26. Claire

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Third-person's POV

They left the cafe.
Jimin and Jessy made excuses and went in the direction of the park while the others went the other way, to their respective homes.

They reached the park and Jimin dialled Jungkook's number. He picked up the call almost immediately

"Hey, we're here. Where are you?" Jimin asked

"I am standing where I met Jessy that night. She knows the place. Come fast"

"Yeah, we'll be there in a minute" they hung up the call


They sat in the same bunch in which Jessy was that night...

"Jimin, why do you believe her?" Jungkook didn't look at both of them.

Eventhough it was just a few seconds, what Jungkook saw when he went looking for Jimin and y/n, it had a bad affect on him. Yeah, it was just a friendly hug, but Jimin's words were what confused Jungkook. Maybe he meant it in a good way. But... Jungkook have been feeling weak for a few days and the demon who makes people negative thoughts [if there's such a thing] used his weakness and made him feel something bad.

"You'll know why I believe her before leaving here. I promise" Jimin assured


Jungkook looked at Jessy, waiting for her to talk

^•-Jessy's flashback-•^

She bid goodbye to y/n when they reached the road which divides into two. For her, the only time she was happy was when she's at school. She hated the place called 'home'.

'God, I never did anything bad for which I should suffer all this. Why are you testing me so much? Why can't my aunt be a normal one? Why do I have to take all this?'

She walked with all her usual thoughts filling her head, giving headache which she has got used to. And eventhough she walked as slow as she can, she had reached infront of the gate now.

Yeah, she can run away. No one is around her when she's outside home. But she had already tried to run away two times. But unlike her aunt, her parents, like any other parents, were worried about her and found her and brought her back.

They asked her why she ranaway, but she didn't insist to say anything. She can't talk to them about her aunt. She believed that they'll be worried and, as a teenager, she decided to keep everything by herself and don't share it with her family or friends.

She sighed and opened the gate.

"Mom, I'm home" she went inside and straight to her room.

"Jessy, please come down. We've to tell you something" her dad called her before she went to the washroom to freshen up

"Okay dad".

She came downstairs to see her parents dressed in outdoor clothes.

"You guys are going somewhere?" She asked with a warm, yet fake smile.

Them going out was a bad news for her.

"Yeah. Actually...." Her dad started, but stopped and looked at his wife, hesitating to say the rest.

"What is it dad? You guys look like you've something to tell me"

Both of them sighed
"Next week we are leaving to Paris Jessy... Now we've to go and do somethings for the flight...."

"Why moving out all of a sudden?" She was neither happy nor sad.

"We got transfer.... And..."Mrs.Hwang looked at her husband, hesitating to tell Jessy about it herself.

"And?" Jessy asked

"Jessy... You are not coming with us..." Mr.Hwang said

"What? What do you mean by I am not coming with you?"

"We can't take you with us and you have your school too.. right? You should complete your studies here. All your friends are here... And, Hobi's and Jungkook's parents, y/n's parents and your aunt are also here, don't worry" Her dad said

"No! Please no! Please take me with you guys! Don't leave me like this!" Tears threatened to fall from her eyes

"Sorry Jess. But you have to learn to live without us. Don't worry, we'll always be there for you when you need us" her mom hugged her.

"If you can leave me like this, then how can you say that you'll be there for me when I need you? I need you with me everyday!" Jessy ran to her room.

"Don't worry..." Her aunt who was standing in the kitchen all this while came out atlast.
"She'll be fine. She'll soon get used to it. You guys can count on me"

Her smile always looked too genuine to be fake.
And no-one in the family, not even Jessy's parents knew how evil she was, well except Jessy...

"Yeah. We hope so! We're sure that she'll be safe with you, Claire. Please let us know if there's any trouble" Ms.Hwang said.

"She's always safe with me sister, don't worry about her. And she's no trouble..."


[Day of flight....]

"Take care Jessy. You can come see us in vacations. Don't worry"
"Be happy and healthy. Have as much fun as you want. Okay?"

"Yeah... I'll miss you guys" she hugged them tightly

"We'll miss you too" they said in unison

"She's not a kid you guys. And I'm here no?" Claire said.
Mr and Ms.Hwang broke the hug and smiled.
"Be happy and have a safe trip. Bye"

"Bye mom. Bye dad"

"Bye Jess. We love you"

They left. Leaving Jessy with Claire.

"Jessy, I am sorry for you. I mean, your parents just left you with me and asked me to let them know if you cause any trouble. Little did they know that I'm the trouble here..."

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