Ch 14 :Unmasked

398 13 4

9:36 AM - Jack's Bedroom-Helios

Your ECHOband dinged, notifying you of a new message.
Your eyes slowly peeled open to see the room was still mostly dark. The fish tank light was bright again, and you could see lights on, on the other side. You glanced over to see that you were alone.
Adjusting your eyes to the bright holo-screen of your ECHOband, you saw that the message was from Emily. She'd sent a text, letting you know that her night had gone well, and that she'd got home safely. You decided to message her back later.
You slid out of the large, very comfortable bed. You couldn't recall the last time you had slept so well. You looked at your clothes on the floor. You didn't really want to put the previous day's underwear back on, and your shirt was too small to cover your lower half.
The door to Jack's room began to open, causing you to instinctually put your shirt against your body to cover as much as you could. You weren't really sure why - who else would be walking around in Jack's apartment? Jack stepped in and smirked, raising an eyebrow to your concealing attempt. "Would you like a bigger shirt to wear?" He chucked, walking over to a panel in his wall, and pushing a button next to it.
The panel slid into the wall, revealing a nicely sized closet. Very well organized at that. He pulled a yellow Hyperion T-shirt out, and handed it to you, still smirking.
You let your shirt drop and went to take the one in his hand. He pulled it back. "Although, you could just stay naked." He winked, giving you a gorgeous smile.

You smiled , plucking the shirt from his hand.
"Haven't you seen me being naked enough?"

"Never" his eyes dipped down to admire before returning to yours.

"This will do, thanks" you smiled, and slid the shirt over your head. It was baggy on you, coming to a length at the tops of your thighs.

Jack eyed you - still smiling.
"Ya know, since I own Hyperion, and you're wearing my shirt, with my company name on it...does that mean you're mine too?" His canines showed as he smiled.

You could feel your cheeks burning, not being able to hold back your smile.
"I already told you that I'm all yours... If you want me."

"Oh, I do. Just making sure, Sweetheart" he pulled you against him, his hand on your lower back, the other tilting your head up to him. He leaned down to kiss you, as you held your finger up against his lips. He stopped, raising his brow.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet." You said matter-a-factly.

He rolled his eyes and let go of your chin. "Fiiiine. I'll wait." His tone playful.

You smiled up at him. "You took your mask off last night.."

He looked at you with a raised brow. "Mhmm...I don't usually sleep in it."

"Aren't you worried that I may have looked while you slept?" you questioned, with a small smile.

His lips curved into a smirk, as he let out a chuckle. "Nope."

"Why not..?" You asked.

"I doubt you would've stayed if you had."

Your brows furrowed. "Why?"

"Because I know what's under there."

"Maybe you're wrong. You never know." You smiled up him.

He scoffed, chuckling again, and letting you go as he sat down on the end of the bed, leaning back so that his arms could prop him up. "Think so, huh?" You nodded. "Alright, Pumpkin. Look for yourself."

You narrowed your eyes at him. Unsure if he was being serious or not. "Really? You're not going to like...kill me after this, are you? No one can ever see and live, type thing?"

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