Fox + Reader x Sonic

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Fox + Reader x Sonic part 2
You have to choose
N/n = NickName | F/w = Favorite weapon

Since it's close to the 4th of July you bought fire works to set off in front of the mansion. Making sure to buy many sparklers and glow sticks for the nighttime. Almost everyone at the mansion loves fire works. You see a blur speed by catching your attention. "What's up?" Sonic asks. "Oh, not much, but could you help me with some of these bags? I still have loads in my car." You say. "Sure thing N/n!" Sonic exclaims. You grin as he helps you. "You excited for the 4th?" You ask. "Yeah! I hope to see a bunch of fireworks!" He smiles at you.

"This is going to be awesome." You breathe. Sonic chuckles as you put the fireworks on a table. You two head back but a voice stops you both. "Hey Y/n! Wait up!" He yells. You turn around to see Fox. "Hi Fox!" You greet. Fox smiles at you and looks at Sonic. "You were just too slow." Sonic mumbles. You laugh as they both help you with bags. "So Y/n, what colors did you get?" Sonic asks. "Well, I got, Blue, Orange, Red, White, yellow, purple and green." You reply. "Wow! I guess everyone gets to set off some." Fox exclaimed. You grin.

"Don't forget the glow sticks! I got enough to MAKE the mansion." You say sarcastically. The two boys chuckle. "So what about the 4th of July feast?" Sonic asks. "Oh, that? I had that done before I went shopping. All of it's sealed and ready for tomorrow! And yes Sonic, I did make chili dogs. And yes I will make you one once we set the bags down." You read Sonic's mind. "Thanks Y/n!" Sonic thanks. "I'm impressed Y/n." Fox said. "I better get a hug after this or I'm so gonna cry tonight." You joke. You all set the bags down, and you surprised the both by tackling them with hugs.

"Alrighty now. Fox, do you want me to make you something?" You ask. "Um, sure, how about a Grilled cheese sandwich?" He asks. "Mhm, you got it." You grin. "Thanks." He thanked. "Anything for my best buds!" You friend zone them. Once you made the Chili dog and grilled cheese sammich you see the two arguing for the millionth time. "Dinner bell ding ding ding." You say. "Y/n? How did you open the door?" Sonic asks. "I used my head...literally." You say giving them their food.

"Thank you." Fox thanks again. "Much thanks." Sonic thanks, ripping his chili dog with his teeth. You chuckle lightly. "Well, since it's 9:00 in the afternoon, I might as well-" you start. "Training?" "Relaxing?" Fox said, but Sonic said something at the same time. "Um...say it one at a time, in English." You say. "Training?" Fox asks. "Relaxing." Sonic says. "Sure, we'll train first, then I'll make us some lemonade to relax. How's that sound?" You ask. "Sure thing N/n." Sonic smiled. "As long as your okay with it." Fox agreed. "Yay!" You cheer getting training items.

Fox's POV:
Sonic and I were arguing about Y/n, like always...I love Y/n dearly...ever since...Ahem. Anyway, I love her personality, A crazy, independent (fan)girl, who cares deeply about her friends. Sonic's the same way. She is very important to me is what I'm trying to say. I love to be around her. It's like this happiness emits from her soul, making everyone around her joyous. I just want her to be mine, but Sonic is always in the way.

Regular POV:
You were training with the two boys. Sonic helped you with your speed while Fox helped you with your strength and F/w fighting. While you trained with Sonic, you noticed Fox in deep thought, so you left him alone. "C'mon Y/n! Step it up!" Sonic smirked. "Oi! I'm trying here!" You yell. He chuckles. You both were running in place, but he decided to show off. He ran up the side of the building and did a backflip. "Show off." You said making Sonic laugh.

You finished training with Sonic and sat in front of Fox. "Hey." You snapped your fingers in front of his face. "Hellooooooo. Fox. Brudda? are you home?" You ask your distant friend. He snapped out of his trance and looked at you. "Huh? Oh yeah! Lets get to training." He smiled. Now Sanic sat in a tree and relaxed, also making sure you weren't going to get injured.

Sonic's POV: (I didn't forget about this potato)
I sigh. I might never win the heart of Y/n, but I'm hoping to. I want her to love me as much as much as I love her. But I won't force's wrong. If she loves Fox then so be it. Yeah I would be pretty angry that he has such a great cook, but Y/n's personality makes me wanna hold her protectively in my arms. I made this deal with Fox, whoever wins the heart of Y/n, can be hers. She has some weird, yet happy, vibe that, well, makes everyone smile. I wonder why she chose us to be her 'friends' and not anyone else...

Regular POV:
You break yet another punching bag with your F/w. "Thanks for helping me Fox." You thank. "No problem." Fox smiles. "Sonic c'mon! Time to relax!" You yell up at the blue hedgehog. "Alright. Alright." He sighs stretching out and jumping off the tree. "Let's a go!" You cheer Mario's catch phrase. Sonic and Fox laugh, following you to the lemonade. Once you have made lemonade you were about to use your head on the door, but someone opened it for you. "Thank you Sonic." You thank as he grins down at you. You stand up straight and head for the picnic table Fox set up.

"Here is the lemonade." You say setting the drink and cups down. "So, what color of the fireworks are your favorite?" You ask sipping some of your lemonade. Sonic also sits down to your right, since your sitting on the edge of the seat and Fox is in front of you. "I like the red ones. What about you?" Fox asks. "Hm, I like them all, but I love the purple ones." You say. "My favorite Fireworks are the blue ones." Sonic states. You all talk about the 4th of July and such.

"So Y/n. Do you have a special someone you'd like to be with during the fireworks?" Sonic asked out of the blue. You blush. "I-I don't know. There are two of them, but I don't know who to ask." You say as your blush darkens. "just go with your heart, who do you love more?" Fox asks. "And who are these two people you like?" Sonic asks. You sigh and decide or tell them. "I l-like...both of y-you. I just don't know who to pick." You say putting your head down.

"You have to choose, Y/n." Sonic says nervously. "We both like, no, love you too." Fox admits. You smile softly and pick your head up. "I choose-" you start.

Sonics POV: it's short sorry...
"I choose Sonic." Y/n said. I hug her waist and kiss her fore head.

Fox's POV: short too
"I choose Sonic." Y/n chose. Those words hurt felt like gunshots in my heart.

Regular POV: not so short
Sonic hugged your waist and kissed your forehead. "Love you he murmured into your hair. You smile and turn to Fox. "I hope we can still be best friends..." You say with sad eyes. Fox nods making you grin. This will be a great 4th of July.

I hope you enjoyed and happy 4th of July!

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