Lucario x Reader

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Lucario X Reader
Blasted Games!

"Oh C'mon! I can't help playing on my phone when we go for walks!" You pout to your companion. "No, Y/n. I've had enough of your strange technology." Lucario says. "But-" You start. "No buts. I heard enough." Lucario interrupts. "Fine, I guess I'll walk all by myself." You sigh, putting a hand on your forearm. "If you need me I'll be training." Lucario replies, leaving to the training grounds. You puff out the cheeks on your face and sigh through your nose. "Fine..." You mumble.

Lucario huffs from training and someone runs into him. "Hey!" He growls, then sees you on your phone. "Y/n?" He asks. "Hold that thought." You say, sliding your finger across the screen. "Y/n..." Lucario repeats, slightly lower. "Yesssss! I caught a Scyther! Looky!" You giggle. "It's Pokemon GO...isn't it?" Lucario asks. You grin and shrug. "Yes. But the only Pokemon I hang out with, likes training more than me. So, I'll be catching this Clefairy over here." You smirk, running off. "Y/n. You're killing me." Lucario sighs, continuing his training.

An Hour later Lucario is taking a break and spots you with a hurt look. "Y/n?" Lucario asks, running up to you. "Hm?" You ask. "What's wrong?" He asks worriedly. "My phone ran out of Batteries when I tried to catch Eevee." You whimper sadly. Lucario face paws and growls. "You're obsessed with that game." Lucario snaps. "Yeah. At least it's content on making me happy. And not like my Pokemon friend who is obsessed with training." You retort, walking off to charge your phone.

A day later you're still playing Pokemon Go. "Y/n, you need to stop." Lucario sighs. "Never. Sleep is for the weak." You say, following the tracks to Charmander. "This game has taken control over your mind. Just sleep and play it later." Lucario tried to reason. "But-" you start. "Stop with the buts already." Lucario sighs, putting a hand on your shoulder. You catch Charmander then look back at Lucario. "Fine..." You reply and walk with him back to your room. "Why do you like that game anyway? You have JigglyPuff, MewTwo, Charizard, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Greninja( Thanks @lucarioandumbreon ) Squirtle, And Me." Lucario says, stopping in front of your door.

"Some things are better virtual than reality Lucario. I could help you understand that games aren't just for wasting time, they're for keeping you entertained, too." You smile, closing the door softly. Lucario stares at the door, and thinks. He shakes his head and leaves, although, you sat on your bed and used Inscence.

"Y/n?" Lucario asked. You were sleeping in your garden/sanctuary peacefully. "Hmm?" You ask. "Did you finally stop playing that game?" He asks in hope. "No." You reply. "What are you doing now?" Lucario asks, sitting next to you. "Someone used a lure module and my garden in a PokeStop." You say with a tedious(dull) smile. "Can't we go on a walk or something without you playing that game? I miss when you always walked with me to the river, without your phone." Lucario sighs. "This is modern day, as much as I'd love to walk with you, I started playing this game BECAUSE of you." You say, closing your eyes again.

"What?" Lucario asks, confused. You nod. "Every time we went on walks you've always talked about training, Y'know. You had a mind set for one thing. I could try to change the subject, like the scenery, then you'd say it's the perfect type for training. I grew tired of just that ONE subject, then Pokemon Go came out, so I could listen to you and walk. Then I wanted to walk elsewhere, but you took the same routine. Now here we are." You say. Lucario stares in disbelief. "I apologize. I did not know I talked up training so much." Lucario apologizes.

You smile, and click on a Dragonair. "It's quite alright. You can train and I'll play Pokemon Go." You say, as you catch Dragonair. Dark Pit flies down and smirks at you. "Pokemon Go?" He asks. "Yep." You reply. "I know where a Raichu is." Dark Pit says slyly. "Lead the way." You say jumping up. Lucario watches the two of you run off.

The next day you we're talking to Dark Pit about the evolutions of Eevee, or Eeveelutions. "Y/n, we need to talk." Lucario says. You nod at Dark Pit and follow Lucario to the Sanctuary Garden. "Yes, Lucario?" You ask. "Well, to start it all off, Pokemon Go really is your main priority, isn't it?" Lucario asks. You nod. "I'll be the very best." You say. "Y/n, it feels like you lost interest in me, like I'm just, useless to you..." Lucario says. "S-sorry, I didn't know." You apologize. "Can we go for a walk at least once, for old times sake?" Lucario asks.

"Of course, I really am sorry, I'll stop playing Pokemon Go...for a while." You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck. "Actually, if the game really is that interesting, then I would like to try it myself." Lucario says. Your e/c eyes light up. "Okay, but after our old timey walk." You say with a playful grin. Lucario chuckles, as you talk about everything that's going on.

You two return to the Mansion, so you take out your phone and teach Lucario how to play Pokemon Go. After a while, he starts to get the hang of it, so you go on another walk to the lake. "Are those Psyducks?" You ask, pointing to Mallards resting on the Lake surface. Lucario chuckles at your comment. "I think Psyducks are yellow." Lucario says. "That's racist." You reply playfully. Lucario face paws again, and double face paws when you started chasing other brown birds yelling "PIDGEYS!" You yell again, chasing more brown birds.

Lucario catches a Goldeen, then you both continue your walk. "This game is pretty amusing, but I'd rather not get to attached. Same goes to you, Y/n." Lucario says, handing you your phone. "Yeah...I guess you're right." You say, looking down at your phone, then clicking the home button. You hug Lucario. "I'm sorry I treated you like that." You apologized once more. "Do not worry, I'm sorry for abusing the conversations we had with training." Lucario smiles.

~Next Day~

"I thought you put that game up." Lucario said. "I'M SORRY! IT'S TOO FUN!" You yell, running away from an angry Lucario. "Y/NNNNN!" He yells. "Nuuu!" You yell back, getting tackled by Lucario. "Stop." He says, taking your phone. "Thanks, love you, bae." You laugh, sitting up. Lucario blushes, so you take the chance and steal your phone back. "Love you too." Lucario replies. You grin and hug the furball. "You won't stop me." You whisper. "Blasted games..." Lucario mumbles.

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