Shulk x Neko!Reader

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Shulk x Neko!Reader Part 2
I won't let her
N/N = Nickname

You never found out Shulk kissed your forehead. Everyone knew but you. You were left confused or paranoid. You recently heard that a new challenger was arriving. Your ears' twitch nervously. Was this new challenger nice at all? You stare off into space and forget that you were talking to you bestie Sonic. "Y/N...Y/N!!!" Sonic yells. You snap out of your thoughts and grin nervously at your blue friend. "Sorry, I'm thinking too much again." You apologize. "It's alright (NickName), everyone goes through that certain type of state." Sonic says. You smile. Ever since you've met Sonic and you befriended each other, everyone seen you no different than a regular Neko girl wandering about SSB. "SONIC!!!" Samus yells. Sonic may have pranked her this morning. "Well, gotta run Y/n!" Sonic grins with a wave. "Okie bye." You say sadly, with a tiny wave as well. Sonic dashes away with Samus following. You sigh and shake your head. You loved the blue fur ball to death, as a brother anyways. He was always there for you.

You feel Pikachu climb up on your shoulder. "Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu squeals. You grin as Shulk and Ash walk up to you. "Hi (N/N)!" Ash greets. You wave in return. "What's up N/N?" Shulk asks. You shrug. "Not much, I was just thinking about the newbie." You admit slinging your tail around your waist. "Oh, I heard she's a female competitor." Ash states. "Well, hopefully she's a good hu-" you start, but hear the obnoxious yell you've always hated all these years. "SHULKY!" Rachel yells. Now that you're older along with Shulk you'd think she'd be more mature about life. Wrong. She's a total obsessed teenaged girl over Shulk now. Anytime you guys seen her, she would act like a clingy girlfriend. Your eyes widen, Ash face palms, Pikachu hides under Ash's hat, and Shulk stands in front of you protectively.

"What are you doing here??" Shulk asks hiding a glare. "I came to see you dear!" She exclaimed. She peers over his shoulder and glares at you. "You guys have fun." Ash says backing away slowly. "Pikapi." Pikachu agrees. You can understand what Pikachu says, but you never told anyone. "She's my best friend." He says in a monotone voice. "She shouldn't be." Rachel mumbles. You've had enough of her bull crap, but yelling in front of everyone, shyness got the best of you most of the time. "At least she doesn't flirt with every guy she sees." Shulk retorted. You cover your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. Rachel stared at Shulk with sad eyes. "Oh-Ok." She says sadly walking away, Hoping Shulk feels guilty. You hug Shulk making him blush. "My Hero." You smile looking up at him, You blush as well. "Anything for my Neko friend." He says, scratching behind your right ear. Ouch, friend zoned. You smile even though you were friend zoned by your crush. "I'm going to go eat, see you." You say walking to the kitchen. As you turn a corner, you don't notice Shulk face palming himself for friend-zoning you.

You sniff at the smell of Tulips in the kitchen. You peek in to see Rachel making out with a picture of Shulk. You stand there awkwardly wanting to say something. Your ears flatten in annoyence and clear your throat. "Um, sir, this is the kitchen, where non-weirdos eat." You say walking to the fridge for (F/F). "What's it to you Neko girl?" Rachel tried to insult. "I know it's not my business but make-out in YOUR room. Not paradise." You say munching down on your (F/F). Rachel attempts to punch you but you dodge easily and walk away. Training came in handy, didn't it? As you finish your food, you head down the halls to your room. Noticing a note on your door.

Dear Y/N,

Stay away from my man! I swear I will tear off another price of your ear if I see you near him again! Pester Link or Luigi or someone else just not. My. Guy!"

You worst nightmare, Rachel

(sorry if your names Rachel, that was my bullies name, so, yeah...)

You roll your eyes and unlock your door and made sure to close it behind you. Rachel is as threatening as a pillow with no case. You see another note on your bed. "What's up with all the notes?" You ask yourself putting the one on your bed on your night stand. You took a nap peacefully for 3 hours.

You feel yourself being dragged so your eyes snap open. Rachel barley had you dragged out your door. "What in Master Hands name are you doing Rachel?!" You yell pouncing back into your room. "I was going to drag you into the middle of no where..." Rachel admits with a shrug. You get up and slam the door in her face. "Weirdo." You mumble going back to sleep. You felt another presence to your right, but it was much friendlier, you could tell because it was petting you right ear. "Are you awake yet?" He asked. "Hey Sonic..." You yawn. "You left your door unlocked, and Rachel was trying to plan your death outside of your room, so Sonic came to the rescue." Sonic explains. "Thanks Sonic. Rachel's going insane." You chuckle. Sonic chuckles too and gets up. "Well, it's would be a good idea for you to stop sleeping." Sonic suggests.

"Sonic, telling ME to stop sleeping is like, if I told you to stop eating Chili dogs." You say. "Good point, Good point. But it's for your safety." Sonic argues. You smile. "Alright, you win, you happy now, Mom?" You ask with a smirk. He playfully nudges you as you two walk out, making sure you lock your door this time. Sonic has to go his separate ways, as in go make a chili dog, leaving you to go outside. You see Shulk sitting on a rock staring at a picture. You crawl behind him and peek at the picture, making you smile. He was looking at a picture of you two when you were kids, also where Pit photo bombed. "Boo." You whisper in Shulks ear. He falls off the rock as you fall on your back laughing. "Y/n!" Shulk gasps. Your laughter calms down but you immediately shut up when you see Rachel storm over with a Katana. "I told you!-" she starts. "Yada yada yada. Is that all you do?" You ask. "I can murder too." She says glaring through your soul. "I bet." You snort. "Watch me." She snarls. (Ooh CAT FIGHT!)

She swings at you, but you dodge at the easiest and snicker. "Nice try." You taunt. She growls and swings again. She cuts your shoulder, leaving a deep gash, but you have no reaction, however Shulk does. He grabs the Katana from Rachel's hands and shoves it in the ground. He helps you up and glares at Rachel. "What's wrong with you?!" He yells. "Nothing!! I'm protecting you from, that thing!" Rachel yells tears swelling in her eyes. "Well, this 'thing' is my crush, so if you could just back off." Shulk said carrying you bridal style to the bath room. "Shulk, she hit my arm, not my legs. I can walk." You say pouting. "No you can't." He protests. You can't help but smile as he sets you down on the edge of the bathtub. "Why do you help me?" You ask. Shulk freezes for a while. "A couple of reasons." He says. "I wanna hear two." You say innocently. He sighs attending your gash. "One reason, is because your my friend. The second reason is..." He starts. You tilt your head to the side and smile a cat like smile. "Is because I love you." He says looking away from your adorable gaze. He silently waited for rejection but it never came, instead he feels a warm embrace. You purr softly while Shulk tries to process what the heck is going on. "Y/n loves you too." You say nudging your head in the crook of his neck. He smiles softly as you both stand up from your sitting positions. "But what if Rachel tries to kill me again?" You ask. "I won't let her." Shulk replies kissing your forehead. You smile, knowing Rachel won't ever hurt you again.


Your comments make me smile! Thank you for reading! I hope you all are happy school is nearing its ennnnd! Well mine is, but I hope you guys have an awesome summer!!! Lemme hear a whoop whoop from the crowd! No? Ok...

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