34. Joon

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Third-person's POV

"I'll check if there's any way we can get out without his notice" Yoongi said, to which the younger ones nodded. He started checking if there's any door or window through which they can escape.

Meanwhile Namjoon took the waterbottle from the fridge and approached Jessy.

"The pills they used are not so good ones. It may have dried your throat, right?" He asked.

"Yeah. Actually, it hurts a little..." Jessy replied.

"Don't worry. I'll get you some medicines when we get out of here..." Joon said. "Here, drink some water now" he pour some water in a glass.

"Okay, thank you", Jessy bowed and was about to take the glass from his hands, but the glass slipped out of Joon's hands.

It fell on the floor

Breaking into a hundred pieces.

[Idk if a glass can break into hundred pieces, but...]

Joon was wearing his shoes and a full length jeans which didn't let the glass pieces to reach his legs.

But Jessy was barefoot and she was wearing a normal sized skirt. The pieces of the broken glass pierced into her skin. The sudden pain made her scream and almost sit on the floor but Joon catched her and slowly made her sit in the couch eventhough he was panicking.

Yoongi came to see what happened.

The sound of the glass breaking and Jessy's screams was followed by Bangchan running upstairs with Jungkook and y/n right behind him.

"Jessy! Are you okay? What ha-" Chan stopped his word midway when he saw the two unexpected figures standing next to Jessy.

Y/n looked at Joon who was looking at Jessy with so much guilt and sadness in his eyes. "I'll go search if there's bandages or anything useful." she told Jungkook to which he nodded. She left to downstairs.

Chan noticed the blood dripping out of Jessy's legs/feet. The worry in his face was replaced by anger and a hint of fear.

"What. Did. You. Two. Do. To. Her?!" He asked the two boys with gritted teeth, walking upto them.

"Stop right there!" Yoongi tried to stop him from coming any closer. But it was too late. Chan grabbed Yoongi by the collar, dragged him and pinned him on the wall.

"What did you do to Jess?!" He asked again, looking Yoongi right in the eyes.

"Chan listen..." Joon tried to talk.

"They didn't do anything on purpose! It was an accident." Jessy said.

"They didn't do anything?" Chan leaved Yoongi's collar and turned around to face her. "Is that why you're wounded this much?"

"Jess, I am really sorry. I didn't mean to. I know a sorry won't help, but-" Namjoon crouched a bit and apologised in a low voice, ignoring Chan.

"It's okay oppa. It's not your fault that the glass slipped out." She tried to give him a smile. But the pain was unbearable.

"Namjoon! Get away from her! I know you're the one who hurt her!" Chan dragged him away from her.

"Yaah! Don't touch him!" Jungkook said, getting off the grip of Chan from Namjoon.

[The glass pieces are on the other side, no-one was hurt on the scene :)]

"Chan, he didn't do anything on purpose! Stop blaming him!" Jessy protested.

"Why are you standing up for him?!!" Chan shouted back. Jessy's face turned pale on hearing him shout at her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you! I- I- Agh! Forget it! I'll get a doctor to check on your wounds, don't worry. And others," he turned back at them "get out of this house this instance! Thank you for the pain you gave her and proving that I was right about you all, now leave!" Chan said.

"Chan, what do you mean you were right about them?" Jessy asked, still trying to fight back the pain.

"I-" Chan realised what he just did.

"Bangchan, don't you trust us anymore?" Jungkook asked.

"Jessy, are they more important than me for you?" Chan sighed and asked with an emotionless face, looking Jessy in the eyes.

"Wh-what do you mean Chan?" Jessy was taken aback by his question.

"I have already told you that I never had a good friend at school otherthan you, Steve and y/n. More than them, I was close to you.

And you knew that I open up only to you and Jimin. Still you leaved me behind because of Jimin and the others!

I didn't believe you guys would do something like that to me at first, but when I got the texts, I realised that somehow they are more important to you more than me!" Chan said, his voice was a mixture of pain, rage, sorrow and anger.

Jessy stared at him in disbelief.

"But, you were the one who left me and texted everyone not to contact anyone anymore..." She said, almost in a whispering sound.

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"Yeah. She's right Chan. You send all of us a message saying not to contact to you anymore" Jungkook added.

"Stop lieing!"

"Can you all please stop arguing! Jessy is loosing blood! We need to get her to a hospital as soon as possible!" Namjoon shouted, making the younger ones and Yoongi flinch.

Everyone looked at Jessy. She was getting unconscious.

By the time, y/n also came upstairs. "I found bandages!" She said. But when she reached, Jessy already fainted.

The five youngsters didn't waste another second and rushed to a hospital with Jessy.


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