Link x Reader

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Link x Reader
My Princess
Requested by CathyFirefly26

You walk through the woods by the SSB Mansion. It was a nice place, but you liked to get away from everyone every now and then. Everyone loved you, no one hated you at all. You were like there mother sometimes. You looked out for them, took care of them, split them from fights. Of coarse they would be annoying at times, but someone always helped you out when you needed it, and you've grown to like-no love him...You never found out if he liked you back, but little did you know he loved you back. You plugged in your (F/C) head phones and listened to (Favorite Song). You looked up at the leaves swaying on the trees. You were a pretty good climber, but also a klutz, too. Yet, you still climb up trees without second thoughts. You jumped, climbed and. Rested on the branches. (Hopefully your not afraid of heights Reader-Chan) You lay on your back, staring at the dimly lit sky. The Stars twinkled in the sky brightly and flawlessly. You heard the crunching of leaves down below the branch you laid on. You turned over on your stomach to see Link walking past your tree.

You swing upside down and land on a lower branch. Link stops as you hide. No your not stalking him, unless you want to call it stalking then fine. You creep along the branches, only a few feet away from Link. You slowly crept behind him, until he kinda spun around only inches away from your face. You both blush a dark Crimson red. You both froze right there. "Boo?" You said, but sounded more as if it was a question. You take off swinging freely in the branches. Link stands still blushing at the very sudden and awkward moment.

Le time skip of Kawaiin-ess~

You sit on the roof of the mansion staring at the endless space full of stars. You hum (Favorite song) for awhile, until it's completely dark. You yawn, stretching out peacefully. You jump through a trap door in the roof and run off to your room. You jump into your pajamas and brush your teeth. You have a lot of work to do tomorrow. You crawl in bed, turning out the light on your night stand and fall into a deep sleep. Before you know it the sun beams down onto your (S/C) face. You jump out of bed and get dressed into your favorite clothes. You then head to the bathroom to brush the knots out of your hair. After doing so you place a (F/C) bow on your head, making you look fabulous. You twirl around making your (H/L) (H/C) hair flutter in the air.
You make your bed, brush your teeth and head on out. Today your making pancakes and waffles for everybody. You walk to the kitchen and immediately start to make breakfast. (I hope this wasn't boring so far!)

Once you finished making breakfast you see Link walk in. He smiles when he sees you. "Good Morning Link!" You greet him with a wave. He waves back and helps place the plates on the table. Believe it or not he does talk, but only to you, Zelda and Toon Link. Zelda didn't hate you but she didn't love you either... She always avoided you since, you started liking Link. You thank Link as the other SSB characters walk in and sit down. You all are breakfast and had your own conversations, but some of you had mini conversations or sat and ate in silence. You were talking to (Favorite SSB Character) about (Favorite Subject) and He/She seems to get along with you pretty well. Link sits beside you as you two talk about whatever. Within a half an hour everyone finishs and you take their plates.

You collect the plates, but Link still stays to help you, even though Zelda was trying to get him to follow. Link stands beside you as you are already washing dishes. It takes a while, but you two manage to wash them all. "Thanks Link!" You thank. "No problem." He replies. You both leave as you felt something slide slowly in you hand. You look down to see his fingers intertwined with yours. You look up and see him blushing, but refusing to make eye contact. You blush and smile. "(Y-Y/N)?" Link stutters. "Yes?" You ask. "Can I show you something? Just promise me it won't ruin are friendship, alright?" Link asks. You nod as Link carries you bridal style into the trees.

He sets you down on a branch as you look at a shimmering lake in front of you. "Whoa! How long have you known about this?" You ask. "Ever since we moved to this mansion." Link states facing you. "Now. What was it you wanted to show me?" You ask, knowing this wasn't it. Link sighs and grabs both your shoulders. Before you could ask, your lips are connected with his. You had butterflies fluttering within you stomach as you kept your inner fan girl from exploding. You two pulled away for air and you hugged Link. Pink spreading across your faces. "Thanks for everything." You mumble into his chest. Link smiles and hugs back. "Your welcome." Link whispers. He tilts you chin up so you meet his ocean blue eyes. ( is that right? I don't even know! XD ) "Does this mean your my princess now?" He asked. "Duh!" You reply happily.


Wow! I literally thought this would take forever, but it didn't! This took two hours to make and its only 11:08! Amazing! Illuminati confirmed.

Anyways, keep up the requests!

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