Marth X Reader

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Marth X Reader
Without You

You were sitting upside down on the couch, lazily clicking the t.v remote looking for a good show. "Hey Y/n!" Marth greeted. "Sup friend?" You ask. Marth then plops down beside you. "Not much, so what's up with you?" He asks. "Completely nothing." You mumble in reply. Marth rolls his eyes at you and leaned down to you face making you blush. "Um, I would appreciate personal space...please." You say awkwardly. He smirks and stays put. You keep a straight face and Marth jumps up. "Ow! Did you just shock me?!" He exclaimed loudly. You still keep a straight face with playfulness glinting in your eyes. He looks at you hands to see a shocking mechanism of some sort. "" You say slowly putting the mechanical object away.

Marth crosses his arms and raises a brow at you. "I have no idea what you're talking about." You say looking anywhere Marth isn't. He chuckles and shakes his head at you. "Hm, were playing it this way are we?" He asks. "Playing? Excuse me sir this isn't a game, movie, or book for that type of matter." You say with a tiny smirk. Marth mentally face palmed at you. "Y/n, if your attitude was a weapon, it could end wars." Marth stated. "Or could it?" You counter. Marth gives up and walks away. "Um rude?" You say catching up with him.

"It is only rude to well mannered people. You, not so much." Marth said looking at you with a grin. "Ehem, at least I have more manors than you could ever have." You retaliate. "You'd be a great comedian with all those jokes." Marth countered you. "Then I guess I'll be funnier than you." You say walking past him. "I'll always win dear friend. Always." You cat smile at him. He put his hands up in defense sighing. " win." He admits. Which only makes it worse for the warrior. "Yess, you have surrendered. Now bow to me." You joke. He only chuckles and heads no where in particular. You two end up outside.

"It's a beautiful day outside..." You sigh. "Birds are singing, flowers are blooming." I grin. Marth gives you a look. You shrug sheepishly. Just as you were about to say something, a storm decided now it was the best moment to give you a bad time. ( I'm sorry for the terrible reference ) You groan. "So much for the beautiful day huh?" Marth asks. You both dash to the mansion and hide inside. You stick your tongue out at the rain. "Rain rain go away, don't come back another day, if you don't I don't care I will kill you anyway." You sang. "Only if the rain could hear you." Marth sighs sitting on the couch. You make a prehistoric sound and barrel rolled onto the couch. "Why did they accept you again?" Marth asks. You squint at him. "OW! You need to quit zapping me!" He complained.

"You need to quit complaining." You retort. After about a few minuets of silence, the power decided to go to sleep. You squeak latching onto the closest thing next to you. "If you wanted a hug you could've asked, and...are you afraid of the dark?" Marth asks. You jump off of him and hit Marth with a pillow. "Shaddup, I am NOT afraid of Rain, clouds or the Dark!" You claim, that was until thunder cracked and slightly lit up the mansion. Charizard was helping lighting candles, and Rosilina was handing them out.

"But you're afraid of thunder?" Marth asks, you could feel the smirk radiating off of him. "I swear I would slap you." You sigh. "But you're not." Marth countered. "GAH! Stop that!" He yelled. You laugh and grab a candle from Rosalina. Marth does too and you both walk to the center of the mansion, where everyone else was. It was lit up with everyones' candles. You place yours on a desk nearby. You were known for your humor and sarcasm, so almost everyone gave you a warm welcome, or the warmth was from the candles...

Everyone was telling stories, a genre of horror, romance, or ridiculously random. "How about you tell a story Y/n?" Ness chimed in. "Once upon a time a prince was searching for a princess in the rain. The rain wanted the princess for himself and struck the poor prince with lightning. Having been soaked in rain, the electric sent twice the shock, and killed the prince, but accidentally somehow killing the princess, too, so the rain killed himself. The end!" You grin, earning laughs from the random story and hate. "Why don't you kill yourself too Y/n?" Peach asks.

You stifle laughter. "Okay, okay. If you kill yourself first, I PROMISE to kill myself after...Just kidding. Listening to you is suicide enough." You reply. "Why were you even chosen to be on SSB anyway?" Dark Link asks. ( I'm sorry once again for using Dark Link, I drew a blank). "Because I can actually fight, unlike some people, cough Dark Link cough." You smile at your comeback. "Says you Y/n. I bet you'd be pinned in a second if Dark Link or I fought you." Dark Pit laughs. The room goes quiet, until you pipe up. "Blah blah blah says the arm pit. Listen, if I cared I would stand up and say I care. But I'm not. So you can fight me or whatever of you want." You smirk.

"You did not jus-" Dark Pit started, while jumping up into a fighting stance. "Shut up and fight me, Fat Role." You interrupt. "Y/n, what are you doing?" Marth asks. You stand up and wink at him, as Dark Pit lunges at you. He attempts to stab you, but you shock him, with a lot of volts, enough to make his wings so numb, he can't lift them. "You win this time, loser." He hisses. You chuckle. "You lost, if I recall I'm the winner. You're just a sore loser." You state. He growls as Dark Link helps him up. You turn around to leave, but Dark Link shoots a bomb arrow at your back. Everyone gasps in shock, Marth especially, he's practically known you as soon as you arrived.

You whip around with a glare. Dark Link only smirks, and it all goes black for you. The next thing you know, Dark Link is pinned by you against the ground, you holding an arrow to his throat. Your once e/c eyes now a sickening grayish color. You couldn't control what happened then, but you could now. You jump up, the color returning to your eyes. "What. Just...happened?" You ask yourself. Marth ran up to you. "What happened to you Y/n?" He asks, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I don't know. I just...lost it. I was always picked on before I was here." You sigh. "Y/n..." Marth sighed.

"I know you all probably want me to leave." You interrupt. "Yes we do!" Dark Link yells, still under your grasp. You shock him once and stand up. "Without you, Y/n, I wouldn't have a partner to depend on as great as you are." Marth says. "You really think so?" You ask hopefully. "Of course, everyone loves you, well, almost everyone, but we could never let you go." Marth states. "I'm glad." You sigh as the power turned back on. Peach and Dark Pit were too stunned from Shock to do anything. "I can't believe I got carried away though." You said. "We all do once in a while." Marth replied, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.

You hug him and he hugs back. "Just remember what I said, Y/n, we care about you, if you left we wouldn't be the same. He kisses the top of your head, needless to say, you never got carried away again with fighting, and he was right, Everyone did care. They were always by your side.

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