Charizard + Reader

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(Y/P/T) = Your/Pet/type | P/n = Pet/name
Charizard + Reader
A Day To Remember

You were new to the SSB mansion. In fact, you never been in the mansion yet. You let out a shaky breath as you wrap your hand around the door handle. Pulling open the door your E/c eyes widen. A 'Welcome Y/n!' Banner was hung on the ceiling with streamers, balloons and people everywhere! "Welcome Y/n! Were happy to accept you to Super Smash Brothers Brawl! Make yourself at home! Here's your room Key and your room number is 61 on the second floor. So Charizard will help carry your stuff." Lucario explained cheerfully. Charizard helped you carry your bags while you carried and important backpack.

"Thank you for helping me Charizard." You smile sheepishly to the fire type Pokemon. He roared in reply. Not loudly but the type of cute and soft roar. He sets your stuff down carefully and exits your room. You set up everything how you like it, it's a (Your Favorite Style: Preppy Tomby Etc) kinda look. You then organize everything how it should be then look at the time. It's 2:00PM so you head out to know the place, taking P/n, a (Y/P/T), with you.You get directions from Lucina (Plz Correct me if I spelled her name wrong) trying to get used to all the rooms. You stop realizing P/n wasn't with you. "P/n!" You call.

You call for your Y/P/T everywhere. You walk outside calling for him/her as well. You spot Charizard walking with P/n making you smile. You run over to Charizard explaining everything. He nods in an understanding matter and pats your head...since he's like two feet taller than you. P/n tackles you and licks your face. You laugh as Charizard chuckles like, well like a dragon would. Charizard, P/n, and you mess around outside until 7:00, which was like five hours. You learned how to understand Charizard, or in other words you figured out his Dragon like Language.

"How about fish?" You ask. Charizard roars in agreement. You all head to the river flowing near the mansion and catch a few fish letting Charizard fry it with his Pokemon skills. After you ate you yawned, making your Y/P/T yawn too. You chuckle softly stretching out. Charizard curls around you, making you feel warm. P/n just curls by you both and instantly falls asleep. You feel yourself drifting into a deep sleep as well.

The Next Day~

The day started out horrible Dark Link started treating you awfully when he caught you sleeping outside. He called you immature names like; Animal, Rat, Weird, Reptile and names that shouldn't be spoken of. You brush out your hair and brush your teeth. Changing your clothes as well. You weren't mad, you weren't sad. You felt neutral. Charizard greeted you outside your door, along with P/n. You hug Charizard with a smile. He roars happily. "Yeah sounds good." You agree.

You three get breakfast like Charizard has suggested, but Dark Link ruined it once again. "What are you going to eat, hmm Y/n?" Dark Link snickered. "Nothing compared to the garbage you eat." You mumble. Dark Link growls. "Hot Head." You mumble ticking him off more. You never really had a power, but in your game you had books of everything's and everyone's weakness. And his, were insults. "Has anyone told you how worthless you are?" Dark Link snorted. "Well has anyone told YOU how incredibly annoying you are?" You retort.

He growled at you. "Do you really wanna fight?" He asked. "Do you really have to ask stupid questions?" You shot back. Charizard stared at you with shock. P/n whined for your safety. "Fine. Your just a waste of time." He mumbled. "And your a waste of space." You bark while Charizard drags you away. "I'm sorry Charizard..." You apologize. He gives you a confused stare. "I fought in front of you. I should've just ignored him." You say, embarrassed of yourself.

He reassuringly hugs you, making you grin. "Aw, only if you could love a beast huh Y/n?" Dark Link asks. "Go shove you face somewhere else." You growl hugging Charizard slightly tighter. "What are you gonna do? Snuggle me to death?" He laughs. "No. That's gross." You say like its obvious. Dark Link smirks and shoots an arrow at you, hitting your back. You yelp, tears threatening to spill. Dark Link then shoots a bomb arrow but Charizard uses his wings to protect you. It deals no damage to Charizard, so as he sheilds you, you quickly pull the arrow out of your back.

Charizard backs away and stomps on Dark Link twice. Charizard angers roars at him. You chuckle softly as P/n cheers Charizard on, while helping you stand up. Charizard wraps you in another hug, in which you hug back. Charizard roars softly. "I'll be fine Charizard. And yes, this is a day to remember...." You agreed smiling into the warming hug. Dark Link never teased you again...nor even looked at you...

Sorry I used Dark Link for chu fan girls...I just forgot every other it's 2:25 in the morning...yeah I'm tired alright....Sorry for the long stupid break once again.

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