The Island

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The door to the cockpit flew open as the plane's air pressure continued to decompress, and the pilot, who happened to be The Rock, turned and yelled over his shoulder, "WHAT THE FUCK'S GOING ON BACK THERE, WE'RE LOOSING ALTITUDE!!!" He didn't have time to get a response as the cockpit broke off from the body of the aircraft, and The Rock was flung from the plane into the sky. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!!" The enderman hyperventilated, breathing rapidly into his oxygen mask. "We have no pilot!" Gonzo grinned. A loud, grating crack was heard and suddenly Charlie yelled, "HOLD ON TIGHT, THE PLANE'S BREAKING IN HALF!!!!" Francoeur noticed that his guitar was about to fly out the plane and undid his seatbelt to grab it, but unfortunately for the giant flea, that was the exact second the entire plane split in two, and he went flying out into the sky with a screech. The enderman began screaming in complete hysteria as the part of the plane they were in began to rotate as it nose-dived towards the ocean, spinning faster and faster. "HEY LOOK!!!!" Pyramid Head yelled, and everyone turned with great difficulty, fighting against the centrifugal force to see Francoeur clinging to the wing. He managed to get his feet on the wing and jumped, springing up into the air and vanishing from sight. "WHERE- W-" The enderman sobbed, closing his eyes. "HE'LL BE FINE!!! EVERYONE LINK HANDS!!!! WE'RE GOING DOWN TOGETHER!!!!" Charlie yelled, and everyone held hands as the plane continued it's meteoric plummet towards the sea. "WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE WATER?!!!" The enderman cried, purple tears streaming down his face. "I HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU, BUT YOU'LL PROBABLY BE DEAD BEFORE WE REACH THE SEA!!!" Pyramid Head yelled back as Gonzo projectile vomited out the gaping hole where the plane's roof had been. The enderman continued to sob, clutching Pyramid Head's hand, and Gonzo wiped his mouth and gleefully yelled, "I CAN'T BREATHE!!!"
"HEY, I SEE AN ISLAND!!!!" Charlie yelled, and everyone turned to see what he was looking at; a large, jungle-covered island was rapidly getting bigger and bigger as they plummeted towards it. Before any of them knew what was happening, the fragmented section of plane they were in crashed into the sandy shore of the island, and everything went black.

Charlie was the first to emerge from the rubble, pushing one of the plane's engines off himself and tumbling down onto the sand below. He fell face-first onto the beach, but he didn't mind, feeling the cool sand against his cheek before stretching out, happy to be back on the ground. He was injured, but not dead as he was immortal. An agonised groan sounded from the wreckage, and Charlie hauled large pieces of metal debris and fragments of chair off the pile of rubble, digging through the wreckage until he finally found Pyramid Head, who was miraculously still alive, albeit badly maimed. One quick, muscle-memory blast from Charlie's restoration gun and he was back to normal (physically). He stood up, stretched and said, "American Airlines is getting a fucking zero star review from me."
"It technically wasn't their fault, Gru was the one who opened the door." Charlie pointed out. "I need a focus point for my wrath, I can't take it out on Gru, can I." Pyramid head replied, and Charlie nodded and said, "Fair enough." Then, he turned back to the wreckage and asked, "Can you help me dig Gonzo and the enderman out the wreckage?"
"If I must." Pyramid Head sighed, crouching down and beginning to sift through the rubble. Charlie also began digging through the decimated remains of the plane, finally grasping a skeletal limb and pulling the deceased, mutilated body of the enderman from the wreckage. "I found Endie!" He called over to Pyramid Head, pulling out his restoration gun. "That's great, but there's still no trace of Gonzhoe!" Pyramid Head called back as Charlie restored the enderman. As soon as the enderman was resurrected, sitting up dizzily and saying, "Are we there yet?", it began to rain. "AH!!! Fat, juicy droplets of poison are falling from the sky!!!" The enderman screamed, scrambling over to take shelter beneath a battered, upturned chair leaning against the remains of the plane. "Ah, I found him!!" Pyramid Head yelled finally, yanking Gonzo's mangled form out the rubble and throwing it down roughly onto the sand. "Pyramid, could you get me something to use as an umbrella?" The enderman asked as Charlie walked over to restore Gonzo. "What was that? You want to be shielded from the scary rain? Beg me, beg like the good little whore you are." Pyramid Head replied flatly. "I- what?!" The enderman said in bewilderment, though secretly he felt his heart beat to the rhythm of don't mine at night. "Beg." Pyramid head repeated just as flatly. "Please can I have an umbrella." The enderman tried politely. "Sure, whatever." Pyramid Head muttered as he walked off to find an umbrella or something similar. Gonzo, who had just been reanimated from death, leapt up and yelled with a grin, "Did we make it to Australia?!"
"What do you fucking think, look around!!" Pyramid Head snapped, rummaging around in the rubble. Finally, he pulled out a very dented metal platter a member of staff had been carrying to deliver drinks to people, jumping down from the rubble and handing it to the enderman. "There's you're umbrella, slut." Pyramid Head said bluntly. "Thanks." The enderman smiled, choosing to ignore the fact that he'd just been called a slut as he grabbed the platter and held it above his head, standing up. "Hey, I can see Gru!" Charlie called, pointing into the jungle. There, at the edge of the dense tropical forest, Gru stood under a palm tree with a malicious leer, staring intently at the others, his bulging orange goat eyes filled with carnage. "Gru, get over here you fucking sag bag!!!" Pyramid Head yelled. Gru's heinous grin widened and he turned, sprinting off into the jungle and vanishing in the trees. "For fuck's SAKE!!!!" Pyramid Head yelled, performing the banned wrestling move known as the vertebreaker on Gonzo, who was knocked out instantly. Charlie sighed, hoisted Gonzo's limp body onto his shoulder and said, "Let's get after Gru before he gets too far away." With that said, Charlie started into the jungle, and Pyramid Head sighed and begrudgingly followed with the enderman.

Charlie(mind) 3: Oh my Fucking Shit.Where stories live. Discover now