Pit x Reader

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Pit x reader
You can fly too?

You were walking from school today with your best friend (b/f/n). "So (Y/N), remember Pit in our Class?" (B/F/N) smirked. "Maybe." You replied stretching your demonic wings. You were cursed as a baby, no one ever found out how or why, but kids seen you cool, or, sick. Your very popular in school. But some adults thought it was pretty iffy for a human to have wings. "(Y/N)! It's your stop!" (B/F/N) yelled as you walked off the bus. You flew up into the clouds onto your home sky island. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" You yelled. You flew into your (F/C) room and sat on your bed. You raided your fridge (or drawers) for (fav food), but couldn't find it. You groaned desperate to get some (F/F). You flew out off the house and dashed of to the store.


You decided to hang out in the park for a while since 1. It's still bright out. 2. It's warm out. You flew down to the park bench seeing a few kids playing on the park playgrounds. "Hey (Y/N)!" Yelled none other than (B/F/N). You made a poker face. "What are you doing here?" (B/F/N) asked. "Looking for Sebastian." You replied sarcastically. "Your a bright ray of sunshine." She/He mumbled. "..." There was a very awkward silence. "Do you like Pit?" She/He asked out of the blue. "Excuse me." You asked unamused. "Do you like Pit?" (B/F/N) asked again.

"Uh, I don't know. I never even talked to him yet." You replied shrugging. "He's cool, but if he's an Angel and your a Demon..." (B/F/N) continued. You sigh, "Just because I have Demon wings, doesn't mean I'm considerably a Demon." You reply. "Prove it." You friend says flatly. You growl, still unamused by your friends actions. "HEY KID!" Another kid yells. You look in his direction. He seems to be bullying a kid your age. "Hm?" The brunette hummed. "Give us your money!" The bully yelled. Typical, give me all yo money or die kind of thing.

The bully glared at him. "Don't play dumb! Your that stupid faker 'Angel' in class aren't you?! The opposite from (Y/N)!" The bully yelled. You stood up and walked over to the bully. "He isn't dumb." You stated while continuing to walk over. "Are you really the actual (Y/N) from (your school)?!" The bully asked excitedly. "The one and only." You reply, faking a smile. "So, tell me what you were doing with the brunette over here." You say placing a hand on your hip.

"Oh, he was making fun of you and saying how he should be more popular." The bully stated. "So, (Y/N) I was wondering, if you wanna ditch this guy and park to my place." The bully smirked. "Psh, like I would go out with a two-faced, $@&! eating, intestine sucking liar." You said frowning. "What?" The bully asked. "Yelling at kids for money is stupid, a lot like you. Get a job ya bum!" You scold kneeling down by the Brunette.

"Are you alright?" You ask him. "Y-Yeah..." He stutters. You smile. "I'm (Y/N)!" You greet happily. "I'm Pit." He greets back. "I've heard about you. Others describe you, Brave, Out-going...beautiful." Pit says. You laugh. "Aren't you in my class?" You ask tilting your head to the side. "I think." Pit states looking into your Dark/Bright (E/C) eyes. "See you around!" You wave off running back to (B/F/N), who was eating a (F/F)...You snatched the (bag/box/etc) away. "Whahth?" Your friend asked with a mouth full of (F/F). "My precious!" You growl hugging your food close.

Your friend laughs as you wave your fare well and fly home.

~Next Day~

You woke up and got ready as usual. You flew off to school and unlocked your locker. You had to get ready for (Fav Subject). (B/F/N) was sick today, wut a shame... You sat down by the empty desk, where (B/F/N) was supposed to sit, and pouted. "Aw." You mumbled. Pit walked into the room and smiled at you. The girls, today, we're crowding him. He walked past them and sat by you, not where (B/F/N) was supposed to sit, but the other empty desk besides you.

The girls glared at you while you smirked back. "Was everything okay afterwards Pit?" You asked. He nodded. "Thank you." He said joyously. "My pleasure." You replied. Just then your teacher Mr./Mrs. (Teacher Name) walked into the room. "Today we're going to Learn about more Atoms!" Your teacher says enthusiastically. "Pick a partner and work on the sheet together!" He/she continued. Pit looked at you. "Partners?" He asked. "Partners." You repeated.

You both smiled and moved your desks closer to each other. "Why do gas particles bounce around wildly while solid particles stay scrunched up together?" You read out loud. "I believe gas particles move around 'wildly' because it's evaporated water, to where they spread out more." Pit stated. "And solids have definite shapes where they can barley even move." You said. As you two finished up the paper class finished. You turned in the paper and exited the class with Pit.

Time Skip to 3 months

As the final bell rung you exited class, with yes Pit again. Your friend stalks you and Pit, trying to get you two together. "Finally summer break! Why don't we go hang out at my Sky island!" You say cheerfully. "Sure! Sounds great!" Pit exclaims as you both fly off to the (Y/N) residence. You land on your Island and welcome Pit into your home. "Y-Y/N?" Pit asked shakily. "Wat?" You ask back from your kitchen. "Can I ask you something?" Pit asked.

"You just did." You giggle walking into the room with a (F/F) in hand. "I'm s-serious Y/N-N!" Pit complained. "Ok ok, what's up?" You ask sitting on the couch with him. "I...I really like you... ButItsOkIfYouReallyDon'tLikeMeBackBecauseIWillAlwaysLoveYouAsMuchAsAreFriendShip!" He say quickly. (But Its Ok If You Really Don't Like Me Back Because I Will Always Love You As Much As Are FriendShip!) you smiled.

"Of course I love you back!" You laugh. He gasps and does pretty much the expected...His lips connected with yours. Your eyes widen but soon close as you realize what's happening. Once you separated you both gasped for air. "Oh no..." You say sadly. "What's wrong?" Pit asks. "I dropped my precious (F/F)!" You yell. You both laughed. "I love you (Y/N)." Pit says pulling you onto his lap. "Like it wasn't obvious before." You chuckle. "And yes I love you too, Pit." You say nuzzling your face into his chest.

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