Ch 11: Unexpected Guest

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Jack clicked out of the call, and put his hands down on his desk - dropping his head down with another sigh. He pushed off of it, and turned back to you.
He then leaned against the desk's edge, crossing his arms against his chest.

"You know, you were just supposed to be my assistant. Some old woman or some nerdy loser that I would have zero interest in at all." He paused for a moment, just looking at you. You couldn't help but smirk a little. He let out a quick exhale through his nose as he smirked and shook his head. "But no... I get a gorgeous young woman that I can't keep my hands off of. Except, for when I get called away to a friggin' meeting." He huffed, and stood from his leaning position. "I don't know how long this will take, and I might kill the guy for can go ahead and go home. Days almost over anyway. I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart." He turned and walked to the doors, leaving his office. You could tell he was trying to calm down as he walked away. Either from being aroused or annoyed at the interruption - you weren't quite sure, maybe both.

You glanced back out at the glowing moon. You couldn't help but smile to yourself recalling Jack's actions since he'd been back today.
He definitely seemed jealous of your new closeness to Timothy. Honestly, you felt almost no attraction to the body double. He was handsome and funny, but you could already tell you'd prefer to have him as a friend. There wasn't attraction there like there was with the real Jack.
And his own words '..I can't keep my hands off..' brought a bigger smile to your face. Sure, they probably weren't deep feelings for you, but he admitted to wanting you - and he obviously didn't want your first time together to be the only time. His actions against the window proved that.

You went home for the day and called Emily to come over once you knew she was home for the day as well. You explained everything from Timothy to your little make out session against the window. She seemed equally happy that Jack was still interested in you, and rather intrigued by the mysterious body double. Of course, she promised to keep him a secret.
Eventually, Emily left for the night, and you finished your usual routine before heading to bed. You drifted effortlessly off to sleep.

8:02AM - Jack's Office (Next Day)

You walked through the doors of Jack's office, and up to his desk. He was already on a video call with someone. He glanced up, and lightly smiled at you as you set his cup of coffee down. His eyes met yours, and lingered there. You helplessly smiled back, looking into his enchanting eyes. You could hear the man on the other end of the call talking, but honestly hadn't caught a word of what he was saying.

"Jack? Are you even listening?" The man interrupted his own sentence, obviously noticing Jack looking away at something beyond the view of the video call.

Jack eyes snapped away from yours and back to his computer.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm listening. Continue."

The man continued his conversation. You motioned behind you, asking Jack if he wanted you to leave. He shook his head. You sat down in the chair opposite his desk, and sipped on your coffee as you scrolled through technical requests on your ECHO.

You didn't pay too much mind to the conversation - you could tell it was an older man, taking about working with Jack instead of constantly bashing heads. You kept your eyes on your ECHO as to not overly seem like you were eavesdropping. After several minutes of back and forth conversation, Jack insisted that he needed to go and clicked out of the call.
You closed out of your ECHO, and looked up at him. He picked up his coffee, and took a drink. It was probably cool enough now.
"Did ya get all that?" He motioned to the now closed call.

"I wasn't really listening.." you admitted with a small smile. Surprisingly being honest this time. You did have a knack for overhearing company conversations.

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