Fox x Reader

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Fox x Annoying!Reader
Can't Get You Out Of My Mind.
F/Y = Favorite YouTuber
(!!!Read note at bottom if you would like to know more things!!!)

Day 1 of 7

You were the most loved SSB character because you were sweet, kind, funny and most of all...Annoying! You were so lovable that it gave you rights to be annoying. You ran around with Sonic, almost being as fast as him with all the sugar you consumed today. Apparently some weird business happened today, and all the Characters had to leave for a week, except you and Fox. Apparently it was a Nintendo thing and Fox had to Babysit you...Fortunately you would keep him company. "I have to stay here with...that?" Fox asks, pointing to you while facing Master Hand.

"Yes." Master Hand said, turning around and flying off. You had a poker face, which then was replaced with a cat face. "So Mister Fox. Anything in mind for the weekend?" You ask. "Besides barrel rolls?" You ask. "Yes, avoiding you..." He retorts walking out the door. You pout, but follow him. "But I'll be boooored..." You nag, sitting under a tree. Fox looks down at you, then walks the other direction. "Okay wow." You chuckle. You decide to keep being an arse. "Oh c'mon. Don't be stubborn. You're worse than Roy." You grin, following Fox.

Day 2 of 7

"I would be sorry if it wasn't so funny!" You laughed. Fox was covered in flour, with an unamused look on his face. You were walking around with a giant flour bag, helping the truck guys haul some stuff to the kitchen. You couldn't see where you were going, and no one was at the mansion besides You, Fox, and the truck guys. You were now hysterically laughing when fox shook off the Flour like a dog. "Stop bothering me." Fox says walking away. "No." You say, when your laughing came to a stop.

Day 3 of 7

"But Fooooox. I don't waaaanaaaaa." You complain. You definitely DID NOT want to clean up all the mud you tracked into the mansion. "Yes you will." Fox replied, wiping off the mud from the hug you gave him. Today it rained...A lot. So you ran outside and fell a couple....several of times. "Rosalina can do it when she gets back." You say. "What is she, a slave? You're going to clean up the mud yourself." Fox snaps. "No." You shot back stubbornly, hiding a playful smirk. "I'll change the WiFi password." Fox says. "Okay okay. No need to get drastic now." You say putting both hands up, midway. You chuckle and get the mop, this'll be fun.

Day 4 of 7

"Y/N!!!" Fox yells. You heard the violins in the background. Run. (Please tell me you know what that's from.) You ran for dear life. You jump into a tree, climb up and sit on the roof. You lay down to keep him from seeing you. might of accidentally filled his pillow with whipped cream for a prank. It was a one time thing! When do you get to prank a walking, talking Fox? You pant waiting for the footsteps to stop. They do eventually, so you sit up. BIG mistake. Right below on the ground. Was an Angry looking Fox looking straight at you. You wave with a nervous smile. He ran up to the roof where you were at. You stifled a laugh when you seen whipped cream framing his face.

"Okay. So what if I removed the pillow from the case and replaced it with cream?" You asked with a shrug. Fox shakes with anger, then exhales. "Y/n, I've been trying to be nice to you for half the week. Please...stop." Fox says, trying to convince you. "I can't stop being annoying if that's what you mean." You say. "That's EXACTLY what I mean." Fox says. "Sorry, cannot be done!" You yell loudly and jump into the lake from the top of the mansion.

Day 5 of 7

"Y/n?" Fox asks. You haven't done anything all day. "Whaaaat?" You ask tiredly. You were laying on the floor looking at what seems to be a phone. "What are you planning. It's 5 PM and you haven't done anything annoying. "Ughhh. Not now! My phones out of batteries and I don't know where the charger is." You groan, turning away from Fox. "Um, okay." Fox says, then you hear him run. "Gotcha." You smirk holding up the charger he was going to hide from you. You're the only one who has a (second)F/c charger, since Ness had F/c.

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