32. one hour

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The reason why Tony, Thor and Loki weren't there was that they were looking for you. A  search party was conducted while you had returned to the compound, where everyone but Nat and Peter were at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and Loki, Thor and Tony went out searching for you in Iran. They had ostensively also found a HYDRA base there, so the mission turned out to be of some use, since you weren't there.

"Do you want to speak to Loki?" Nat asked softly as Peter handed you a cup of hot chocolate. "I don't think that's a good idea, and thanks Spidey," the kid gave you a small hug as you sipped the warm liquid.

"You know I can read your mind right?" Wanda chuckles. "You're vulnerable, and it's ok. It's ok to feel like this. He cares a lot about you. He just wants you to be ok. He also really wants to see you." she tries to persuade you, but it was all in vain. Your mind was made up, for your dream warned you of things you knew all too well. The last dream you had as such was about the infinity stones, and they turned out to be very real, why couldn't this dream be?

"No Wanda," You paused; unsure if you should continue. "Just tell me," the witchling spoke.

"The night before Tony's wedding, I was washing Loki's hair and after we were done, we laid on the bed together, naked."

"Oh no, please if it's about sex I'm going to cry," Peter interrupted you. Wanda looked to Peter with a 'please-shut-up' expression. "Sorry,"

"Well, No Peter, we didn't have sex. We were saying our goodnights and, I- I told Loki I loved him. I didn't plan on saying it, it just slipped out-"

"That's what he said," Peter whispers, snickering to himself. "Peter please shut up or I will call MJ and tell her to destroy your Lego Death Star," Nat scolds.

"Anyway, it just happened," you looked to them, waiting for something, reassurance maybe. "Did he say it back?" Peter asks, trying to be of some use in your situation.

"No, he didn't, that's why she's upset, god you all are so thick-headed." Nat rolls her eyes, "She also told me this story in the morning yesterday, while we were dressing Pepper."

"FRIDAY, What time will Tony and the other's be back?" Nat asks the AI in the room.

"In about an hour, Miss Romanoff."

"Can you also order some pizza FRIDAY?" Wanda adds. "Sure thing, but I'll need your password," The robot says.

"ugh, do I really have to say it?"

"I'm afraid so,"

"Fine, The gipsy wants pizza," Wanda deadpans, placing her hand in the hand.

"Gypsy?" You laugh, "Was that Stark?"

"Yea, he insists after someone seemed to have broken through security at the wedding."

"Mine's yeet," Peter smiles as he crawls up the ceiling, trying to reach a cobweb in the corner.

"Do I have one?" You ask nervously, giggling at Peter's nickname.

"Mhmm, I think yours is Magneto or something, it's kinda cool." Peter nods, picking a piece of bread off the table.

"Finally, I thought it'd be Megamind," you chuckled. Nat reminded, "at least you have one hour to prepare to meet them again."

One hour.

this is such a filler chapter gosh-

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this is such a filler chapter gosh-

nino :)

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