Human!MetaKnight x Snow Maiden! Reader

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Human!MetaKnight x Reader
Your mine, and only mine
Requested by: CathyFirefly26

You walk around the frozen lake by the SSB Coop. only because today was a sunny day... And because Onii-Chan told you sigh making a white smoke screen appear. You see others having snowball fights while other build snow men. While your all alone. You try to get Meta moo to follow you outside...but you have no luck. All he does is pull out of your grasp and say it's too cold, but it really isn't...Possibly because your a Snow Maiden. You sit under a tree and bring your knees up to your chest. 'Am I really that different?' You think to yourself. Just then Ike hits the tree causing the snow off the Branches to fall off and pile onto you. "You swine..." You say from under the snow. Ike laughs and helps you out. "I was just playing around." He says, half way to chuckling. You take his arm and jump onto the frozen lake, in which he falls down on his bum. "Looks like someone can't skate." You tease. " just caught me off guard." He says getting back up. You laugh skating around him. As soon as he gets up he wobbles around. You laugh and twirl around. "!" He says struggling to skate. "You sure look like you can skate." You laugh. "All I did was bury you alive under snow!" He complained.

You chuckle and leave him on the frozen lake. The wind kicks in making your (H/C) hair fly around with your purple scarf, the scarf Meta Moo got you. You smile nuzzling it and walk back into the mansion. The scent of hot chocolate descends through the air. Everyone in the mansion is either in their rooms or conversing in front of the fire place. You make your way to the kitchen and grab ice cream. Once you have a bowl full you walk to your room and sit on your bed. Eating peacefully until a knock on your door occurs. You set your ice cream aside and open the door, to reveal a pretty ticked off Ike. "Hello fello human." You say with a grin. "Did you really have to leave me on a frozen lake, then leave me to freeze in the wind?" He asks. "I didn't have to, I chose to." You say shrugging. He can't help but smile. Your grin still remains to play on your lips. "Well, Meta Knight told me he wanted you at the library." Ike said. "Alrighty then, so if you would move 21 feet to the left ma'am." You smirk leaving. Ike playfully glares at you and closes your door. You arrive at the Library and see Meta Knight reading. "Wassup Meta Moo?" You ask sitting next to him. "Would you stop calling me that?" He asked. "Um no." You say. "Pretty please." He says. "Pretty no." You say. He growls. "Anywaaaay why did you ask Ike to ask me to see you?" You ask. "What? I never did that." Meta Knight said. "That. Friggen. Swine." You say.

"World war III is about to begin again." You say standing up. "Let me guess, snowball fight?" Meta Knight asked. "Yes. I declare war on his kingdom." You say starting to walk away. "Do you have to go?" He asks you. "This is World War III were talking about." You say. "But I'm lonely." He argues. "Fine" you sigh "I'll declare war later." You smile sitting by a window with a window seat. You grab your IPad, (F/C) Headphones and watch (Fav Youtuber). After 3 hours you finish up the stalking and notice that Meta Moo left. "Hong?" You ask yourself. He probably just wanted me to look for him so he gets attention. You sigh jumping up and back to your room. You open the door, but your ice cream is melted. You let out another sigh and freeze it, leaving again while you made sure you closed and locked your door once you were outside. You smile walking down the hallways, stupid corridors and finally made it to the outside. Where you can lay in the snow. Ike throws a Snowball at the side of your head unexpectedly. You glare at him while using your ice magic to create a SnowBall mini gun. You smirk at his horrified face. You fire at him, landing at least 50-80 hits. "No fair!" He whines. You smile making it hail over him. He runs everywhere while you lean against a pile of snow and laugh. You stop the hail and hug Ike. "You play very unfairly young lady." Ike says. "Life isn't fair." You say with a smirk. "True. Oh yeah! Meta Knight is mad at you for not paying attention to him." Ike says. "Where is he?" You ask. "His room." Ike states.

You walk to door 19, Meta Moo's door and knock five times. "What?" He asked in a frustrated tone. "Do you wanna hide a body? C'mon we can't delay!!! Get it out the door before it can decay! C'mon I thought you were my buddy! I promise we won't get caught! Do you wanna hide a body?! It doesn't have to be in pieces!" You sang, not entirely correct but close enough. "Oh god why?" Meta Knight asks opening the door. "No reason. So, Ike said you were mad at me." You start saying whilst looking down.

Meta Knight hugs you, then it seems like forever until he lets go. "I only wanted your attention." He mumbles. "Aw how sweet. I didn't think you actually wanted my attention Meta Moo! I thought you just wanted my presence to be near." You explain and hug him this time. He smiles, then Ike tackles you. "Wahhhhg!" You yell. Ike laughs. "Gotcha back!!" He yells. You freeze his legs, then his arms. "Yes you did, and look where that got YOU." You laugh dragging Ike to the fire place. "Now sit here and burn brotha." You say dusting yourself off and start walking back to room 19. Meta Knights face goes red when he sees you. "Greetings friend!" You smile walking back up to Meta Knight. "Will you walk outside with me, please?" You ask. "No." Meta Knight Replies. "Pretty Please?" You ask. "Pretty no." He growls. "I see...then I shall walk by myself." You say walking to your room. Meta Knight sighs. "I suppose I can go outside. But only this ONE time!" Meta Knight yells. "Awesome!" You yell. You tackle Meta Knight with a hug making him blush. "Let's just get this over with..." He sighs. You literally jump out the double doors into the snow.

You curl up and watch Meta Knight walk up to you. As soon as you get up someone tackles you back into the snow making Snow fly everywhere. "IKE!" You yell. You make it hail on him again and after five minuets you stop. "Ike, if you can respect that I'm hanging out with Meta Knight then start now!" You growl. "Okay..." He mumbles and walks away. Meta Knight smiles at you then pins you against a tree. "M-Meta K-Knight?" You stutter. He only smirks and connects his lips with yours. It takes time for you to realize he was kissing you. You close your eyes and slowly kiss back.

Meta Moo pulls back and you smirk. "Some ones a little Lovey Dovey huh?" You ask. Meta Knight only blushes and backs off of you. Just then Ike tackles you to the ground again. "You're growing up so fast!" He yells. You jump out of his grasp and gasp for air. "Yay oxygen." You say. "Heh, sorry." Ike smiles sheepishly. Marth pulls him away and scolds him. You chuckle and look at Meta Knight who hugs you obsessively. "Your mine, and only mine." Meta Knight blushes. You think for a while then laugh. "Ike is only my brother Meta Moo, no worries!" You exclaim hugging him back. He blushes darker. "I-I knew that." He says. "Sure ya did." You smile. He smirks and kisses your fore head.

Yey! Got this done in one night! Aw yeah!

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