Ch 3 : And So It Starts

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You walked around your desk, and sat down in the large chair. It was quite comfortable and felt new. It probably was new, since the most recent assistant had been a robot after all. You pulled up the desks echo and began downloading your profile to it. It didn't take very long.

You had a couple messages that you hadn't seen yet from Emily and Mr. Hooper wishing you a pleasant first day. Your personal and work echo profiles were different, and Mr. Hooper never messaged your personal one. You responded back to his and sent Emily a message letting her know that you didn't somehow die during the fast travel process - like she had asked you to do. You immediately got a smiley face back from her.
You looked around the room, and stared at the fountain for a couple minutes, watching the water continuously fall. You turned your chair around and noticed the window again. You walked over to it and peered out. You could see a sliver of Elpis from this angle. It actually looked kind of pretty from here. Nothing like the view from Jack's office, but still a nice view. With that thought, he popped back up in your mind. "Is he in his office still?" He hadn't given you anything to do once you were due back from lunch.
For a little over an hour you sat at your desk wondering if you should try and ask him about your next task. You didn't want to knock on his door and disturb him, or knock and get no reply if he wasn't in. Calling his ECHO would also disturb him... Eventually you settled on sending a short message.

Sorry for the disturbance, Sir.
I was just wondering if there was something you needed or wanted me to do.
-(Y/n), your new secretary.

You waited for a moment or two with no reply. After a few more minutes your ECHO dinged with a new message. You felt your heart skip a little.

Well hello, Cupcake. Messaging me directly, huh? Look at you being brave again. How long did you wait before messaging me? I'm kidding, you don't have to answer that. I'm in a meeting with some other companies' reps right now, but I'll be back soon. There is something you can do to entertain me during my meeting though. Consider it a small test of your abilities. I want to see if you can hack into my ECHO. You have....hmm... 2 minutes.
- Your super handsome boss

Your eyes widened. 2 minutes?! You began tapping away at your personal ECHO. You preferred it over the company ones for quick hacking. You had to do this! To show him you were more than a shy, clumsy Pandoran. After a minute and a half you were nearly through his echo's firewall and password. And done! You turned on his echo's microphone and could hear the meeting going on. A man's voice you didn't recognize was taking in the background. You brought up Jack's notepad and began typing, knowing that it would pop up in front of him as if he was the one using it.

>I don't need 2 minutes.

You heard Jack burst into laughter. The man that was talking stopped. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Jack spoke holding back laughter. "This has been just super enlightening and all, but I'm going to go ahead and leave to it..."

Another voice spoke up. "Jack, you can't just leave! Were in the middle of a meeting!"

You heard the click of a gun being cocked. It was definitely a distinct noise. "Listen Champ, I own this entire company. I own your sorry ass. I'm Handsome Goddamn Jack. Don't forget who you're talking to. You want to continue the meeting without me? Be my guest." After a couple of seconds the microphone shut off, and you were instantly booted from his echo - a small feat in itself. Maybe Jack did know his way around the inner workings of operating systems.
You smiled to yourself, proud that you passed your small test. The fast travel station whirred to life, and bright blue pixels began to form your new boss. Once fully rendered, he walked over to your desk. "Well done, Cupcake...I didn't think you'd get it in 2, let alone less time. The microphone was a nice touch." He winked at you before continuing. "How long can you trespass in a system before someone notices you? Ever clocked yourself?"

Dreams Don't Always Go To Plan (Handsome Jack x Reader) (NEW & REVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now