Ch 6: An Invitation

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About 2 Weeks Later.

The last two weeks had gone rather well. Tediore had finally admitted they couldn't pull themselves out of the lawsuit, and agreed to Jack's proposal. He now owned their entire gun line. He planned on having Hyperion's R&D team make some safer changes to the "Exploding-Reload-Action" so that this legal issue didn't reappear in the future. Tediore's CEO seemed compliant with working with Jack. You had wondered if it was just because he was at least alive and able to keep his position. Jack had allowed him to remain the CEO of the of the company, but in the end - whatever Jack says about any present or future firearm, goes. Honestly, Jack didn't want to have to deal with the rest of the smaller company's problems, therefore, leaving them to the current President & board - and away from tarnishing his own name.
Because of the Tediore deal going in his favor, Jack had been in a consistently pretty good mood. He had also not mentioned the kiss, and everything seemed the same between the two of you.

Well, sort of. You had begun to notice that hiding your growing feelings for him was rather difficult when near him. You had caught yourself smiling with him more, becoming lost in him while sitting in on the meetings he held, smelling his cologne when he was near or walked passed your desk - probably talking in too deep of an inhale, and feeling that small flutter in your chest when he would say something flirtatious to you. You held your ground, though. Not allowing your inner thoughts to be given away. You couldn't let him know that he had changed your mind about him so easily, and after only a few months.
So, you would admire from a distance, and hope he didn't catch on. Plus, you were a tiny bit afraid of your growing feelings. Handsome Jack is a man to be feared - and he is, by most - but for some reason, you weren't as afraid of him as you probably should be.


Today was the beginning of a new week. A new chance for anything to happen. Fresh plans, tasks, and opportunities lied in the days ahead. You were curious to see what Jack would come up with this time.

While getting ready for your day, you began thinking back on your weekend. During your two days off, you had spent time with Emily. She had finally gotten you to admit to having feelings for Jack, and surprisingly, she didn't rub it in your face. After learning of the two small-ish kisses - she did raise the stakes of her ongoing bet. The thought of this made you chuckle as you brushed your teeth. She wasn't going to win, Jack didn't see you as more than another of his attractive secretaries, that was obvious.


You got into your office, and sat your things down behind your desk. A little blinking light indicated that you had a private message on your desk's ECHO. You decided you would check it before taking Jack his coffee. It wasn't often that private messages were sent directly to your work desk. Any requests, whether for you or for Jack, were always sent though your new work line. A line that was accessible by both you, and him. Granted, you knew that if Jack wanted inside of your private messages - he could easily do it.


Dear Hyperion Employee,
If you're receiving this exclusive missive, you are held in a high enough regard, and/or position to be invited to this years annual Helios & Hyperion hosted event.

Lucky you.

~A Ball For Them All~
An annual party for the competing companies to mingle, and see how far superior, we here at Hyperion are.

If planning on attending,
Please follow instructions in the attached file below.

An invitation to the years biggest event? You had heard of this party every year, and marveled at the pictures that had been taken at them. The dresses, the food, the decorations! It was quite the lavish party.
"They must have sent it to the wrong ECHO..." You mumbled to yourself before letting out a sigh.

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now