Ch 19: Life Continues

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You awoke to see that Jack was already out of bed. Your dreams had plagued you with the faces of the Vault Hunters, so you were actually rather glad to see that it was morning.
You wobbled your half asleep legs into the living room. Jack was no where to be seen. You then remembered that he was probably in his office. This was the first time in nearly a year that you wouldn't be working.
You looked down at your ECHOband. Sure enough, it was blinking, indicating an unread message. Two actually. One from Emily, and one from Jack.

Emily's demanded that you call her.
Jack's told you to stay at his place and that he'd see you in a few hours.

Easy enough, although it brought on an odd feeling, not being at work. You didn't want people asking or noticing your busted lip or bruised face though, and you definitely didn't want people to think that Jack had been the one to cause them.
You sent Emily a message, asking if now was a good time. As usual, you nearly immediately got a reply. You figured being at the greeting desk was only busy as long as new people were flowing in.

You tapped on her name, opening a call.
Apparently, she had been trying to get ahold of you. Much to her surprise and worry, you let her know what had happened the previous day. Sparing some details. This didn't seem to calm her down any, and she demanded that you stay away from Pandora. You of course, said that you would...but you weren't quite sure if that was the truth or not.


The rest of the day went by much slower than usual. You settled on taking a shower and putting on some clean clothes that you had kept at Jack's. You decided to log into your work account and work on some little tasks to pass time.
Finally, Jack returned for the night. He seemed to be in a good mood.

He walked over, leaned down and gave you a long kiss.
"You seem...happy?" You asked, arching your brow.

"Oh, I am Baby. Set up a little trap for our Vault Hunters. Now all we do is wait." He smirked back, sitting in the chair opposite of you.

"A trap?"

"Yep! Have it set up to look like Hyperions doing somethin' out in the Tundra. They're bound to go check it out, and once they do-" he smiled, motioning finger guns shooting.
You chuckled at his animations. You were definitely curious to see if this little trap would work.

As the two of you sat and talked - Jack informed you of the people who had taken you, and the little town you were taken to. Overlook. He was actually a bit surprised to see that they had taken you there instead of Sanctuary. The latter being far better protected.

A couple weeks went by. You were thankfully able to go back to work after the first one. Staying away had been far too boring. Granted, Jack had surprised you a couple times during the week by coming home early, and breaking the monotony of the day with some fun activities.

"It worked!" Jack laughed, spinning around in his chair. "I knew they'd go check it out! Friggin' bandits!"
You arched your brow, waiting for him to explain. "My trap? They fell for it! Nabbed Modecai's little birdie too." His expression was amusingly devious.
Since being back from Pandora - Jack had told you a little more about the Vault Hunters. Enlightening you on who the 'one with the bird' was.

"What are you going to do with it?" You asked, sitting on the edge of Jack's desk.

"Oh, I've got some eridium experiments going on her. She's gonna be way more badass. And the best part? She'll answer to me now."

"You're going to turn her against them?" You asked, watching his smile curve up even more.

He nodded back. "You really want to get to someone? Don't just attack them, it doesn't mean anything then. No. Go after something they care about, take it from them and have it betray them. You wanna destroy a man, you don't need to kill him. You just need to kill what he loves."

You had a small feeling he wasn't just referring to the bird - but you couldn't deny that it was a solid strategy.

A Few Days Later

You sat on the corner of Jack's desk listening to him roar with laughter as the vault hunters fought the now enlarged, and elemental Bloodwing.
"Just give it up, Kiddo. Bloodwing's got ALL the elements at her disposal! Slag! Fire! Electricity! Corrosion! And...and, uh...damn, I forgot the last one. What was it, again?"
You eyed the screen displaying the fight, a small smirk rising on your lips. You knew Jack hadn't forgotten what the last one was. It was just all part of his show. A rather amusing one at that. You did feel a little bad for the bird, but Jack had explained that with all of the eridium, she couldn't really feel any pain anymore.
The fight didn't last too long before the bird was finally brought down with a tranquillizer.
"Oh, now I remember! EXPLOSIIIIIIVE!" You knew what that meant. Turning your eyes away, you watched the floor instead. It wasn't really something you wanted to see.
Jack laughed on and taunted the Vault Hunters. You decided to go back to your desk, and work to finish up some things.

Things had seemed to get worse with the Vault Hunters after Bloodwing's death. It seemed like each new week, they were attacking something new, or getting closer to their goal. Sure, Jack would give them several setbacks - but Angel had told them just about everything they needed to know before she had died. Eventually, after several of those setbacks, it seemed like they were holding back for awhile. Months went by without any large scale attack or big leap forward. It wasn't comforting though, they had to be planning things.

With the Crimson Raiders/Vault hunters being quieter the past few months, things had grown a little less tense. Normal activity with Jack took over again, except, he didn't bring you down to Pandora with him anymore. Not that he went as often as the two of you had - it was just business visits now.
You still ate lunch with Emily nearly everyday, attended meetings here and there, hacked into other companies to spy a little, and just generally went back to how things were before the Crimson Raiders had caused so much trouble all at once.

Life with Jack continued to go well. Every now and then you'd be surprised with little gifts. Flowers for your desk, lingerie, etc. However, the one you loved the most was a small eridium pendant, you wore on a dainty chain around your neck.
In the back of your mind - you were always a bit surprised that Jack never tired of you. He still looked at you with the same devious smirk and lustful eyes, every time you'd hop up on his desk - causing your skirt to rise up your thighs a little. Sex had never gotten uninteresting with him. Each time was fun and fantastic. No matter where the moment arose. His desk, your desk, the boardroom, any room at his place, etc. You had never been so wild in your life, but you loved it. Being with Jack the last year+ had brought so much enjoyment to your boring life.

You had never felt bored before, it wasn't like you were begging for something to come along and change it - but there he was. The man you didn't even like, the one you feared to ever meet - now gave you butterflies and tingles with every kiss or wink. His scent intoxicated you, and his touch melted you. Watching him exert his power thrilled you, and you couldn't deny that you were completely hooked on Handsome Jack. You'd never tell him that you loved him though...
Part of you was still afraid that would change things - and not for the better.

People around Helios began to know your name and face. You'd begun to notice their eyes widen as you walked by. You were Jack's assistant, and with that title came a small bit of power, all its own. You rather liked being recognized, something you hadn't expected. You had always stayed quiet and in the shadows - but it felt good to be known.
It had gotten out why Jack had initially picked you to be his assistant. Since your skills were good enough for The Handsome Jack, other people wanted to see if you could solve their problems too. You began getting more and more tech requests. Some, more difficult than your usual. Some that paid a hefty amount. Jack didn't mind, he hardly ever had actual work for you to do anyway, and when he did - you usually finished it pretty quickly.

Life was going better than it ever had. You couldn't wait to see where it would lead next.

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