Pit x Reader

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Pit x Neglectful!Reader
The Tables Have Turned
B/F/N = Best Friends Name
(Your Best friend has to be a guy tho. Sorry ^_^;)

"Hey Pit!" You wave at him. "Not now, Y/n. I'm going for my evening flight, then later I'm having Lunch." Pit starts. "I'll eat Lunch with you." You insist shyly. "Nah, I'm eating lunch with Palutena." Pit says and catches up with Kirby. You sigh and wait until the next day, only to find his reactions were alike. "No I'm busy, I'll be with Fox though." Pit would say. "Can't, I'm helping MetaKnight later." Pit replied to your questions and breaking any hope you had.

You were always friends with Pit, but he didn't treat you like one. He didn't bully you or anything, but he never made time for you. He always ignored you, even when he was with you on your spare time. He was always talking to other people in the SSB. He glanced at you then walked away with them, but it all changed when B/F/N arrived in his own game. He cared for you as soon as he arrived, and got popular quick, which made you kinda popular.

"Hey Y/n!" Pit waved to you. "Not now, I'm going for a walk." You start. "I'll walk with you!" Pit insists. You look at him in silence. "I'm going with B/F/N." You say walking past Pit. Pit watched, completely astonished you passed up the opportunity to spend time with him. "Hey dude!" You exclaim, doing the hand shake you made up with B/F/N. "Ayy, Y/n!" B/F/N exclaimed hugging you. "Ready for that walk?" You ask. "Sure am." He replied. Pit watched, still a little sad you were doing the same thing to him.

The next day wasn't any different. "Y/n!" Pit called flying over to you. "Yes?" You ask. "I was wondering if you had time to eat lunch with me!" Pit grinned at you, hoping you would agree. "Nah, I'm going to eat lunch with B/F/N and his other friends Ryu, Roy and Robin (the three R's)." You say, skipping to the table B/F/N sat at. He ruffled your hair making everyone laugh. You had the pout face everyone loved. Pit watched, again, being alone.

"Will you ever have time to hang out with me?" Pit asks. You finished your sentence and pulled yourself from B/F/N's conversation. "I don't know. Did you ever have time for me?" You ask. Pit was about to say something, but closed his mouth. You returned to laughing with B/F/N's group. Pit sighed and flew off. He only wanted your attention after everyone fell attracted to B/F/N. Pit flew over to Fox, who shook his head at him. "You should've just stuck with her." Fox said. "I know." Pit sulked.

You were, yet again, hanging around B/F/N. He loved you as family, as you would call him Brother From Another Mother. He was older than you by a year, although you acted older. "Wait here for me, Squish." B/F/N said with a chuckle. "I ONLY GOT STUCK IN THE DOOR ONE TIME!" You yell playfully, making the rest of the group laugh. You smirked when everyone started laughed. The reason B/F/N called you Squish was because you tried racing to the door without it closing and got stuck between the door and wall.

Pit took the time to talk to you. "Can I talk to you for a moment, Y/n?" Pit asks. "Sure, but, not for long, B/F/N and I have plans." You say. Pit scowls. "What?" You ask. "You know exactly what. You've been with B/F/N for ever now!" Pit whisper yelled. You roll your eyes. "Yeah, like you haven't been doing the same to me." You say. "It's just, well, after B/F/N got all popular, I became unpopular. You became popular too! Now I'm alone." Pit said. "Really?" You ask. "Yes, really." Pit asks, not prepared for you reply.

"My whole life I wanted your attention. I was ALL alone. Not only did you always leave me behind, but even when you hung out with me, you were talking to someone else then left. I desired so badly for you to just even LOOK at me, I was so alone and unpopular. You couldn't even make a second with me! I was an outcast. You just want me to be asking, over and over, for your attention, but all I was doing was giving you attention. You never cared. You never did until now. Just because you're in the same place I was in from the beginning." You say accusingly to Pit.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." Pit apologized. "Hey Y/n! We're going to a F/F eating contest, wanna join?" B/F/N yells. "Heck yeah, save me some left overs." You yell over and join B/F/N. Pit reaches out. "Y/n! Wait!" He yells. You look back. "Yes?" You ask. "Can we please start over. Give me another chance." Pit pleads. "Did you give me a chance? Did you ever make time for me? Even the day I nearly cried? Did you let me have that chance? No, you never did." You say with a tinge of sadness.

