12. drunk

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Arm in arm, you and Loki entered the hall. Yanking Loki along with you, you made your way towards the bar. He just laughed as you pulled him along.

"Two shots please!" You requested the bartender.

"What is a shot?" Loki asked you.

"A shot is like a kind of strong alcoholic drink which you take quickly in one go. So it's going to be our starter for tonight. You are 21 right?" You asked after you explained.

"Well, I am 1054 year's old. I think I should be old enough." He responds.

"Good enough for me." You say as the man at the counter hands us two shots.

Before you could have your shot, Loki placed his hand over your arm.

"What do we toast to?" He asks.

You think for a bit, but nothing comes to mind.

"How about..... us?" You suggest. He nods and raised his glass, allowing you to raise yours.

"To us!" You both say in unison and swallow your drinks. Tony spots you both and walks towards the two of you, Thor not far behind.

"Hey reindeer games, are you wearing eyeliner?" He looks to Loki.

"What is this eyeliner?" Thor booms behind Tony, slapping a palm onto his shoulder.

"Oh it's makeup, what girls wear," Tony explains as he rubs his shoulder.

"Brother, are you a woman? Why do you wear woman's accessories?" Thor asks in confusion.

"I can wear what I like brother. Tonight I thought wearing something feminine would be nice. And Y/n here is lovely enough to share her eyeliner with me. So yes, my gender is forever changing " He explains with a stern expression.

"Oh, Loki I'm so proud!" Thor engulfs Loki in a bear hug as he spills Tony's drink. "You don't know brother how long I have waited for you to tell me!"

"What do you mean you have waited?" Loki asks in confusion.

"Loki you are terrible at hiding this secret of yours. I remember how you loved to wear mother's hairpins and silk." Thor explains as he laughs and squeezes Loki.

"Thank you for your accepting behaviour brother, but I would appreciate it if you don't crush my ribs." He pats Thor's back, as though he is surrendering.

"Ok, so reindeer games is genderfluid, that's nice," Tony says, just before turning back. You see Wanda waving towards you like crazy. You excuse yourself from Loki and Thor's conversation and head where Wanda was standing.

She's wearing a full-sleeved red silk dress, with a small show of cleavage and a black corset at the waist. Her hair is down, and she's slightly blushing as vision holds her hand.

"Wanda? Why are you waving around like a peacock?" You question her abnormal behaviour.

"I just saw Natasha and Bruce out on the balcony and they were kissing!" She spills the tea.

Your jaw instantly drops. Nat and Bruce? Dang, you did not see that coming. At that moment, a hand grabs your shoulder and Wanda's face turns from surprised to scared.

"Tell anyone about us and you shall not see the light of day again."

You realised by Nat's vocal threat, that it was her hand on your shoulder, which now was being crushed by the amount of force she was using.

"Ok! Sorry I won't tell anyone! This is just between me, Wanda and Vision!" You cry as she releases you from her grip.


After a lot of socializing with random people, you exhaustingly dropped yourself to the couch, where the team sat. If the team weren't drunk, after the game of 'who can drink the most shots without passing out', they definitely were. Steve and bucky backed out before the game even started, while nat did 9 and said if she took more, she wouldn't be able to keep her promise to Pepper to drag Tony back to his room.

You already drank enough for the night, and Wanda left at 10, as she wanted to sleep early. This was the last round and the only remaining people were Thor, Tony and Loki. All three were drunk out of their minds. After the 16th shot, Thor hit the ground. Tony, was the most drunk as he knew tomorrow would be hell.

"Staaaaark, aaarreee yoou sureee yooooou," Loki hiccups in the middle of his sentence," doooon't waaannaaa quiiit?" He slurs. You could smell his breath, it was very, very alcoholic. You didn't know how he would make it back to his room alright.

"Meeee iiss noott sstooooppiing untiill yyoouu doo!" Tony drunkenly pouts, as Nat snickers with you on the couch.

Taking the last shot, Tony finally falls, leaving Loki victorious. Standing up to do a victory dance was a big mistake for him as his legs gave way under him, making him fall over you.

Crawling under from his bone crushing weight seemed almost impossible, until he lifted himself off you.

"Soorrry daarrliing!" He said as he got off you. "Woooould yooou liiikee to daaance?" He slurs again.

"No, Loki, you're drunk. Let's get you to sleep." you try to pick him up as Nat waves bye, literally dragging Tony across the room.

"iii amm noott druuunk, ii amm fuuull aaand caaaan't I daancce wiithh yooou fiiirst?" He pouts.

"No." You reply sternly.

You realized walking back to your room would take much, much longer if you carried him. You picked up a metal chair sat Loki down in it as you removed his belt and used it as a restraint.

"Yooou shoouuld knooow iii haaave aaa chain kiiink." He giggles.

"What the fuck?" You reply as you float the chair into the elevator. Loki would not stop talking some gibberish.

"du vet kjære, du ser fantastisk ut i kveld. kan jeg kysse deg?"

You could not understand a word he said, but you could make out the last sentence was a question.

"I have no idea what you said, so now you go to sleep." you order as you remove the belt, dumping him on the bed.

"staaaay wiiith meeee." he says, pulling you by your arm onto his bed as his shirt vanishes and your suit is replaced by a tank top and shorts. Before you could protest, he was out cold, arm draped over you in such a way that you could not escape. Groaning and unable to move, you give in, putting your arm over him. His head nuzzles into your neck as you blush deeply. A sudden idea came to mind. His hands holding your face, fingers gently caressing your jaw, pulling you closer to meet his face. Lips unconsciously parting, you thought of how you would kiss him, softly, delicately, with feelings. Snapping out of your daydream you thought,

'Did I like Loki?'

Hehehe I kinda like this chapter

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Hehehe I kinda like this chapter. I also wanna bring back thor's hammer. and a huge thank you for 450+ reads! i still can't believe it-

nino :)

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