15. Kitty

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Third person's POV

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Third person's POV

He slowly broke the kiss, cupped her face in his hands and caressed her cheek with his thumbs.

"I really love you y/n" he said catching his breath.

"I am sorry for being a mess" y/n said as she felt guilty for causing all this unwanted mess.

"No, you did nothing for which you should apologise." He said looking into her eyes "I know it's hard for you to process everything so quickly"

Both of them chuckled a little

*Time skips*


"Yaah, Jiminaah, stop fighting!" Jin said trying to separate Jimin and Tae who were fighting over a chair.

"You two stop it! You can sit in other chairs too right?" Hobi asked pulling Tae away from Jimin

"But I am the first one who came here!" Jimin said

"But I am the one who always sits in this seat when I am here!" Tae argued

"Are you guys sure that you two are not 5?" Nam asked

"Just have your breakfast you two!" Jin said.

"None of you will sit here! Today I'll take this seat!" Hobi added.

Jimin and Tae sighed in defeat and sat next to Hobi.

"Anyways... When did you two come back yesterday?" Jin asked Yoongi

"Umm... We came a bit late..."

"How's y/n?" Joon asked

"She's fine... I guess!"

"What do you mean by you guess?!!" Jimin asked as he was worried about her.

"I am not sure but I think she's okay!" Yoongi replied.

"Where's Jungkook?" Tae asked as he hadn't seen kookie today.

"He's still sleeping" Jimin replied

"What? Does he wanna get late to school today?" Tae exclaimed

"Good morning everyone~" Jungkook came out of nowhere with a big bunny smile fixed on to his face.

"Good morning" everyone wished him back

"You scared me" Jimin and Tae said at the same time.

"Did I?" Jungkook giggled. He seated himself next to Jin and Joon.

"Why do you look so happy?" Jin asked as he noticed the youngest one's face looked happier than ever.

"Nothing" he said, his big bunny smile never leaving his face.

"That's a bit hard to believe coz' you are smiling and usually byou don't smile!" Joon said.

"Good morning~" another voice came and everyone looked at the door.

"Good morning princess, had a good sleep?" Jin asked.

"Yep!" She too appeared to be happy.

She seated herself next to Jimin and Yoongi.

"Looks like you're in a good mood today!" Hobi chuckled thinking about how moody she was yesterday.

"Yeah, it's a good day, why should I be having a bad mood?" Y/n asked playfully.

She smiled.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi

Yoongi's POV

"Umm... Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook called out

"Y-yeah?" I knew what Jungkook is gonna ask him about.

"What did you tell to y/n yesterday?"

"Umm... Well... "

'and... I was expecting this but not now! Not when Jin hyung is here!'

"Why did you lie to me oppa? You know how much worried I was?" Y/n asked pouting.

"Sorry! I just wanted to help my bunny." I said, trying to act innocent.

"What did he tell you?" Joon asked

"He said that Jake and friends beaten up Jimin and Jungkook and that they were injured." Y/n replied.

'Yoongi, you should be quick! Okay?'

Third person's POV

"He said what?" Jimin asked in surprise almost choking himself with the milk he was drinking. He knew Jake was not gonna do anything like that...

"I already apologised! Now leave it!" Yoongi said

"But don't you think you gone a bit too far?" Jungkook questioned

"You are not gonna scold your innocent hyung, aren't you?" Yoongi asked, again acting like an innocent angel who didn't do anything wrong

"Stop acting cute! He may not scold his hyung, but I can scold you, you Kitty!!" Jin said and before he said another thing...

"Okay bye, I'll catch up with you later!" Yoongi fleed out of there in a sec since he knew about Jin's angry rap.

"Yaah, I'll catch you later you pussy!" Jin shouted.

"Umm.. Jungkookaah..." Jimin called him

Jungkook nodded in response

"How'd you know that Yoongi hyung lied to y/n?" He asked in a suspicious yet a bit playful tone.

"Y/n told me"

"Did you guys talk?" Tae asked

"What did I tell you just now?"

"What? Seriously?!! I thought you will take time to talk!! How'd you make her talk?" Tae started throwing questions at kookie

"Boy, calm down! She was worried about me after hyung said all those stuff, so she talked to me while I was sleeping thinking that I am unconscious" he chuckled

"She did what?" Jimin said before laughing out loud with Tae

"It's not funny! I was just worried!" Y/n said with a nose scrunch

"Stop making fun of her. I am sure that that cat worried her too much!" Jin said standing up for y/n [not physically standing up, but you know what I mean right?]. "Maybe his lies were useful afterall..."

"Everyone get ready quickly or else we'll be late" Joon said "let's talk about this later maybe..."

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