20. gauntlet

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God, the jump boosts gave you migraine like no other. You were going to kill him. You landed in Wakanda, where Wanda had signalled you. Getting out of the plan you spot a Chituari ship. Hundreds of soldiers and hounds approached as you landed. Lifting up the metal ship, you swung it over all of them, killing them all.

Thanos, I'm here.

There he stood. Just before Steve, who had apparently grown a light stubble. Thor was at his side, trying to use his hammer to hold Thanos down. Tony flew you as Strange held up barriers against the Chitauri army. Loki and Peter followed closely behind. Your arm had still not healed, so you were restricted to just one hand. No problem, you don't need two arms to kill.

Thanos had 4 stones. Reality, Soul, Power and Space. You had the time and mind stones. Good enough to win. A sword found its way into your hands, which you used to make your way to the Titan. You were going to win. You had to.

You finally stood before the Titan. One arm gripping a sword and the other covered with a metal shield. Your armour was brutally damaged from the last time you battled. Your braided hair has some stray strands flowing in the breeze. You reeked of blood and iron. You charged towards the purple grape, as he did the same. Both of you engaging in combat. Trying to slice his arm off distracted him enough for you to grab stones and fling them to the side of your shielded arm. He didn't notice. Not until you reached for the soul stone.

"Stealing from me?" He questioned with a smirk as he punched you, sending your face to the ground. Something pulled at your arm, but it wasn't Thanos. It was Bruce. Taking the stones, he ran with your arm shield. You crushed Thanos' body with his metal armour, which made you able to get the soul stone. You ran towards Vision with Bruce and Strange to protect the stones. You wouldn't be able to run this much if you didn't practice laps in the morning with Steve.

Getting the stones to Vision, he held all of them, but just before he could use them, Thanos spoke from behind.

"Him or her?" He spoke. Somehow he managed to get Wanda and Loki held by their necks, both at the brink of being strangled. "The stones," he requested.

This was all too much like your vision. Both the people you love, either one can live.

"N/n, N-no" Loki struggled to breathe while Wanda had already collapsed. You couldn't choose between them, nonetheless, sacrifice the stones. Walking towards Vision, you looked into his eyes, somehow filled with worry and fear. You didn't even know if a robot could cry. You took the gauntlet and looked at it.

"Let them go and you'll get what you deserve." You spoke as you turned around to face him. Lifting the gauntlet, Thanos smirked. Little did he know what you had planned. Giving him the gauntlet, he smiled as he dropped Loki and Wanda. Everyone yelled at you, "why did you do that," Strange screamed.

When he snapped his fingers, nothing happened. He looked to you, holding the stones, ready to snap. You had stolen the reality stone just before you gave the titan the gauntlet and altered reality to stop his gauntlet from working and to get you all the real infinity stones.

"No," he sighed.

"Shut up," you heaved as the cosmic energy surged through you. Snapping your fingers, you did it. You completed your goal. 

Thanos watched as his army turned to dust, watching his own failure. Your body was limp on the ground. Somehow you could see as Loki rushed to you, you could see your own body. Bleeding. Covered in grime. Some of your clothes under your armour, torn, revealing bits of bloody skin. You weren't in your body. You could see yourself, but you were semi-seethrough. and floating. Floatily turning around you saw yourself, also semi-seethrough.

"Who are you?" you questioned the floating person.

"You," she responded. "So, you're me from another timeline? I see you've found love. Family."

"Have you not?" you inquired

"No, Actually. You made a decision that altered your timeline. Using the reality stone to stop him. "

"What did you do?"

"I did not think of that, and well, He won. Loki was gone. Wanda was gone. Everyone on the team. I didn't have anything to live for. So after 2 miserable weeks of being alone, I ended it all. To be with them, but someone managed to bring them back. The very next day. I never got to see them."

"I'm so sorry." You replied to yourself.

"It's okay. But you better get going now." The other you pointed to your body which was now being shaken by Loki to wake up. Steve, Thor, Tony, Peter, everyone was around you.

Moving closer to your cold body, you see Loki shaking you vigorously.

"NO. NO. NONONO. NO." Loki sobbed against you. Wanda was still passed out, and so unable to help.

"Please." He cried. "Stay with me y/n. Please."

"Loki I'm right here. Look at me." You spoke through your astral form. He did not look at you, probably didn't even hear you.

"They can't hear you like this." Another version of you came up to hold your right shoulder. Turning around you see a bunch of yous.

"I need to go back. I can't leave him. I have to go back." Your breath hitches mid-sentence.

"A huge amount of cosmic energy brought you here like this, you need the same to go back."

"How? How are you all here."

"I'm not sure but I think you brought us here." Some version of you spoke.

"Wait, you all are some sort of astral projections. If all of you combine your energies, it could generate enough for me to go back." You explained. They all looked at each other as you looked to your Loki, whose head rested on yours.

Suddenly you felt a push on your back. A sharp jolt stung your entire body. You heard something just before you passed out from the pain.


I have no idea what this chapter is

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I have no idea what this chapter is. This is probably the third last chapter. Idk. Depends

-nino :)

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