Merry Christmas!!!

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You watched the clock intently. "C'mon 11:59 aaaaaaannnnnnd..." you started, but passed out. You woke up at 7 am, and jumped up. "ITTSSSS CHRISTMAAAAAAAS!" You yell, but cough for yelling so loud. "Whew." You sigh grinning. You jump on the banister and slide downstairs, staring at the 3 giant Christmas trees in the living room. "Yaaaaaas." You squeal. One by one, people start filling up the over sized living room. "Morning Y/n." Link greeted. "Yo." You greet back. "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your excitement?" Ness asks. "AAAAAAA!" You reply laughing, making a chain reaction. "Agreed." Lucas replies, still laughing.

Rachel returns, waking up an hour later. (Spoilers : no one got her anything) "Give me presents." Rachel commanded, brushing her hair. "Oh HECK no you are not going to ruin this holiday like last time!" You yell with Shulk.


"This is mine, this is mine, this...ew is not mine. This is, this is and OOH definitely this!" Rachel claims.


You hiss and hide behind Lucario. "Whatever, give me my presents already losers." Rachel snaps. Master Hand floats awkwardly in the air. "No one got you anything." He says. Rachel stood there, then laughed. "Ha ha very funny. You know everyone loves me. Now couch em up." Rachel laughs. You burst out laughing, falling off a random couch. "Oh my good Lordy she thinks people ACTUALLY like her. Ah mah goodness." You laugh, leaning on Rosalina. "Whew." You sigh, wiping away tears.

Rachel looks at you in disgust. "Ahah, and I bet you have less than me, Y/n." Rachel smirks. All of a sudden people start calling out 'I did' making you laugh more. "In your close face!" You laugh. "Ok ok. I'm dying. Someone give me more sugar pleasu!" You cat smile. "No." Ike smiles, lifting you up on his shoulders. "Fair enough." You pout, but grin. "We eatin first or what?" You ask. "Yeah, 'we eatin first'." Marth chuckles, walking to the dining room. Everyone was talking happily to you, and Rachel got the lonely kids table, since every kid was hanging out with you.

(Just a side note: Each tree had at least like 50 presents for 20 different people so, in other words they were big trees with lots of pine needles XD)

"Me first!!" Rachel yells, but Mewtwo stopped her from proceeding with telepathy. "No, you go last." MetaKnight says. Sonic grins at you. "Like last year?" Sonic asks you. "Darn straight like last year." You smirk. You two were the fastest at handing out presents, you always win at passing out the most. "Boom, I have won again." You say doing a victory dance. "Whatever Y/n." Sonic laughs, ruffling your hair. "Now open your presents, we all know for a fact that we all at LEAST gave you one or two." Mario says, sitting next to you.

"Yaaay!" You cheer. Everyone conversations about the stuff you get, until a box is chucked at you. You shake off like a dog, for some reason. "Take that, nerd!" Rachel growls. She actually received nothing just as everyone predicted. "BE HAPPY YOU GOT PARTICIPATION AWARD!" You yell with a silly smirk. "Ugh I hate you." Rachel mutters, chucking another box. You catch it, putting it down. "Can you open mine next?" Ness asks. You smile, giving Ness a nod. Ness hands you a rather small box, making you tilt your head.

You rip open the present carefully, meeting a tiny F/C box. You open the little box to see a neckless with your Birth stone, a (Birth Stone). The rest of the neckless was aligned with F/C jewels. "D'awww. You're even more adorbubble than last Christmas!" You coo, hugging Ness. A lot of your presents were very precious, and as you opened the last one, Rachel stopped you. "This shall be mine. Since I didn't get a present this year." Rachel says, pushing you out of the way. Everyone was then officially triggered. Especially the Pokémon...for some reason. "Yo. Dude." You cringe. Rachel laughs as you dust yourself off.

Pikachu was the first to shock Rachel, then Dark Pit and Dark Link were next on shooting arrows and arrow bombs at her. Basically everyone stepped up for you. You whistle, gaining everyone's attention. "Is this last present from all of you?" You ask. 'Yes' 'yeah' and etc rang from the living room. "Except Rachel!" Someone yells. You laugh in response. The last present was filled with F/W kind of things, such as replacements or decorations. "Thanks guys! Bring it in!" You grin, giving the whole mansion a group hug. Cough cough except Rachel cause she's a douche cough.

The rest of Christmas you hang out with everyone. Everyone loves you, because you always kept everyone happy, well, those who deserved it anyway. You were their happiness.

You're their star.

And Merry Christmas 💝
You are
And always will be loved!

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