Link x Invisible!Reader

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Link x Invisible!Reader
A Sky Full Of Stars

You sigh watching everyone pass by you. You were invisible...Well, not actually invisible, but everyone ignored you. It made you quite lonely. You do fight in battles, but no one congratulates you if you win, or comforts you when you lose, but you make the best of it. You walk outside and sit on a bench, staring into the star filled sky. "Are you alright?" You hear someone ask. You thought they were talking to someone else so you ignored it, that is until they sat by you. Startled you whip your head towards them. "M-me?" You stutter, obviously still shocked. "Well, yeah, you're the only one out here, besides me of course." He said. You crack a smile. "So, why are you out here alone? Don't you think your friends are worried?" He asks.

You frown. "I-I don't have f-friends..." You mumble sadly. "How? As beautiful as you are, you are bound to have at least some." He said. You shake your head. "Well, I don't, everyone ignores me, that's why I thought you were talking to someone else." You say looking at the ground. The boy smiles. "Well, I'll be your friend...I'm Link by the way." He says tilting your head back up, and towards him. "Really?" You ask. "Of course! I mean, no one like you deserves to be lonely." He says. "I'm Link by the way." He adds. "Thank you, so much, Link. I'm Y/n." You thank. He stood up and held out his hand. "Well Y/n, it's getting late, and we all need sleep." Link said.

"Alright..." You say taking his hand. You were disappointed that you had to part ways, but you would see him tomorrow. "Thanks for noticing me." You thank. He nods with a small grin. You grin back and head to your room, while Link heads to his.

~3 days later~

You wake up and complete your morning routine like usual. Ever since you met Link you've never been sad, no once. Once you make sure your ready, you walk out of you room and bump into someone. You fall with an 'Oof' as they fall with a grunt. "I'm sorry..." You mumble, even though you think they'll ignore you. "It's okay." You hear a familiar voice. You look up as a smile replaced your frown. "Link!" You exclaim. He laughs at your excited expression. You stand, helping Link as well. "Let's go eat breakfast, then we can go do what ever you want." Link says. "Thanks, Link. Your the best!" You exclaim, and you felt happy. You eat breakfast and walk around with Link, getting to know each other more.

You're ignored, but now...everyone gives you that stare, the cold one. You shiver, even though it's a warm day. "What's wrong?" Link asks turning to you. "Nothing, just...memories." You lie. Link nods buying it. "Well, were you always ignored?" He asks you. "No, not always..." You reply. "Do you mind me asking why?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck. You shake your head 'no'. "I was one of the top characters... So I won most of the time, and beat others high scores, ticking them off or whatever. Everyday more and more of them started to ignore me. I tried reasoning with them but, no one even listens, or cares..." You explain.

"Well, I care, and I will listen to you when you need me to, okay?" Link asks putting a hand on your shoulder. "O-okay. But I seen you ignoring me, too." You say. Link faintly blushes. "I-I never had the c-courage to talk to you, I thought you would walk away or reject me..." He stuttered out. "Reject? I would never! Well, I mean if you acted like a jerk to me then, yeah. But your not. Your sweet, brave, respectful (Not really, if you played the can just walk into peoples' houses and break their pots and whatevs ) and all those nice things." You say looking straight into his eyes.

He chuckles lightly. "I'm glad you don't see me as weak..." He admits. "I'm glad you chose to be my friend." You reply hugging him. He immediately hugs back. "Link? What are you doing?" You hear a voice behind him. Zelda. "Spending time with a friend." He says releasing his warm embrace. 'I don't want to let go.' You think looking at Zelda. "What about me?" She asks innocently. "You have other friends, Y/N doesn't, so I'm her friend until she gets at least 3 or more, then she won't need me, and she can be happier." Link explained. "Um, why? Y/n isn't even worth a minuet, no let me rephrase that, she isn't worth a SECOND of your life." Zelda barked.

"What's it to you that I'm hanging out with someone I care about?" Link says rolling his eyes. "I love you Link!" She yells catching everyone's attention. She blushes as Link sighs. "I'm sorry, I love someone else now..." He says taking your hand and leaving the shocked stares and tearful one. "Is it okay if I ask who you love?" You ask. "Um, maybe later." He blushes. You nod sitting under a tree. Link sits next to you, so you lean against him. 'Who does he like?' You think to yourself. Feeling only but jealous, but happy he chose you over Zelda. "Y/n?" Link asks, but you've already fell into a deep sleep.

~3 hours later~

You awoke in your bedroom. "Was that all a dream?" You ask. You see your wearing the clothes from your so called 'dream'. You walk out seeing it was in the afternoon. "Nope, not a dream." You say. Now people, and Pokemon, etc glare at you. You shrug, and go to find Link. After a while, you've looked almost everywhere. So, with no plans, you decide to just, walk to the lake. You look at your reflection in the water. "Why must I be alone?" You ask, afterwards you hear distant yelling. You head off in the direction the yelling came from. Night was approaching fast, or you just held a staring contest with your reflection for a while.

You hide behind a giant rock and see Zelda fighting with Link. "People loved us together!" Zelda yelled, tears stinging at her eyes. "We broke up about a couple weeks ago..." Link said, arms crossed. "It's because you wanted Y/n to love you, isn't it?" She asks. "W-What!" Link stutters. "It was her. You wanted Y/n to love you back. I knew it! Every time you stared at her, with the smiles or the sweet glances you gave me. It's obvious Link." Zelda stated. Link blushed a deep red. "I-I..." Link stuttered. He was speechless Zelda was right, he did love you, but he doesn't know how to tell you. Zelda stomped away while Link heard your footsteps. He caught a glimpse of you leaving around a corner. He followed you back to the lake, where you were laying in the grass.

He sat by you and watched the night sky. "I want to know." You say, still watching the twinkling stars. He sighs. "Okay but sit up first." He chuckles. You sit up. "I've seen you around, and I wanted to become your friend, since I seen how sad you were, and how you looked lonely. I thought your 'friends' just didn't talk to you much, so, I stuck with Zelda. But when I've seen you alone constantly, I've started growing worried. So when we did become friends, my feelings became stronger for you." Link explained, blushing a little darker, if possible. "And?" You tease with a smirk. "And I love you." He admits.

You smile as he leans forward. You close the gap between the both of you, connecting a sweet kiss. You pull away because there is a thing called oxygen. "I love you, too, Link." You say. "I love the way we admitted our love, under a Sky Full Of Stars." You add. Link grins hugging your waist. You blush, lightly, never noticing the other times you have probably blushed. "It's just like the night I found you sitting alone." Link said. You nod as you both look at the sky.

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How sweet. Well reader-chan, next is going to be a Pikachu + Reader, unless I get a request.

Remember! Reader sends request! I make their request come true!

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