Ch 1: Big News

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You've been working for Hyperion for a little over five years. Throughout the years you've slowly worked up through different jobs gaining slight positions over your last.

You could honestly say that you enjoy working here. Your pay is decent enough for you to live comfortably and rent a small apartment aboard the large space vessel known as Helios.

You've gained a few friendships with coworkers and some of your previous bosses. Not everyone here was a complete asshole. At least not all the time, or to everyone.

At this point in time, you actually liked your boss. His name was Alex Hooper. Mr. Hooper, of course, to anyone who worked under him. He was an older man who didn't have much of a temper until something really made him mad. Which thankfully, had never been something you had done. He liked you as well. You were a hard worker and didn't slack off like many people around you often did.

During the year before this one, he had personally promoted you to his personal assistant. He overlooked the entirety of the Technical Department. Which oversaw everything from data mining, password tech, programming CL4P-TPs and other things, to just making sure everything technical ran smoothly on Helios.

This is what you had trained for. For two years after leaving home you went to school on Elpis to hone your skills as a hacker...*ahem* ...a programmer/code monkey. Not trying to "honk your own horn" but you felt you were damn good at what you did. However, it wasn't really like you to boast to other people. After being a greeter/receptionist at one of the front desks, then a slight step up to secretary to the person/people who handle travel on and off of Helios, finally landing a position in the Tech Department, and then working up through various levels of said department, you rose to highest level you could get, without somehow overtaking your boss, Mr. Hooper.

Being the assistant, or secretary, doesn't bother you though. You still help with everything the department handles, but also happen to have your own desk near the boss in case he needs something done. This suits you well.

You had always enjoyed the customary business attire of Hyperion, the bustling workforce, the clean atmosphere of the space station, and most of all not being down on Pandora.

Being this far down in the workforce, you didn't have to deal with the asshole higher ups as much, and the worries of being fired, or worse, because you were a few minutes late - or something similarly small.

You had heard stories of people being "spaced" or just plainly shot on sight for doing something their boss found irritating. Especially of the highest of the higher ups himself. Handsome Jack. You'd never actually met the man, and doubted you ever would. He didn't come to, or contact, your department himself. If something had somehow made its way to him knowing about it, a usually very scared person or robot would make the request for it to be immediately fixed. Luckily, he rarely knew about technical problems before they were quickly rectified.

You'd seen the posters, screens, and various other things with his face on them - heard his voice many times over speakers, and had grown to know more about him through stories. He wasn't a man to be crossed. Mr. Hooper had talked about him from time to time. Of the times he'd met him. Usually to hack into something or change something around that Jack couldn't be bothered with doing himself. As everyone in this department knew, Jack had been a skilled code man himself. However, he rarely seemed to use those skills now, at least from your perspective. Maybe he was just too busy. You don't know how much he actually still played around with hacking and the likes, and didn't really think about it much.

For you at the present time, life was going well. You enjoyed your job and the immediate people you worked with. You were content with your little apartment, and with visiting the gym fairly often and having a decent diet - you were pleased with your body and health. You're considered pretty short and your body type would best be described as petite/hourglass. The only trait you had that sometimes annoyed you, was your drive to constantly try to be or show you could be better. However, once hitting the position you were in now, that was a bit more challenging to do. As you didn't plan on killing your boss to take his job, and didn't plan on leaving your department. You usually ended up taking on multiple requests and having them done quickly and perfectly. A habit of yours that Mr. Hooper rather liked, and it helped with your desire to show off your skills in a moderate way.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now