8. interrogation

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The stupid alarm rings again. gosh, it's annoying. You turn it off and quickly shower, brush your teeth and put on a red shirt with a maroon leather jacket, accompanied by black jeans and a minimalistic necklace.

You walk into the kitchen and eat a granola bar while Steve tells you what you need to do. You have to interrogate this dude called Markovic and make him give you info on where he got the parts for the device he built. You head downstairs to see a S.H.I.E.L.D. car waiting for you. You get in while Steve sits with you.

-smol time skip lmao-

"so Markovic, Those guys out there tell me that you and some other guys have been getting spare parts and building weapons." You sit across a middle-aged white man who's handcuffed.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I came home yesterday and saw that glowy thing in my kitchen."

"Oh. yea sure. Mr Markovic, do you really think it's a good idea to lie to me? after all, whatever I say will result in you either being free or on trial."

"please! I do not know anything! let me go I beg!" he begs.

"ok, Mr Markovic, if you want to see the sight of freedom again, I suggest you drop your act and confess right now before I dig into your brain and get the information I need, leaving you traumatized with the memories of your painful childhood where mommy was sleeping with the mailman and your dad said you were never good enough." You give him a glare and stare straight into his eyes, slamming your fists on the table, obviously asserting dominance over the man.

"Ok! Ok! please I beg! We got all the scraps from a dealer called Anatolli in Sokovia! The Avengers battled Ultron there and a lot of scrap robot pieces were left! We decided to use it to build machines and steal money! Please don't hurt me!" He cowers in his seat.

"Thank you, Mr Markovic. Have a good day." You smile at him and walk out. After all the paperwork is settled, you are free for the day. You decide to head back to the facility and go read something.


"Hey FRIDAY?" You ask your second favourite AI.

"Yes, Ms Y/n?"

"Does the facility have a library?"

"Yes, Ms Y/n. Third room on the left, third floor."

You start to make your way upstairs when you run into Loki and Pietro.

"Good morning princessa." Pietro sleepily takes your hand and kisses the knuckle, making you blush. Loki nonchalantly stares.

"Good morning Pietro. I just came back from the detaining centre. Is Wanda up yet?" You ask him.

"Well, not yet." He pouts. "She usually wakes up by now."

"it's probably cramps." You tell him. The three of you make your way to the kitchen for breakfast. You snag a look at the clock to see it's 10:30 am. Wanda must have seriously bad cramps if she hasn't woken up yet. So instead of going to the library, you had another idea.

"I have an idea! Why don't we make brownies? Do you know about Wanda and her cramps? Anyways I have to cook today."

Pietro agrees to help you while Loki just sits deep in thought at the table. He gets out all the ingredients we need and surprisingly they are all the right ingredients. When you finally put the brownies in the oven, Pietro decides it would be a good idea to pour some flour over you.


He then runs off like an ant and you turn around to see Loki laughing. For the sake of revenge and ego, you take a handful of flour and slap his face. His laughter turns into shock and then anger, while you stare at his reaction and smirk.

"You did not." He lowly growls.

For the first time in this fanfic, you use your magnetokinesis and lift a knife from the kitchen drawer, distracting the raven-haired God in front of you long enough for you to run.

You go upstairs to find Wanda to wake her up while setting a timer on your phone for 25 minutes. You slowly make your way through Wanda's room, crouching to make sure she doesn't kill you. She is on her bed in a fetal position, surrounded by pillows and stuffed toys.

You gently kiss her forehead to wake her up. She grumbles and opens her eyes, giving me a soft smile as she sees you.

"Hey, baby." You coo, "I made something special for you. Come eat please."

She slowly but surely makes her way out of bed as you leave her room. You make sure Loki isn't around as you walk into the elevator to head to the library. You are hit by the smell of musk and vanilla. God this place is gorgeous. It's dark but bright enough to read and the walls are woody. Whoever designed this place is a genius. You search through the shelves, going era after era of books. You settle on a short novel called 'The Book Of Tomorrow' by Cecilia Ahern. You check the timer and it still has 10 minutes remaining. You leave the library and go to the lounge to read, in case your brownies burn. You read through about the second half of the chapter till the timer goes off and make your way to the kitchen.


You take out the brownies and place them on a wire rack to cool. Wanda's down by now, clutching her abdomen while she settles on a stool. You hand her a plate and she gives you a soft smile. Within minutes the brownies are devoured and gone. Pietro, Loki, Vision and Peter follow the chocolatey smell to the kitchen, immediately spotting your brownies. It's now a fight for food. You quickly lift the wire rack to keep them from tearing each other's limbs.

"Now, Now. Behave and ask politely." You tell them.

Everyone gets 3 pieces each. You take a bite into your first one and spit it out when it tastes like salmon. You bite into another and that tastes like salmon as well.


"These taste normal Y/n. I don't know what you're talking about. I know how to cook." he replies. You see Loki smirking.

"You." You glare at him. "What did you do you pathetic worm?"

"I merely placed an enchantment on you that made your brownies taste like salmon to you. Simple, yet amusing." He replies. "There, your brownies should taste like they are now. You're welcome."

He leaves the kitchen after placing the plate into the sink, and you start planning your next attack.

He leaves the kitchen after placing the plate into the sink, and you start planning your next attack

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hehe, tell me whether y'all liked this. I wanted to give Y/n more personality. and yes The book of Tomorrow is a real book by Cecilia Ahern, it's really good. Very much recommend it. I have 2 more papers left yay! also can y'all give me more prank ideas? I'm planning something for my brother :) Have a lovely night and remember to drink water and get some rest <3 (1163 words)

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