Pit remembers that day; Y/n was happily walking in Pits direction. "Pit!" Y/n yells with excitement. Pit ignored her call and kept talking to Shulk. "Pit." Y/n says calmly. "What?" Pit asks kinda grumpily. "Are you busy?" Y/n asked. Pit nodded with a tired expression. "Yeah, tell me tomorrow." Pit said. "Oh okay!" Y/n smiled. She(or he) thought she/he thought he was giving her/him more time.

"Hey Pit!" Y/n exclaims. "Hm?" Pit hums while stretching his wings. "Do you have time today?" Y/n asks. "Nope, I'm going skydiving with MetaKnight today." Pit says. "But you said you'd be free today." Y/n intercepted. "Sorry." Pit apologized. "That's okay, maybe tomorrow?" She/He asks. "Sure." Pit says. "Sorry once again." He apologizes with a smile. Y/n nodded, but deep inside, she/he knew Pit was lying again.

Y/n decided to stop by one last time. "Pit?...." She/he asks one last time. Pit glances at Y/n. "What's up?" Pits asks. "I was wondering if you had time today." Y/n said quietly. "Okay, I have some time." Pit said. "R-really? Sweet!" Y/n exclaimed. They walked to the sanctuary Y/n created. It was hidden in a circle of bushes. The place had many flowers, fruits, vegetables, and comfortable places to lay. "You made this?" Pit asks. "Sure did." Y/n replied happily. Pit awed at the beauty. Y/n did a good job, she/he put a lot of hard work into the place.

"I'm glad you like it." Y/n smiled at Pit. Pit smiles back. They sat and talked for a few minuets, but Pit got up when they heard Roy yelling. "PIT, C'MON! ROBIN HAS TO DRINK PICKLE JUICE!" Roy hollered. Pit flew away, leaving Y/n by Herself/Himself. She/he walked out with her/his eyes looking glassed over. Pit looked back at Y/n once, not looking hurt at all. Y/n didn't cry, but she/he did give up.

Pit waited patiently for you. Instead of seeing only you, he saw B/F/N carrying you. You were sound asleep on B/F/N's arms. "I can carry her." Pit insisted. "Thanks, you must be Pit. She's thinking of giving you a seconds chance, Y'know. You should just try your best to hang out with her." B/F/N said. "Thanks, but, how will you refuse her offer to hang out with you today?" Pit asks. "I'm going to be 'sick' and everyone else with be busy." B/F/N replied. "Are you doing this for me?" Pit asks.

"Yeah, everyone deserves a second chance. Just remember you owe Y/n something. Not me." B/F/N says, handing you to Pit. Pit smiles and hugs you close, making you wrap your arms around him. He smiles and warms you up with his wings. He walks up to your room and sets you on your bed. He leaves, taking one last glance, and shuts the door.

"Hey Y/n!" Pit greets, running up to you. "Hi." You reply a little dully. "Do you have time today?" Pit asks. "Yep, just give me a sec, I have to tell B/F/N something first." You say. Pit nods, giving you time. After a while, you return. "Now what?" You ask. "Well, I would like to hang out in your sanctuary today." Pit says. "Really? Awesome." You say, a little happier. You walk to the garden you made and sit on the hammocks you placed in. You and Pit talked like never before. He must've actually been sorry this time...

"Hey, uh, Y/n?" Pit asks. "Hm?" You ask with your eyes closed and a simple smile plastered on your face. "I'm really sorry about neglecting you. I didn't know you felt this way..." Pit apologized. "I guess the tables have turned, huh?" You ask. "Yeah, heh. No kidding." Pit grinned sheepishly. You tackle Pit in a hug, which he returns. "I'm sorry for neglecting you, too. Here's your second chance." You say. He lifts your head up by your chin and places his lips against yours. "I love you so much, Y/n." Pit says.

"I love you more."

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