15. together

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Turns out Peter's plan worked like a charm, even earning him the Avengers title. Now all you needed to do was turn the doughnut around and head back home.

"What do you mean we are not going to Earth?" You shout.

"I'm not so sure we should," Tony says quietly.

"Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos." Strange and Loki both say in unison.

"Is it a better plan to fight him on our turf or his? but you saw what they did, what he can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Do you all concur?" Tony yells.

You all silently agree, knowing it would just cause more trouble and everyone would not cooperate if required to fight.

Leaving the presence of each other, you head to explore the ship. You went to search for food. You had just awoken from a days nap. It made sense. You spot some green root-like thing in the food compartment. Picking it up, you sniff it. It smelled like chocolate.

"It's not ripe yet."

You turn around to see Loki standing at the door.

"Thought you were the only one hungry?"

You smile as he comes over.

"That's Karo Root and it is not ripe. It would taste like cow shit." He informs searching for some other food. I nod and help him search.

"I also know your vision did not end at the titan himself," he mutters.

"what do you mean?" you ask, trying to act confused.

"We are best friends, are we not?" he says. There was a familiar pang in your heart. he said you both were best friends. You didn't want to overstep boundaries, so you made a mental note to never tell him about your feelings.

"We are," you reply with a sinking heart.

"then why can't you tell me? I know you saw something after him, you hesitated. And now it's bothering you." he replies raising his hand to gently hold your face in his palm. You didn't want to lean into it but no matter what you told your brain your body was all into it. As you lean into of one his hands, the other comes up to pull you towards him, engulfing you into a hug.

"Please tell me. I just want to help you," he says as you nuzzle your head into his chest. You held on for dear life. You didn't want to lose him. He was charming, funny, smart, tall, ambitious, not to mention gorgeous. You knew what he was asking of you, and you couldn't lie to the God of lies.

"I saw the team, at his feet. They were covered in dirt and blood," you say as a tear rolls down.

"Darling, I know that's not all," he says softly.

"and you were there. he suffocated you, and your body was hanging off his fist, your eyes were-" you couldn't finish the last sentence as it was too painful. He was surprised that he was being mourned for. Thor had already done that, but he thought that was just because Loki was his brother. You were an outsider, someone who didn't know him. Someone who knew of his other form, but didn't let it change anything.

 Someone who knew of his other form, but didn't let it change anything

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let's add some pain, shall we?

"It won't happen, I promise," he says. You were in space. Fucking space. Anything could happen. Your growling tummy made him laugh as you pulled apart, again searching for something to eat.

Eventually, you found some bread and Loki found some stuff to make a sandwich. You laughed when he rested his head on yours and held your waist. You just wanted to turn around and kiss him but what he said didn't leave your mind. we are best friends, aren't we? When you were done with making the sandwich, you spun around to face him. Your face was inches apart from his. Both of you staring into each other's eyes. Just as Loki decided he was going to lean in, Tony entered, adding a gap between the two of you.

"Thanks for making sandwiches. Come in kid! there's dinner." So that was your first meal in space. a sandwich. After everyone finished, Tony checked the course and said the ship would reach its destination in around 26 hours. That meant we needed to find a place to sleep.

You find 4 rooms. each with one bed. There were five of you. which meant two people had to share a bed.

"Why don't you and Loki share a bed since you two are so used to sleeping together?" Tony suggests pointing to you and Loki.

"Woah! Y/n and Loki sleep together? Like sex or-"

"We do not have sex. This pussy is a not a door, Peter." You glare from embarrassment.

"ok but you still need to bunk. Peter isn't going to sleep near you, me or wizard of Oz here."

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange." says the wizard.

"wait, that makes your first name doctor," says Tony as they continue to argue, holding Peter by his shoulder to his room.

"I could sleep on some pillows if you are not comfortable with me on the bed with you," Loki says softly from behind you.

"That's sweet but I don't mind you sleeping near me," you say, turning around to face him.

You walk into the room together. The room is somewhat decent. There's a glass projecting to be a window to space, while the bed is at the opposite corner. There's a table next to it and a bathroom right beside the window. It's not luxurious but it isn't poor living either.

"I'm not sure if I can sleep, considering I've already slept for a day." you laugh as you flop onto the bed. A shirtless Loki leaves the washroom to see you on the bed. God how he wanted to kiss you right there.

"what?" you ask sitting up to look at his toned figure.

"Nothing," he says with a smile.

He was afraid of your rejection. The last time he confessed was to his friend, Fandral, who was not interested nor was he gay. Fandral always made excuses not to see Loki after that. Loki didn't want that to happen to you two. After all, you and he always kept each other's minds private so the two couldn't tell of each other's feelings.

Putting off the lights to sleep, you crept under the bedding, making yourself comfortable. Loki to your right. You turned to the side, thinking of future events. What if Thanos wins? What if you can't stop him? What if you let the team down? The team took vision to Wakanda to get the mind stone out of his head and destroy it. But what if they couldn't do it in time and he got the stone? What if he got Loki?

The intrusive thoughts would not leave you alone. Just then, you had a new thought to think about. A creeping.

The thought was Loki's hands, which slowly crept up to hold you tight, flushing you against his bare chest. Feeling brave you turned around. His face burned red when he realised you weren't asleep yet.

"If you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked." You smiled as you fearlessly placed your face merely inches away from his on the pillow.

He saw his chance and he took it. He leaned his face forward and slowly, gently, lovingly placed a kiss on your lips. Which you happily returned. Taking a moment to breathe, tangling your legs together, you seductively remark, "So you wanna do more than cuddle?" You smile as he kisses you again and flips you over him.

 Taking a moment to breathe, tangling your legs together, you seductively remark, "So you wanna do more than cuddle?" You smile as he kisses you again and flips you over him

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Yes, I'm going to write smut. And yes, I'm supposed to be doing math-

-nino :)

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