Ch 29: Rain

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It was definitely quieter with Rhys being gone. He'd messaged to let you know he'd made it to the meeting spot, but that was the last you'd heard in a couple days. He didn't really have that great of signal that far out anyway. You figured that was a main factor in why you hadn't heard anything else.

You decided to keep busy by continuing to scan over everything in the Atlas database. Things just weren't moving along as smoothly as you'd hoped they would. Without a proper production facility, you couldn't make the prototypes and things you needed to wow over investors, and without the investors - there wasn't a steady income. Not enough money, meant things were almost at a stand still right now.

It'd been a little over half a year that you'd been staying here with Rhys. Trying to get Atlas back on its feet. With the two prototypes you'd already gotten backed, things had started to look up. However, those things had now leveled out. The other old Atlas production facilities on Pandora were all ransacked, and taken over by bandits years ago. There'd be no trying to move into one of those, and unfortunately, this facility had mainly been built for the Gortys Project. Not weapon manufacturing.

You and Rhys had been delving into research about old Atlas buildings. That's how you came to find out that none would be even close to easy to get control of. Sure, if you had an army to take the bandits out, and then another entire different type of crew to fix the place up and clean literally everything that had bandit blood or other bodily fluids on it from years of them inhabiting it. Even if you wanted to do that, you couldn't afford it yet. So basically, a no go on finding a better place.

A part of you kept hoping that if Fiona had contacted Rhys to help open the vault - that whatever he found in there (if he didn't die) was valuable enough to help with rebuilding Atlas in a considerable way. Granted, you weren't leaning on that idea much.

Why would a con-artist invite someone else along to share the riches of a vault? Unless....unless she needed him to help open it, but planned on killing him when she didn't need him anymore...

You shook that thought from your mind. From what Rhys had told you about the sisters, they didn't seem like the killing type. Hell, they seemed quite amateur in your eyes...for con-artists. Then again, living on Helios for so many years may have raised your bar for con-artistry.

It had been a long night. You'd stayed up, scrolling and sifting through the database for hours. Writing down little notes, sketching out some ideas, and taking extra notes on flaws in some of the ideas you'd found.

Basically, you'd begun to catch yourself worrying. It had been three days since you'd heard from Rhys. So, scrolling through page after page of code, blueprints, documents, and plans - had become something to keep your mind busy.

You'd decided to finally call it a night, or really weren't sure anymore with living underground and such. Either way, you'd been up for far too long, and your eyes were burning and begging for you to rest them. You slipped into bed after a quick shower. Lying there for a bit, just staring up at the ceiling. Your eyes were growing heavier by the second - finally closing and letting you drift off.

You sat at a long metal table. The yellow H! emblem of Hyperion painted on under the glass that sat atop it. Several chairs sat pushed in around the table. You glanced down to see some papers laid out in front of you. You'd been writing something, but as of now - your pen was just being lazily held in your hand as if you'd drifted off in thought. You didn't even know what you'd been writing.

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