fell out of whatever demonic trance possessed him. Panting, he spoke.

"He's going for the mind stone."

"Then we have to get to Earth," you spoke.

"No. That's exactly what he wants. We have the space and time stone, we can't risk it."

"If he gets the mind stone, he'll get to us." you protest.

"He can alter reality." Strange spoke irritated of the conversation.

You stood up and started to walk away. Loki came after you, to make sure you wouldn't do something stupid. Your search for a spaceship, anything to get you off this planet, back to home, back to the Avengers, back to family.

Looking inside a spaceship, you were dazed by the number of buttons. Loki just watched you without intent as you tried to make sense of the dashboard. Not finding the start button got you so frustrated that you ran out of the ship, picked up a huge metal scrap and flung it into space, yelling in the process.

"Feel better?" Loki's voice spoke.

"I just want to go home," you replied kicking a rock in front of you. "Do you not wish to go home?" you asked, looking back at him.

'I am home. With you, I am.' he thought, but chose not to say it. He didn't want to come off as too clingy, so he remained silent.

"The Avengers are the closest thing I have to a family. My original family discarded me. For being a mutant. For being different. They never said it, but always reminded me that I was not welcome into my own family. That's why I need to go home." you explained. After a long pause, you turned around to face him. "Will you come with me?"

"Always." He found himself replying without even thinking.

You smiled and tried to calm yourself by thinking of your good memories. The one where you first met Peter and had a conversation about cake. The one where you held Loki's hand in the elevator. The one where Wanda and you watched your favourite show for the entire day. The one where you and Loki crept down in the middle of the night together to make noodles. The one where Loki read a few poems to you while you laid your head on his lap after an exhausting day of interrogation. The one where you both played Mario Kart in your bedroom. The one where you both had fallen asleep in each other's arms. The one where Loki told you about jotuns. The one where Loki comforted you through your dark thoughts. The one where Loki pulled you close to him when he thought you were asleep, that he wanted your comfort. The one where Loki kissed you. That was when you realised half your happy memories were with Loki.


You couldn't bear to lose him. It would be heartbreak. You sat at the rock for a while. Loki made sure to give you space. Why the fuck were you so emotional? Over a space mission? Your mind was everywhere, and the thought didn't comfort you at all. Deciding you had enough of this Thanos bullshit you walked back into the ship and finally found the button to start the engine. Dragging Peter into the ship, you fasted his seat belt as Loki watched you. His heart was racing. Tony and Strange walking in behind you wondering why you pulled Peter.

"We are going home and stopping him. I don't wanna hear, we can't. I am leading the team cuz you no-balls can't, so shut up and listen to me." You instruct.

The Guardians followed behind, filling their supplies and equipment onto your ship. Quill was too upset losing Gamora to do anything, so the Lady with the antennae, whose name you learnt was Mantis, put him to sleep on a ledge. The tree was very cute and helped you with whatever you didn't know, pushing levers and buttons. The racoon was not actually a racoon, and his name was Rocket.

Soon with the help of your space buddies, you set course to earth, 72 jump boosts awaiting ahead.

Soon with the help of your space buddies, you set course to earth, 72 jump boosts awaiting ahead

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Manga Loki is so gorgeous djsjdj. Sorry about the late chapter, my mom is limiting my screen time for exams in 2 weeks 😀

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