Marth x Reader

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Marth x Reader
Positive Attitude

"Y/n is obviously the Mole. Just look at her." Dark Pit snapped. Y/n was sitting in a fluffy pink beanbag playing on her phone. "Yaya! New high score! Take that Pitto Stain!" Y/n exclaims. "Stop saying that naaaaame." Pit pleads, throwing himself in the other beanbag by Y/n. "No." Y/n grins, tapping her thumbs at lightning speed. "Despicable." Dark Pit mutters. "I think she's adorable." Rosalina says. "It's not everyday you see someone as cheerful as her." Robin replies. "Yeah, and she makes weird noises when you hug her too hard." Pit grins.

"No plz." Y/n pleaded. Pit squished Y/n in a hug, making a plushy noise emit from her. "Squeeee." Y/n squeaked, sticking her tongue out. "Aww." Palutina cooed. "How can someone as amazing as her do anything wrong?" Rosalina asks. "She is also a wonderful asset to the mansion." Marth adds. "Dark Pit...Is correct." Y/n sighed. "What did I tell you?" Dark Pit asks. "Y/n? You can't be serious." Robin says. Y/n smirks and laughs evilly. "I am da Mole!" Y/n smirks with a yell, sticking a funnel on her nose with a flower on the end of it.

"Fear me!" Y/n yells. "You scared me squish!" Pit yells, chasing Y/n. "That was a one time thing!" Y/n whines with a grin, running from her best friend. "Pfft. How can she be the mole, Dark Pit?" Palutina asks. "There is no possible way." Robin laughed. "She's just good at keeping secrets." Dark Pit scoffed. "She always tells us everything. She trusts us as if we are family." Marth says. They look at Y/n when she jumps on Pit. She put the funnel on his nose and grins innocently at the team. "Now Pitto can no longer smell." Y/n giggles. "Hey!" Pit yells.

"Gotta go fast!" Y/n exclaims, dashing off. Pit flies super fast to her, as the team chuckles. "She just can't be, Dark Pit. I've never seen someone so happy, she's just radiant with happiness." Rosalina says. "Looks can be deceiving." Dark Pit snaps. "Why are you so hung up with her being the Mole?" Palutina asks. "Yeah, what'd she do to you?" Robin asks. "Don't both of you share a childhood? When her parents perished you took care of her, did you not?" Marth asks. "That's in the past! People change!" Dark Pit retorts angrily. Pit was giving Y/n a piggy back ride, then fell into the beanbags.

"Hey guys. What did I miss?" Y/n asks. "Nothing important." Marth says, stealing a look at Dark Pit. Y/n walks up to Dark Pit. "Listen, Dark One. I don't know what I did, and I'm really sorry. If you still hate me that's fine, fam." Y/n grins, cartwheeling into the kitchen. "How do you even cartwheel?" Pit asks, trying to cartwheel and falls over. "Magic!" Y/n calls, eating an apple. "I guess I can let you go...for now." Dark Pit mumbles. "Thank you Boo!" Y/n cat smiles, booping Dark Pit's nose.

"Besides, I can't be the Mole." Y/n says. "Why not?" Dark Pit asks, confused. "Because Pit broke the funnel and I ate the flower." Y/n replies. "Pit Sat on the funnel by the way." Y/n grins. "Don't make me squish you again." Pit says, looking at Y/n with unamused eyes. "So, does flying  everywhere you go make you fat, Pit?" Y/n teased. "That's it!" Pit smirks, chasing Y/n. "NOOO PLZZZ SPARE ME. SHOW MERCY?" Y/n asks, running away. "Oh I know! I can just Follow Y/n. I'll keep an eye on her from a distance." Rosalina says.

"Alright, sounds good." Dark Pit replies. Y/n dives in front of the couch. "You'll never take me on alive!" Y/n yells, throwing the apple core at Pit. "Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!" Pit scolds. "Help?" Y/n asks. "I haven't said a thing. And I don't plan to get into anything." Sonic says. "You plan to date Chili Dogs, don't you?" Y/n asks with a smirk. Then Pit and Sonic started chasing Y/n. "She's a riot." Palutina laughs. "She's got one too." Robin smirks. "Her shenanigans always make us smile." Marth chuckles. "We all depend on her, Dark Pit. You should too." Rosalina smiles.

"I don't see why." Dark Pit scoffs. "Then you must be blind!" Pit yells, continuing the Chase. "I don't wanna die!" Y/n cries, grinning. Sonic and Pit eventually get tired, and sit down once more. "She never stops running." Sonic mutters, but with a small smile. "No kidding, she never burns out." Pit huffs. Y/n back flips onto the carpet in front of the couch and pulls off the perfect poker face. "I am an Internal Flame BaBy!" Y/n exclaims, then passes out onto the floor. "After a nap." Y/n adds, falling asleep.

"Who gave her sugar?" Rosalina asks. Everyone looks at Pit. "I gave her a lollipop, so what?" Pit asks nervously. "It wasn't the oversized one as big as her face was it?" Sonic asks. "That is also exotically unhealthy." Marth says. "Um...No?" Pit replies. "Don't lie. You know what you did." Y/n retorts in her sleep. "Her sugar rush really took her out." Robin stated. "All the reason you should love her, Dark Pit." Rosalina smiles, nudging Dark Pit. "If You love me, let me go. Dark One." Y/n mumbled.

"How does she even do that?" Palutina asks. "Do what?" Pit questioned. "How is she Replying to us?" Palutina asks again. "Magic." Pit and Y/n reply is unison. "Her ways are strange, but that's what got her here." Marth says. "Y/n has quite the personality." Marth adds. "Heck yeah I do." Y/n mumbles. "Well, I'm going to get ready for Roy's birthday. C'mon Dark." Pit says. "Ugh, fine. Since I don't want to be around Y/n." Dark Pit mumbles. "Love you too." You snore. Palutina and Rosalina giggle, and leave you with Marth, Robin and Sonic. "Well, gotta run. Here's your chance to win her heart." Sonic smirks at Marth. "Good luck." Robin grins, leaving as well.

"Marth?" Y/n asks. "Hm?" Marth replies. "Why are you still here?" Y/n asks. "Because I have nothing to do." Marth replies. Y/n sits up and stretches. "How are you always so happy?" Marth asks. Y/n tilts her head. "What do you mean? Is that a bad thing?" Y/n asks with a smile. "No. You always seem so positive. Even when Zelda rants about those small details about you right to your face." Marth says. Y/n sits next to Marth, leaning against him.

"Well, I love who I am. I'm not sure if everyone likes me, but that doesn't matter, I'm me. I can't depend on what everyone says, otherwise I'll be left in panic. When you compare Depression and Happiness, Depression kind of over rules, because Life isn't always perfect. So people start feeling insecure and...frightened. They start to shut everyone out, then they're all alone. I don't want that, so...I look at all the happy things in life. My friends, my job, the work I've done, the people who I inspire to be greater. It takes a lot to be the person you become, and you shouldn't let anyone destroy your work and bring you down to their level. So, blocking out the bad opinions helps me be happy. I take in everyone's positive opinions and give them what not everyone can give perfectly....friendship." Y/n explains.

Marth smiles and wraps his arms around Y/n. "That's why everyone loves you, and your positive attitude." Marth smiles. "Oh you." Y/n grins, hugging him. Marth hugs back, kissing the top of Y/n's head.

When you have doubt in life, don't give up. There's always some hope left.

Make a difference, and don't let someone make YOU different.

Only you can really decide who you want to be.

So be you.

Be free.

Based off of YJ btw :3

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