Return of the Slug Owner

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Soon, the lycans moved on and stopped terrorising the small town, splitting off into the surrounding woods in search of wandering, isolated hikers that would make an easier meal in comparison to battling an entire town. The charliemind gang reformed, and everyone turned to look at Moreau, who was trudging over holding Endie's decapitated corpse, soaked from head to toe and completely butt-ass naked. Pyramid Head caught sight of him and yelled, "OH MY GOD I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!!! Why are you not wearing the clothes we got you?! What do you think this is, the fucking shape of water?!" Moreau dumped Endie's corpse on the ground with a groan and said, "I found his corpse in the lagoon."
"That doesn't explain the lack of clothes!!" Pyramid Head snapped. "I didn't want to get them wet when I jumped in, but then I forgot where I put them so now I'm naked." Moreau replied with absolute defeat. Pyramid Head suddenly caught sight of Gonzo's werewolf-mauled corpse and said, "Christ. Charlie, get the restoration gun."
"There's no need." Charlie sighed, gesturing to Gonzo, who's wounds suddenly closed up and limbs reattached and he leapt up with a grin as if nothing had happened. "W- how- did you do that?!" Pyramid Head stammered. "No." Charlie replied with a hysterical grin. "Then how did-" Pyramid Head began, only to be cut off by Charlie, who placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and said softly, "Let it go, triangle. Let it go."
"Can't hold it back anymore!!" Moreau sung enthusiastically before quickly falling silent and saying, "Sorry. That just... came out." Charlie pulled out his restoration gun, pulled Endie's head off the spike, put it back on his headless corpse and restored him. Suddenly, a gunshot sounded, and everyone spun round to see the slug owner standing at the end of the market holding his gun, his expression dark and shrouded in the shadow that seemed to hang over the dim, foggy town. "Who's that? He looks pissed." Moreau observed. "IT'S FUCKING SLUG MAN, EVERYONE RUN!!!!" Pyramid Head yelled, and everyone screamed and began sprinting away from the slug owner, knocking over people and stalls in their panic. The slug owner began to walk forwards, slowly and menacingly at first but gradually picking up speed until he was hurtling towards the charliemind gang faster than a professional sprinter. Moreau met the eye of the fishmonger, who approached him and said, "You're a funny guy, Moreau. Here's my number." Moreau gasped and took the small piece of paper he was holding out, tearing up. "MOREAU, YOU COMING?!!" Pyramid Head yelled over his shoulder, and Moreau turned to him and then back to the fishmonger, then back at Pyramid Head again, looking torn. "Go with your friends, you know this place and they need you. As we say in Russia: bros before hoes." The fishmonger smiled, patting Moreau's shoulder. "I'll come back for you." Moreau whispered through tears, then he turned and ran after Pyramid Head and the others, clutching the fishmonger's note in his gnarled hand. "Call me!" The fishmonger yelled after him. The slug owner was catching up to the charliemind gang, who were trying to push and shove their way through the crowded market. "There's too many people, he's going to catch up and Get Us!!!" Endie screamed hysterically. "Quickly, onto the roofs, follow me!!" Moreau shouted, guiding them all to a tall ladder leading up onto the roofs of the small fishing village and beginning to climb as fast as he could, which was surprisingly fast despite his crippling deformities. Everyone followed, ascending frantically up the ladder as the slug owner barrelled through the crowd, his eyes locked onto them like a heat-seeking missile. Gonzo, who had jumped onto the ladder second and was now directly below naked Moreau, looked up and was instantly blinded by what he saw. He grinned and kept climbing blindly, deciding it wasn't important enough to bother mentioning. The slug owner had reached the bottom of the ladder and was now beginning to climb rapidly, his features carved into a haunting scowl and eyes glowing a piercing, furious red. Charlie was scuttling up the wall seeing as his anatomy would make it difficult to climb a ladder and he could scale walls, and watched with a horrified grin as the slug owner grabbed onto Pyramid Head, who was at the bottom of the ladder-climbing queue, and attempted to drag him down in preparation to maul him. "Get off me you fucking freak!!" Pyramid Head yelled, kicking the slug owner again and again in the face. He was relentless, his nose broken and lip burst with the blood of both smeared across his face but he barely even seemed to notice, focussed on digging his clawed hand into Pyramid Head's boot and dragging him further and further down the ladder. Endie saw what was happening and screamed, reaching down to grab Pyramid Head by the hand and attempting to drag him back up. The ladder shook and creaked precariously as the scuffle rocked it in it's screws and sent tremors up and down, and suddenly, among the shrieks and yells, they heard something snap as they struggled, and for a second everything was still. Then the ladder began to tip.

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